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Domain Name: Your Online Business Identity

A domain name registrar is an organization or commercial entity that manages the reservation of Internet domain names.

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Domain Name: Your Online Business Identity

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Domain Name Your Online Business Identity

  2. Growth of Internet • India: 3rd largest country in terms of internet users in the world • 121 Million internet users in India by June 1, 2012. • 38% YOY growth in the number of internet users

  3. Growth of E-commerce In India • Growth of online shoppers: 18% • 60% of total internet users visited a retail site in November 2011 • 1.6 Billion : Total E-commerce sales by March 2012

  4. What is a Domain Name • Your Unique Online Identity (www.yourname.com) • Popular gTLDs: .Com, .Net, .Org, .Info, Pro etc. • Country Specific ccTLDs: .In, .Co.in, .Co.uk, .us. .au etc.

  5. Domain for every Business Every business organization must have a easily recognizable domain Name and a scalable website

  6. Domains for Trust Build trust with your clients Get more customers Get referral network

  7. Get More Brand Value A Unique Domain Creates more Brand Awareness and increases Brand Value • Easily Recognizable • Easy to remember • High recall value

  8. Reach Global Markets A Domain can be accessed anywhere anytime Reach new markets Get new global customers

  9. Get Searched Better • A unique Domain Name is ranked better in search results • Get a unique Domain Name instead of a sub-domain or one given by a free web-host.

  10. CONTACT US NET4 INDIA LIMITED Corporate Office D-25, Secot-3, Noida- 201301(India) Toll Free (Within India): 1800-108-4444 Outside India: +91-120-4323500 Email: onlinesales@net4.in Website: www.net4.in

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