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Cost Calculations and Profit Analysis in Business Scenarios

Explore the concepts of cost calculation and profit analysis in shipping and bus company scenarios. Understand how to determine costs, profits, rules, and break-even points in various situations.

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Cost Calculations and Profit Analysis in Business Scenarios

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bell Work • A shipping company charges a fixed fee and an amount per kg of weight. • John ships a 5 kg package for $16.50 and Sarah ships a 10 kg package for $26.50. • How much will it cost you to ship a 15kg package using the same company?

  2. A bus company makes $45 in profit if 20 people are on the bus and $130 in profit if 30 people are on the bus. • What it the rule used to calculate the profit? • What does the initial value represent? • How many people need to be on the bus to break even?

  3. Answers pg 112-118

  4. Page 112 • 1a) constant b) partial c) other d) direct e) partial f) other 2a) partial b) direct c) other d) constant b) partial d) constant

  5. Page 113 • 3a) partial b) constant c) direct • d) other e) other f) partial 4a) constant b) direct c) other d) Partial 5a) y -2, 0, 2 b) y -1, 1, 3 c) y 3, 0, -3

  6. Page 114 and 115 • On overhead

  7. Page 116 • 8 a) 650 650 650 650 …. B) y = 650 C) 0 D) parallel to x axis E) constant • 9 b) Variables are proportional C) 45$ per person D) straight line that starts at the origin E) Direct F) [0, 40] called the domain b) [0, 1800] called the range G) it also increases

  8. Page 117 • 10 b) no • C) 1) 0.03 per page • 2) 5$ • 3) y = 0.03x + 5 • D) straight line that does not pass through the origin • E) Partial • F) [0, 400] domain 2) [5, 17] Range • G) it also increases • H) 175 pages 2) 223 pages

  9. Page 117 and 118 • 11a) 1. $75/chair 2. $-3000 3. y = 75 x – 3000 (x is the number of chairs and y is the net profit) b) 1. [0, 100] 2. [-3000, 4500] c) 1. [40, 100] 2. [0, 40[ d) it increases e) 40 chairs (set y equal to 0 and solve 0 = 75x – 3000) f) 48 chairs 2. 62 chairs (replace y with 600 and then 1650)

  10. Page 118 • 12 • A) -3600 per year • This is how much the value decreases per year • B) $24 000 • C) y = -3600 + 24 000 (y is the value, x is the number of years) • D) 9600 (replace x with 4) • E) 2.5 years 2. 6 years (replace y with these amounts) • F) after 6 years and 8 months (set y = 0 and solve 6.6666 6 and 2/3  6 years and 8 months) • G) 1. [0, 6 and 2/3] 2. [0, 24 000] • H) it decreases • i) straight line the crosses the y axis at 24000 and the x axis at 6 and 2/3.

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