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Explore the fascinating journey of the universe's expansion, from the surprise discovery of dark energy in 1998 to the threefold evidence supporting its existence. Learn about the cosmic microwave background radiation, supernova data, and the content of the universe.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Conclusion

  2. Back to: Expansion of the Universe • Either it grows forever • Or it comes to a standstill • Or it falls back and collapses (“Big crunch”) • In any case: Expansion slows down! Surprise of the year 1998 (Birthday of Dark Energy): All wrong! It accelerates!

  3. Enter: The Cosmological Constant • Usually denoted 0, it represents a uniform pressure which either helps or slows down the expansion (depending on its sign) • Physical origin of 0is unclear • Einstein’s biggest blunder – or not ! • Appears to be small but not quite zero! • Particle Physics’ biggest failure

  4. Triple evidence for Dark Energy • Supernova data • Large scale structure of the cosmos • Microwave background

  5. Microwave Background:Signal from the Big Bang • Heat from the Big Bang should still be around, although red-shifted by the subsequent expansion • Predicted to be a blackbody spectrum with a characteristic temperature of 2.725 Kelvin by George Gamow (1948) Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB)

  6. Discovery of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB) • Penzias and Wilson (1964) • Tried to “debug” their horn antenna • Couldn’t get rid of “background noise”  Signal from Big Bang • Very, very isotropic (1 part in 100,000)

  7. CMB: Here’s how it looks like! Peak as expected from 3 Kelvin warm object Shape as expected from black body

  8. CMB measurements improve

  9. Latest Results: PLANCK • Measure fluctuations in microwave background • Expect typical size of fluctuation of ½ degree if universe is flat • Result: Universe is flat !

  10. Experiment and Theory Expect “accoustic peak” at l=200  There it is!

  11. Supernova Data • Type Ia Supernovae are standard candles • Can calculate distance from brightness • Can measure redshift • General relativity gives us distance as a function of redshift for a given universe • Supernovae are further away than expected for any decelerating (“standard”) universe

  12. Pie in the Sky: Content of the Universe 5% We know almost everything about almost nothing! Dark Energy Dark Matter SM Matter 23% 72%

  13. Properties of Dark Energy • Should be able to explain acceleration of cosmic expansion  acts like a negative pressure • Must not mess up structure formation or nucleosynthesis • Does not dilute as the universe expands  will be different % of content of universe as time goes by

  14. Threefold Evidence Three independent measurements agree: • Universe is flat • 28 % Matter • 72 % dark energy

  15. History of the Universe: Hot & small  cold & big before 10-43 s ?????? (“Planck Era”) 10-43 s T=1032 K gravity splits from other forces 10-43 to 10-35 s Grand Unification era 10-35 s T=1028 K Strong force splits from others. Epoch of inflation? 10-35 s to 10-10 s “Electroweak era” 10-10 s T=1015 KElectromagnetic force splits from others 10-10 to 10-4 s “Quark era” 10-4 s T=1013 K Quarks combine to form protons and neutrons 10-4 to 500,000 years Radiation era 180 s (3 minutes) T=109 K Protons and neutrons combine to form nuclei (mainly Helium, deuterium) 500,000 years T=3,000 K Nuclei and electrons combine to form atoms – Decoupling 500,000 years to present Matter era

  16. History of the universe

  17. Thus ends the story of the doubly expanding universe for now… • Thanks for your attention, patience, persistence, and interest!

  18. Final Exam • Comprehensive • Most questions from Ch. 15-18, some from Ch. 4-14, few from Ch. E-2 (What we did not cover of some of these chapters or sections will NOT be on the exam) • Multiple choice plus some short answer questions • Please study: • Midterm exams (available on homepage) • Homework • Activities • Textbook • Powerpoint slides

  19. Daily Rising and Setting Due to the rotation of the Earth around its axis Period of rotation: 1 siderial day= 23h56m4.1s 1 solar day (Noon to Noon) =24h Stars rotate around the North Star – Polaris Why are these different?

  20. Daily and yearly motion intertwined Solar vs Siderial Day • Earth rotates in 23h56m • also rotates around sun  needs 4 min. to “catch up” Consequence: stars rise 4 minutes earlier each night (or two hours per month, or 12 hours in ½ year) After 1/2 year we see a completely different sky at night!

  21. Figure 2 shows a horizon view of what you would see when facing south at midnight on the night of December 1 in the northern hemisphere. How would this view change if you were to look towards south at midnight a month earlier? a. You would have the same view as on December 1 because it still is autumn. b. Aries would have been in the South because the stars rise earlier in the East every day. c. Cancer would be in the South because the seasons were closer to summer. d. Gemini would have been highest in the South because the stars set earlier in the West.

  22. Consider Figure 2 again. How would this view change if you were to look towards south at 2am, i.e. two hours later? a. You would have the same view since the Earth barely moves around the Sun in two hours. b. Aries would be in the South because the stars shift by one constellation. c. Pisces would be in the South because the stars shift a constellation per hour. d. Gemini would be highest in the South because the Earth rotates 30 degrees in 2 hours.

  23. On December 1, at noon, you are looking toward the south and see the Sun among the stars of the constellation Scorpius as shown in Figure 1. At 4 PM that afternoon, where will the Sun be with respect to the stars shown in this diagram? • in the constellation Sagittarius • in the constellation Scorpius • in the constellation Libra • west (right) of Libra

  24. Math c = λ f E= hf T λ = 0.0029 m K P = A σ T4 B = L/ (4πd2) d = 1/p F = G mM/d2

  25. As the wavelength of EM increases… • … the frequency increases • … the energy decreases • … the intensity increases • None of the above

  26. Two stars have the same chemical composition, spectral type, and luminosity class, but one is 5 light years from the Earth and the other is 50 light years from the Earth. The farther star appears to be … a) 100 times fainter. b) 10,000 times fainter.c) the same brightness since the stars are identical. d) None of the above

  27. Two stars have the same chemical composition, spectral type, and luminosity class, but one is 2000 light years from the Earth and the other is 20 light years from the Earth. The farther star appears to be … a) 100 times fainter. b) 10,000 times fainter.c) the same brightness since the stars are identical. d) None of the above

  28. Two stars have the same radius, but one has two times the temperature of the other star. How much brighter is the hotter star? 4 times 16 times 64 times None of the above

  29. Two stars have the same radius, but one has four times the temperature of the other star. How much brighter is the hotter star? 4 times 16 times 64 times None of the above

  30. Two stars have the same temperature, but one has four times the radius of the other star. How much brighter is the bigger star? 4 times 16 times 64 times None of the above

  31. Two stars have the same temperature, but one has four times the radius of the other star. How much larger is the peak wavelength of the bigger star? 2 times 4 times 16 times None of the above

  32. If the moon would be twice as far away, the force of gravity exerted by it on the Earth would … Increase 2x Decrease 4x Be the same (Newton III) None of the above

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