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High-Speed Autonomous Navigation with Motion Prediction for Unknown Moving Obstacles. Dizan Vasquez, Frederic Large, Thierry Fraichard and Christian Laugier INRIA Rhône-Alpes & Gravir Lab. France IROS 2004. Objective.
High-Speed Autonomous Navigation with Motion Prediction for Unknown Moving Obstacles Dizan Vasquez, Frederic Large, Thierry Fraichard and Christian Laugier INRIA Rhône-Alpes & Gravir Lab. France IROS 2004
Objective • To design techniques allowing a vehicle to navigate in an environment populated with moving obstacles whose future motion is unknown. • Two constraints: • Limited response time: f(Dynamicity). • Need of reasoning about the future: Prediction. • Prediction Validity?
Autonomous Navigation:Approaches • Reactive approaches [Arkins, Simmons, Borenstein, etc.] No look-ahead • “Improved” reactive approaches [Khatib, Montano, Ulrich, etc.] Lack of generality • Iterative planning approaches [Hsu, Veloso] Too slow for highly dynamic environment • Iterative partial planning[Fraichard, Frazzoli, Petti]
Autonomous Navigation:Proposed Solution • Iterative partial planning approach • Fast Motion Planning. The concept of Velocity Obstacle [Fiorini, Shiller] is used in an iterative motion planner which proposes a safe plan for a given time interval. • Motion prediction for Moving obstacles. Typical behavior of moving obstacles is learned and then applied for motion prediction.
Motion Planning:Principle • Iterative planner. Plans computed during a given time interval. • Incremental calculation of a partial trajectory. • Uses a model of the future (prediction). • Based on the A* algorithm. • Uses the Non Linear Velocity Obstacle concept to speed up the calculation [Large, Shiller] • Real Time. • Adapts to changes.
Motion Planning:Velocity Obstacles A NLVO is the set of all the linear velocities of the robot that are constant on a given interval and that induce a collision before .
Motion Planning:A* implementation • Nodes: Dated states. • Link: Motion (velocities). • Velocities expanded with a two criteria heuristic: • Time to Collision cost : • Time to Goal cost:
Motion Planning:Updating the Tree • Instead of rebuilding the tree at each step, we update it. • Past configuration are pruned excepting for the currently open node. • If any collision is detected, another node is chosen in the remaining tree, and explored from the root.
Motion Prediction:Traditional Approaches • Motion Equations and State Estimation Example [Zhu90] • Fast. • Easy to Implement. • Estimate and . [Kalman60] • Short Time Horizon. • Equations are not general (intentional behaviour?).
Motion Prediction:Learning-Based Approaches • Hypothesis: On a given environment, objects do not move randomly but follow a pattern. • Steps: • Learning. • Prediction. • General. • Long Time Horizon. • Real-Time Capability. • Prediction of unobserved behaviors. • Unstructured Environments [TadokoroEtAl95] [KruseEtAl96] [BennewitzEtAl02]
Motion Prediction:Proposed Approach The approach we propose is defined by: • A similarity measure. • Use of pairwise clustering algorithms. • A cluster representation. • Calculation of probability of belonging to a cluster.
Motion Prediction:Learning Stage • Dissimilarity • Measure Observed Trajectories Dissimilarity Matrix Cluster Mean Values and Std. Dev. 2. Pairwise Clustering Algorithm 3. Calculation Of Cluster Representation Trajectory Clusters
Motion Prediction:Dissimilarity Measure q di . dj t Ti Tj
Motion Prediction:Cluster Representation • Cluster Mean-Value: • Cluster Standard Deviation:
Motion Prediction:Prediction Stage • The probability of belonging to a cluster is modeled as a Gaussian: Where: Prediction: Maximum likelihood or sampling
Motion Prediction:Experimental Results • Implementation using Complete-Link Hierarchical Clustering and Deterministic Annealing Clustering. • Benchmark using Expectation-Maximization Clustering as described in [Bennewitz02]
Motion Prediction:Experimental Results • Evaluation using a performance measure. • Tests ran with simulated data.
Motion Planning:Results Experiments have been performed in a simulated environment.
Conclusions In this paper a navigation approach is proposed. It consists of two components: • A learning-based motion prediction technique able to produce long-term motion estimates. • An iterative motion planner based on the concept of Non-Linear Velocity Obstacle which adapts its scope according to available time.
Perspectives • Work in a real system installed in the laboratory’s parking. • Research on unknown behavior’s prediction.
Résultats Expérimentaux: Génération de l’ensemble d’entraînement(cont…) • Les points correspondant aux points de control sont génères en utilisant des distributions gaussiennes avec un écart type fixe. • Le mouvement a été simulé en avançant en pas fixes depuis le dernier point de control dans la direction du prochain d’accord a une distribution gaussienne. On considère avoir arrivé dans le prochain point de control quand on est plus près qu’un certain seuil. • Le pas 2 es répété jusqu’à on arrive au dernier point de control.
Quelques Concepts Importantes • Configuration. • Mouvement. • Estimation de Mouvement. • Horizon Temporelle.
PWE: Deterministic Annealing L’appartenance dans un cluster est calculée de façon itérative: INITIALISER et AU HAZARD; température T←T₀; WHILE T>Tfinal s←0; REPEAT Estimation: Calculer en fonction de ; Maximisation: Calculer a partir de ; s←s+1; UNTIL tous ( , ) convergent; T←ηT; ← ; ← ; END;
2. Select Cluster with Max Likelihood Cluster Mean Cluster Set 3. Calculate Distance Trajectory Fraction Error Value 1. Select Starting Fraction Test Trajectory Test Trajectory Experimental Results:Performance Measure
Experimental Results:Learning stage results Résultats Expérimentaux:
Conclusions:Contributions • We have proposed an approach based on three calculations: • Dissimilarity Measure. • Cluster Mean-Value. • Probability of Belonging to a Cluster.
Conclusions:Contributions (cont…) • We have implemented our approach using Complete-Link and Deterministic Annealing Clustering • We have implemented the approach presented on [Bennewitz 02] • According to our performance measure, our technique has a better performance than that based on Estimation-Maximization.
PWE: Trouve les groupes et leur représentations en deux pas. Calcule la valeur de K avec l’algorithme Complete-Link. Peut utiliser tous les algorithmes Pairwise Clustering. Représente les clusters avec la trajectoire moyenne. EME: Trouve les groupes et leur représentations simultanément. Calcule la valeur de K avec un algorithme incrémental. Utilise l’algorithme Expectation-Maximization Représente les clusters avec des distributions gaussiennes. PWE: Comparaison avec EME
Estimation basé sur EM (EME) Nous considérons cette technique [Bennewitz 02] comme l’état de l’art pour notre problème: Apprentissage: • Trouve les groupes et ses représentations (séquences de gaussiennes) simultanément. • Utilise l’algorithme EM (Expectation-Maximization) • Trouve le nombre de clusters en utilisant un algorithme incrémental. Estimation: • Basé sur le calcul de la vraisemblance d’une trajectoire partielle observé opartial sous chaque un des chemins θk comme une multiplication de probabilités.
Estimation basé sur EM (EME):Algorithme EM Calcule les assignations cik et les chemins θk • Expectation: Calcule la valeur espéré E[cik] sous les chemins courants θk. • Maximization: Assume que cik= E[cik] et calcule des nouveaux chemins θ’k • Fait θk=θ’k et recommence . . . . . . . θk2 θk10 θk1
Estimation basé sur EM (EME):Estimation La vraisemblance d’une trajectoire di sous un chemin θk est: di5 . . . . di2 . di1 . . θk2 θk10 θk1
Résultats Expérimentaux:Mesure de Performance Fonction PerformanceMetric( χ,C,percentage) result←0; FOR chaque trajectoire χi in the test set χ DO calculate χipercentage; trouver le cluster Ck ayant la majeur vraisemblance pour χipercentage; result←result+δ(χi,μk); END FOR result← result/Nχ;
Estimation basé sur EM (EME):Avantages / Inconvénients • Horizons Temporelles Longs • Ils ne fait pas de suppositions par rapport a la forme des trajectoires • Il estime le nombre de clusters • Il n’est pas capable de prédire des trajectoires qu’il n’a jamais observé.