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Monday April 7, 2014. Turn in any LATE work MANY people still have to return signed chapter 18 quizzes to be given their credit REVIEW CROSSWORDS need to be worked on this week: TAKE IT OUT A1: Aristocrats were required to spend a certain amount of time at Louis XIV’s court at this palace
Monday April 7, 2014 Turn in any LATE work MANY people still have to return signed chapter 18 quizzes to be given their credit REVIEW CROSSWORDS need to be worked on this week: TAKE IT OUT A1: Aristocrats were required to spend a certain amount of time at Louis XIV’s court at this palace A3: The first person to explain the laws of force & motion that operate the universe (two words) A4: Location of the last battle of the American Revolution A15: This Caribbean territory on the island of Hispaniola was France’s wealthiest colony (two words) A17: The National Assembly approved this major document of the French Revolution (6 words)
Chapter 21:Asia, Africa, & Australia in Transition Open text book to ch 21 Open notebook to new page: 21.1 Asian Empires
Section Summaries • We will use this method to sum up 21.1 in chunks • This is a skill you can use on your own for any class to better understand or remember the material • WARNING: “summary” is not the same at “main idea” • 8-Step “How To” • Break Down & Digest • Read • Re-Read • Identify key words, phrases, and ideas (and include them when you write!) • Ready Yourself for Writing • Write • Check for Accuracy • Revise
21.I Asian Empires TAKE OUT OUR NOTEBOOKS Leave 4 blank lines between each of the blue headlines We will summaries a few together, but then you will do the rest on your own A. The Qing Dynasty in China • Rulers of the Qing Dynasty 1-3 sentence summary • Social Order in the Qing Dynasty 1-3 sentence summary • Culture & the Arts 1-3 sentence summary • Government & Economics 1-3 sentence summary • Philosophical & Religious Ideas 1-3 sentence summary B. The Tokugawa Shogunate in Japan • Tokugawa Rule 1-3 sentence summary • Social Order Under the Shoguns 1-3 sentence summary • Art & Culture 1-3 sentence summary • Isolation of Japan 1-3 sentence summary
Tuesday April 8, 2014 OPEN NOTEBOOK to your 21.1 SUMMARIES MANY people still have to return signed chapter 18 quizzes to be given their credit REVIEW CROSSWORDS need to be worked on this week: TAKE IT OUT A19: In 1831, following the spirit of nationalism, Belgium gained its independence from: A20: His idea that influenced the formation of the government of the US was three separate branches (one word) A23: This man was ordered before the Inquisition because Church leaders thought his scientific ideas were dangerous to religion (2 word) A24: Out of all of Napoleon’s victories, his best known LOSS was at: Skip A32 for now A33: Czar Alexander II introduced trial by jury to Russia and issued this to end serfdom (three words)
21.I Asian Empires TAKE OUT OUR NOTEBOOKS and have it open to the summaries we started yesterday and YOU FINISHED FOR HOMEWORK Also, open you text books to 21.1 I will randomly call on 2 student for each summary we have left – you read it & get points, or you don’t and you get no points A. The Qing Dynasty in China • Rulers of the Qing Dynasty 1-3 sentence summary • Social Order in the Qing Dynasty 1-3 sentence summary • Culture & the Arts 1-3 sentence summary • Government & Economics 1-3 sentence summary • Philosophical & Religious Ideas 1-3 sentence summary B. The Tokugawa Shogunate in Japan • Tokugawa Rule 1-3 sentence summary • Social Order Under the Shoguns 1-3 sentence summary • Art & Culture 1-3 sentence summary • Isolation of Japan 1-3 sentence summary
Section Summaries • 8-Step “How To” • Break Down & Digest • Read • Re-Read • Identify key words, phrases, and ideas (and include them when you write!) • Ready Yourself for Writing • Write • Check for Accuracy • Revise
Summarizing involves putting the main idea(s) into your own words, including only the main point(s). Summaries are significantly shorter than the original and take a broad/wide overview of the original reading. • pull out main ideas • focus on key words, terms, people • use key words and phrases • break down the larger ideas • complete sentences • your own words, to the best of your ability • do not repeat yourself • limit use of the title/headline in the summary • identify lists of topics • Summaries are written AFTER you read
II. African Societies & States A. West & Central African States & Societies • West African Kingdoms & States 4-7 sentence summary • Central African Kingdoms 1-3 sentence summary B. Southern African Peoples • The Zimbabwe Region 1-2 sentence summary • The Khoisan 1-3 sentence summary • Bantu-Speaking People 1-3 sentence summary • The Zulu & King Shaka 1-3 sentence summary C. Europeans in Southern Africa • The Portuguese 1-3 sentence summary • The Dutch 1-3 sentence summary • The British 1-3 sentence summary • Southern African Conflicts 1-3 sentence summary
Wednesday April 9, 2014 OPEN NOTEBOOK to your 21.2 SUMMARIES MANY people still have to return signed chapter 18 quizzes to be given their credit REVIEW CROSSWORDS need to be worked on this week: TAKE IT OUT D2. The ideas of Francis Bacon and René Descartes helped create a new approach to science called (two words) D5. This former slave was made lieutenant governor of Saint Domingue before leading a slave revolt (two words) TOUSSANTL’OVERATURE D6. This idea shaped much of Europe’s history in the nineteenth century. D7. The Scottish philosopher Adam Smith is best known for his belief in this economic idea (three words) D8. Thomas Paine urged American colonists to separate from Great Britain in his writings
II. African Societies & States A. West & Central African States & Societies • West African Kingdoms & States 4-7 sentence summary • Central African Kingdoms 1-3 sentence summary B. Southern African Peoples • The Zimbabwe Region 1-2 sentence summary • The Khoisan 1-3 sentence summary • Bantu-Speaking People 1-3 sentence summary • The Zulu & King Shaka 1-3 sentence summary C. Europeans in Southern Africa • The Portuguese 1-3 sentence summary • The Dutch 1-3 sentence summary • The British 1-3 sentence summary • Southern African Conflicts 1-3 sentence summary
Thursday April 10, 2014 OPEN NOTEBOOK to your 21.3.A SUMMARIES MANY people still have to return signed chapter 18 quizzes to be given their credit REVIEW CROSSWORDS need to be worked on this week: TAKE IT OUT D9. The French Revolution officially began with the storming of the D10. This group held the best, most powerful jobs in Latin American society. D11. This group mobbed the Tuileries palace where the Girondins held their meetings in an attempt to take over the French government during the Revolution. D12. Although this group had the largest membership, is had less power and influence over the government than the other two estates. (two words) D18. Under the Treaty of Waitangia, these people of New Zealand agreed to accept Queen Victoria as their ruler
Thursday April 10, 2014 OPEN NOTEBOOK to your 21.3.A SUMMARIES MANY people still have to return signed chapter 18 quizzes to be given their credit REVIEW CROSSWORDS need to be worked on this week: TAKE IT OUT D9. The French Revolution officially began with the storming of the D10. This group held the best, most powerful jobs in Latin American society. D11. This group mobbed the Tuileries palace where the Girondins held their meetings in an attempt to take over the French government during the Revolution. D12. Although this group had the largest membership, is had less power and influence over the government than the other two estates. (two words) D18. Under the Treaty of Waitangi, these people of New Zealand agreed to accept Queen Victoria as their ruler
III. Australia & Southeast Asia REQUIRED: The rest were bonus A. Australia & New Zealand • Unknown Southern Land 1-3 sentence summary • Settlers in Australia 1-3 sentence summary • European Arrivals 1-3 sentence summary • Settlement Beginnings 1-3 sentence summary • New Zealand 1-3 sentence summary B. Southeast Asia • Nations of Southeast Asia 1-3 sentence summary • Religion in Southeast Asia 1-3 sentence summary • Europeans in Southeast Asia 1-3 sentence summary C. Pacific Island Cultures • European Explorers 1-3 sentence summary • European Traders & Settlers 1-3 sentence summary
Thursday April 18, 2013 DO YOU HAVE YOUR PERMISSION SLIP IN? III. Australia & Southeast Asia If you read Part A. as directed then today’s work will be easier & faster Open text book to chapter 21 Complete the Review History Complete the Chapter Assessment (open book)