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Cells: Plant and Animal

Cells: Plant and Animal. What is the smallest part of this living thing?. Cells !. COMPARING CELLS. The size & shape of a cell relates to its function (job it does). CELLS. There are two kinds of cells: Animal & Plant

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Cells: Plant and Animal

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cells:Plant and Animal

  2. What is the smallest part of this living thing? Cells !

  3. COMPARING CELLS • The size & shape of a cell relates to its function(job it does).

  4. CELLS • There are two kinds of cells: Animal & Plant • Some organisms are unicellular (single-celled) and some organisms are multicellular (many cells). • All cells do three activities or things: 1. Bring materials into the cell. 2. Use the materials for life activities and processes. 3. Get rid of waste.

  5. Animal Cell

  6. Animal Cell Nucleus DNA Mitochondria Vacuole Cytoplasm Ribosomes

  7. NUCLEUS • Controls all cell activities • Contains the instructions for everything the cell does • These instructions are found on a material called DNA • Usually the largest organelle

  8. CELL MEMBRANE • Protective layer around ALL cells • Controls what enters and leaves the cell • For cells with a cell wall, the cell membrane is on the inside of the cell wall • Allows water, gases (O2 & CO2), and materials into the cell & waste materials out of the cell.

  9. CYTOPLASM • The cytoplasm is the gel-like substance that fills the entire cell. • This is where all cell activities take place. • Main ingredient: WATER

  10. MITOCHONDRIA • Inside a chemical reaction takes place to release energy for the cell to use. • This process is called CELLULAR RESPIRATION • Takes in O2 and sugar; Releases energy, CO2 and H2O • Energy is released by breaking down food • AKA the powerhouse b/c it releases energy from food.

  11. VACUOLES • Temporary storage spaces • Store water, material, & waste • Small sized in Animal Cells • Large sized in Plant Cells

  12. ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM • The ER transports materials around the cell. (like a conveyor belt) • Smooth ER – ribosomes not attached to ER • Rough ER – ribosomes attached to ER

  13. RIBOSOMES • Make proteins for the cell to use • Float freely or are attached to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) • Ribosomes are made in the nucleus

  14. Plant Cell

  15. Cell MembraneMitochondriaER (rough and smooth)RibosomesCytoplasmNucleus Plant cells have many of the same organelles that an animal cell does…plus a few more  _______________________

  16. CELL WALL • found outside the cell membrane • gives shape, structure, and support to organism – does what bones do for humans!

  17. CHLOROPLASTS • This is where photosynthesis takes place. • Contains chlorophyll, a green chemical, making the plant green. • Chlorophyll absorbs the sun’s energy to change carbon dioxide and water into sugar and oxygen. • CO2 + H2O = C6H12O6 (sugar) + O2

  18. VACUOLES • Does the exact same thing in plant cells that it does in animal cells…only MUCH BIGGER.

  19. All organisms need Carbon,but how do they get it?

  20. All organisms need Carbon to do their life activities • Plants absorb carbon out of the air • Animals get carbon when they eat plants or other animals • Animals release carbon into the air when they breath

  21. All organisms need Carbon to do their life activities • Bacteria and Fungi get carbon from waste and dead organisms and put it into the air • Anything burning also puts carbon back into the air for the plants to use and start the cycle all over again • This cycle is call the Carbon Cycle

  22. NAME THE ORGANELLE c. Ribosomes a. Nucleus c. d. Mitochondria b. Chloroplast

  23. 1- Nucleus 2- DNA 7- ER 3- Mitochondria 5- Chloroplasts 8- Cell Membrane 4- Ribosomes 6- Vacuoles

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