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ĶEKAVAS NOVADS BALOŽU pilsēta DAUGMALES pagasts ĶEKAVAS pagasts Baloži city Daugmale parish Ķekava parish 2012.gada 7.septembris .
ĶEKAVAS NOVADSBALOŽU pilsēta DAUGMALES pagasts ĶEKAVAS pagastsBaloži cityDaugmale parishĶekava parish2012.gada 7.septembris
Ķekava municipality wascreated In 1st July 2009 Incorporating 3 parish: • Baloži city • Daugmale parish • Ķekava parish • With administration center in Ķekava area - 273 km² inhabitants ~ 22 000 (increasessteadilyyearly) 1 city (Baloži), 21 vilagies Able - bodiedinhabitants (2012): 66 % Unemploymentlevel (2012): 4 % New-createdcompanies (2011): 342
Existing and planned traffic structure in Ķekava municipality
85% inhabitantsof Ķekava municipalityliveinterritorybetweenborderwithRigaandStateroada/c A5 (E-77) Rigabypass) alongthestateroadA7 (a/c A7 (E-67)) Territorywith 12 mergedvilagies (thebondariescanbeidentifiedonlyafterthelanduseplan) formpartofRigaagglomeration.
inhabitantsof Ķekava municipalitypercent (100% ~22 000 ) roadA5 (E-77) Rigabypass
Thecurrentpopulation (blue) andaccording to spatialplan – potentialpopulation (red)
Infrastructure service center location roadA5 (E-77) Rigabypass roadA7 (E-67) Riga- Bauska
Then Today part of Katlakalna village on 2003 partof Katlakalna villageon 2010 http://maps.google.com/
part of Katlakalna village – cadastral borders with servitude roads partof Katlakalna village – plannedredlines (spatialplan, amendments, project)
partof Ķekava parish, Baloži cityandRigacity spatialplans Baloži city, Katlakalna, Rāmavas, Lapenieku, Krustkalnu, Valdlauču Villageteritory near theborderwithRigacity
Spatialstructure:- urbanareaswith “bedroomregion” function;- collectivefarmworker’svillagieswithbuilt ‘meadow’ villagiesinperiphery;- alonestandingclusterofvillagiesinforestandagriculturalareas; - denselybuiltallotmentareas; - ruralfarmsteadswithbuildings;- existingagriculturalandforestlandthatareanticipatedasbuildingterritoryinlargeareaswithoutanyinfrastructure- etc. Baloži
Problems:- patchyredline (street) networkin Ķekava parish; • servitudesroad, • scatteredbuildingswhichmakesdisproportionatelyexpensiveinfrastructureconstructioncosts; • unrealizeddetalplanimplementationprocedure; • taxation; • accesssolutions to localgovermentorpublicroads; Katlakalns, Rāmava (Mākoņkalns)
Ķekavas county's sustainable development strategy A new approach - four Planning Areas urbanspace centrspace culturalandhistoricalspace ruralspace