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Chapter 26. An Age of Democracy and Progress 1815 - 1914. The working and middle class, along with women want a voice in government. More people becoming educated and have money. Mostly the middle class. Industrial Revolution.
Chapter 26 An Age of Democracy and Progress 1815 - 1914
The working and middle class, along with women want a voice in government. • More people becoming educated and have money. Mostly the middle class. Industrial Revolution
1600s (17th century) – Magna Carta and a constitutional monarchy • People no longer believed in divine right • Parliament consists of a House of Lords and a House of Commons • House of Lords usually inherited their position. House of Commons the British people voted. • Voting was limited to men who owned a large amount of land – 5% Britain Evolves
The middle class demanded respect and a vote • Upper middle class – factory owners, bankers, and merchants • Suffrage – the right to vote • The American and French Revolution scared leaders of Parliament The Reform Bill of 1832
Lessened the property requirements and enabled wealthy MEN. • Redistricted the new industrial cities • ^ This is called gerrymandering • Still only allowed a small percentage of the population to vote – diagram on pg 748 The Reform Bill of 1832
Wanted the vote for all people (MEN), a secret ballot, and new Parliament requirements • Nothing passed but by WWI, they received most everything • Put the idea in people’s heads Chartist Movement
Under Queen Victoria • Many democratic movements began and power shifted to Parliament • Wealth and power • How does this relate to today? The Victorian Age
Many people thought that women should not participate in politics, including women • Emmeline Pankhurst and the Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU) – read Primary Source on pg 749 • Christabel and Sylvia • WWI Women’s Suffrage
The Third Republic – France’s government and movement towards democracy France and the Third Republic
Anti-Semitism – negative prejudice against Jews • The Dreyfus Affair – army scandal accusing of a Jewish officer selling information to Germany • J’accuse! – a letter published by Emile Zola denouncing the French army for coving up the scandal Anti-Semitism
Persecution of Jews in Russia • POGROMS – permitted organized campaigns of violence against Jews • Zionism – a movement that started in the late 19th century that wanted to form a Jewish state in Palestine to flee exile and persecution and live together • Israel was established in 1948. Anti-Semitic feelings
Britain took control of Canada from the French after the French and Indian War in 1763 • Many colonists moved there, but primarily French-speaking fur traders – Quebec • Lord Durham – was sent to investigate what needed to happen between the Roman Catholic French and the Protestant English in Canada – wanted to unite Canada
He wanted a united Canada so that the French would assimilate to English culture • He also thought that they should govern themselves (Home Rule) • The dominion of Canada – self governing territory part of the British Empire • Read History in Depth on pg 752 Canada
James Cook claimed New Zealand and Australia in 1770 for GB • Maori – Polynesian natives from New Zealand • Aborigines – native people from Australia • Story pg 223 Australia and New Zealand
Penal colony: place where convicts were sent to serve their sentence • After their release, freed convicts could buy land and settle • English settlers came when they found out it was good for sheep grazing and Gold Rush in 1851. • Video Britain's Penal Colony: Australia
Although it was still under the British Empire, Britain recognized the Maori • The Maori accepted British rule in exchange for recognition of their land rights in 1840 New Zealand
Australian Ballot in the 1850s • New Zealand gave full voting rights to women in 1893 • Disease and tensions Political reforms
1829 – Catholic Emancipation Act and Daniel O’Connell • Read about the Irish potato famine on pg 754 • Home rule- local control over internal matters only Irish Home Rule
Northern Ireland • Britain afraid of invasion (like Scots) and afraid for Protestants. Ulster
Ulster did not want Home Rule because they were Protestant • 1914 – southern home rule only • WWI • Irish Republican Army (IRA) – unofficial military force seeking independence for Ireland – Read Connect to Today pg 755 Irish Home Rule
1834 – Britain opened China to trade • Opium Wars – wars with China over trading disputes • “The White Man’s Burden” on India and Africa • WS Reading More Colonies
Many colonies throughout Africa • South Africa and the Boers – South African of European descent • Boer War – war between the British and South Africans over land Africa
From the Atlantic to the Pacific • This originally included Canada and some of Mexico Manifest Destiny
Any Native Americans living in the east to move west – Oklahoma • The journey was called the Trail of Tears - 758 Indian Removal Act of 1830
“fifty-four forty or fight” • Added Texas • The Alamo – ten years earlier (1836) • Many important generals in the Civil War were officers during the M-A War Mexican-American War - 1848
Manifest Destiny • Indian Removal Act 1830 • Trail of Tears • “fifty-four forty or fight” – “54’40 or fight!” • Abraham Lincoln • Secede • Emancipation Proclamation • Segregation Words you must use for TOP TEN RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT
Inventions – electricity, light bulb, telegraph, telephone, automobile, planes • You could get a Model T for about $500 in any color, as long as it was black Nineteenth Century Progress
Line of workers who each put a single piece on unfinished cars as they passed on a moving belt • Increase production, made it cheaper because it was faster • Paid his guys $5 a day, eventually they could buy their own • Roads needed to improve, Henry Ford • Video Assembly Line
Heat killed bacteria • Pasteurization in milk Louis Pasteur
Antiseptics used in hospitals • This is where I think Listerine got their name Joseph Lister
Naturalist who wrote On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection • Theory of Evolution – natural selection that the “Survival of the Fittest” Charles Darwin
Founded by Marie Curie – A powerful form of energy • This is deadly Radioactivity
The study of the human mind and behavior • Social Darwinism Psychology
The appeal of art, writing, music, and other forms of entertainment to a larger audience • Movies, baseball, football, Olympics • “The Roaring Twenties” Mass Culture