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ELA February 19. 2014. ELA Materials: paper, pen, sourcebook Homework: Read independently Agenda Note: Introduction to nonfiction novel Chew On This. Think-Write-Share
ELA February 19. 2014 ELA Materials: paper, pen, sourcebook Homework: Read independently Agenda Note: Introduction to nonfiction novel Chew On This Think-Write-Share After keeping track of what you ate for a week, what do you think about your eating habits? Is there anything that you would change or do differently? Why or why not?
Essential Questions and Standards What is the importance of the nutritional value of foods before putting it in your mouth/body? (Introduction to the book Chew On This by Eric Schlosser & Charles Wilson) Standards:LA.8.CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.1 - [Anchor Standard] - Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.
Opening Watch a video clip of Supersize Me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlt0VnWZdYM While you are watching the video clip of Supersize Me, write down at least 5 facts. Be prepared to share with the class.
Food Facts One out of three toys given to a child in the United States each year is from a fast-food restaurant. Americans now spend more on fast food than on movies, books, magazines, newspapers, and recorded music-combined. If you took the 13 billion hamburgers that Americans eat every year and put them in a straight line, they could circle the earth more than thirty-two times. Overweight teenagers today are having surgery to make their stomachs smaller. They are also having heart attacks.
Work Session • Read introduction to Chew On This by Eric Schlosser & Charles Wilson • Record facts as you read
Closing What did you learn from the introduction of Chew On This? (Share aloud)
Literacy February 20, 2014 • Get all materials ready for the day. • Literacy Lesson: You will learn that asking questions can clarify confusion, enhance understanding, and create an incentive to know more. • ELA Needed Materials: paper, pen, sourcebook
ELA February 20, 2014 ELA Materials: paper, pen, sourcebook Homework: Read independently Agenda Note: Create KWL chart Read Chapter 1 of Chew On This Use 7 Habits of Proficient Readers Quick write: What was the most interesting fact that you learned yesterday from the video clip Supersize Me or introduction of Chew On This? Explain.
Essential Questions and Standards What makes Chew On This a nonfiction text?Why do we ask questions? Why is it important when we read? Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.8.1 Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text
Work Session • Complete introduction of Chew On This by Eric Schlosser & Charles Wilson and record facts. • Read aloud chapter 1 of Chew On This pp. 13 -36 and add information to the L column of KWL. Use 7 Habits of Proficient Readers. • Use information from KWL chart to write a summary of what you learned.
Closing Complete the following sentence stem. Today I learned…
Literacy February 21, 2014 • Get all materials ready for the day. • Literacy Lesson: You will learn that asking questions can clarify confusion, enhance understanding, and create an incentive to know more. • ELA Needed Materials: paper, pen, sourcebook
ELA February 21, 2014 ELA Materials: paper, pen, sourcebook Homework: Read independently Agenda Note: Create KWL chart Read Chapter 1 of Chew On This Use 7 Habits of Proficient Readers Quick write: Answer the following questions in complete sentences. • Who wrote Chew On This? • What seems to be the main idea thus far of Chew On This? • How was the hamburger invented? Who invented it? How did it get its name? • What is one interesting fact that you learned from Chew On This?
Essential Questions and Standards What makes Chew On This a nonfiction text?Why do we ask questions? Why is it important when we read? Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.8.1 Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text
Opening After reading some of Chew On This, what else do you want to know? Add to the W column. Then, share with the class one thing you learned yesterday from our reading.
Work Session • Read aloud chapter 1 of Chew On This pp. 13 -36 and add information to the L column of KWL. Use 7 Habits of Proficient Readers. • Use information from KWL chart to write a summary of what you learned. Your summary must be at least 8-10 sentences. • Remember—Begin with a topic sentence. • Add elaboration (supporting details). For each detail, add more support (explanation). • End with a concluding sentence.
Closing Complete the following sentence stem. Today I learned…