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Zdravstvo po medijski logiki

Explore the influence of mass media on shaping reality and the importance of good corporate governance in the media industry. Learn about the principles of transparency, efficiency, and responsibility. Discover how social media co-create realities and the role of digital gatekeepers.

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Zdravstvo po medijski logiki

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Zdravstvo po medijski logiki prof. dr. Dejan Verčič Fakulteta za družbene vede UL

  2. Množični mediji in sekularizacija znanja in avtoritete: najprej tisk in danes internet sta sploščila svet. DOBRO je VIDNO in RAZUMLJIVO! Samo delati dobro ne zadošča!

  3. Korporativno upravljanje in medijsko soustvarjanje resničnosti Načela dobrega upravljanja: • preglednost (transparentnost) • učinkovitost • odgovornost OECD

  4. Funkcije množičnih medijev • obveščanje • nadzor • izobraževanje • zabava • razpravljanje • služenje gospodarskemu sistemu • služenje političnemu sistemu • druž(a)bljenje (družbeno lepilo)

  5. Resničnosti medijske družbe izmišljena („medijska“) resničnost dejanska („izkustvena“) resničnost "resnična" („neposredna“) resničnost

  6. Kako družbeni mediji soustvarjajo resničnosti Mean: 3.77 www.communicationmonitor.eu / Zerfass et al. 2013 / n = 2,710 PR professionals. Q 7: Please rate the following statements based on your professional experience. Scale 1 (strongly disagree) – 5 (totally agree). Percentages: Agreement based on scale points 4-5.

  7. Digitalni vratarji: kdo odloča o objavah? www.communicationmonitor.eu / Zerfass et al. 2013 / n = 2,710 PR professionals. Q 7: Please rate the following statements based on your professional experience. Scale 1 (strongly disagree) – 5 (totally agree). Percentages: Agreement based on scale points 4-5.

  8. Različna raba novega medijskega komuniciranja po Evropi www.communicationmonitor.eu / Zerfass et al. 2015 / n =1,869 PRprofessionals from 20 countries. Q 4: To what extent are the following concepts and practices important for the future of strategic communication in general? And what is used or offered by your organisation? (Tick “Used by my organisation”)** Highly significant differences (chi-square test, p ≤ 0.01).* Significantdifferences (chi-square test, p ≤ 0.05).

  9. množični mediji danes

  10. Medijska logika je posvetna logika in demokratično izraža načela dobrega korporativnega upravljanja

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