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PCMI. PCMI. Acronyms. PCMI – your institute. Park City Mathematics Institute. Where Acronyms Thrive!. IAS. IAS – our sponsor. NOT StudIES In Princeton, NJ but NOT part of Princeton University Catherine works for IAS The Steering Committee meets there.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PCMI

  2. PCMI Acronyms

  3. PCMI – your institute • Park City Mathematics Institute Where Acronyms Thrive!

  4. IAS

  5. IAS – our sponsor NOT StudIES In Princeton, NJ but NOT part of Princeton University Catherine works for IAS The Steering Committee meets there

  6. This gentleman was at IAS but never made it to PCMI.

  7. NSF

  8. NSF – our major funder • National Science Foundation Thanks also to other government sources, private funders, states and others.

  9. MSP

  10. MSP – from the NSF • Math Science Partnership The MSP program is a large, national program of grants to partnerships of schools and higher education for improving schools.

  11. SSTP

  12. SSTP – your program • Secondary School Teacher Program

  13. HSTP

  14. HSTP – former name of SSTP • High School Teacher Program This name is history, but you will still see it around some.


  16. Some of the other programs • Homework: Find out who and what they are.

  17. PD3

  18. PD3 – our PCMI MSP, part of SSTP • PD = professional development 3 SSTP Principles 3 partner districts - nearly 1/3 of us here 3 makes a nice pun

  19. PDO Group

  20. PDO Groups – part of SSTP - the local orgs • Professional Development and Outreach Groups Partnership of Teachers with University Math for Professional Development and Outreach


  22. PDOs can have acronyms too! • LAPDOG = Los Angeles PDO Group • NWMI = Northwest Math Interaction

  23. Other PDOs IncludeNM StateNorthern NJSJS or Bay AreaU of M

  24. Onward and Upward! • Today we unveil Two New Acronyms that have been minted for 2006.

  25. DIPD • Program for Designing and Implementing Professional Development • It just rolls off the tongue! But even though DIPD is just here for a week, Catherine really should not dub us DIPs.

  26. TPC • TPC is another big NSF program of grants. The letters stand for Teachers Professional Continuum. • We have a new TPC grant jointly with EDC. You should cherish and support it. If you are not in PD3, it is probably paying for you. • Our TPC’s name is Mathematics for Teaching: A Problem-Based Resource for Teaching. Should we call it TPC or MFT or ... MFTPBRT? • Come back in 2007 and find out!

  27. Assessment(AKA The Test) • 1: Show with words, tables or graphs the relationship among at least four PCMI acronyms. • 2: Use 3 or more PCMI acronyms in a single sentence. • 3: Work in your groups to design a card for a game called PCMI Acronym Bingo. • 4: What is EDC? (Ask Bowen.) • 5: What does LSMFT stand for?

  28. An Answer to Question 1 PCMI SSTP TPC PD3 PDOs

  29. HGTW! • Have a Great Three Weeks!

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