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Logo Design

Logo Design. In order for a logo to "work" it must do the following things:. symbolize forward thinking, contemporary qualities. From this. This. To. convey a clear, recognizable image to the consumer. How do you get your logo to leave a strong long lasting impression?.

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Logo Design

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Logo Design

  2. In order for a logo to "work" it must do the following things: • symbolize forward thinking, contemporary qualities From this This To

  3. convey a clear, recognizable image to the consumer

  4. How do you get your logo to leave a strong long lasting impression?. • copy well - small scale and large scale • positive image and a sense of goodwill.

  5. Easy to reproduce in black and white

  6. be unique enough to avoid confusion with other companies but not be outlandish or "over the top"

  7. good logo must be good to look at.

  8. An effective logo "grabs" attention

  9. "timeless"

  10. accurately represents the organization or business • portray the company as unique in its field

  11. Easy to remember

  12. A logo must • function in many different contexts, potentially even in foreign languages • function in many different sizes • Billboards • business cards, • Letterhead • small promotional items like cups or keychains • Make sure your logo "blows up" and "shrinks" without losing its appeal and recognition.)

  13. work effectively in color or black and white

  14. What makes a good logo? World Wildlife Fund

  15. 2006 winners • http://www.artgraphics.ru/identity/best2006eng.html

  16. Creating a logo

  17. Use Lines in Logo Design

  18. LineLine is the simplest graphical means of expression. It can be used to express shape, direction, emotion and movement. Although lines do not occur in nature, we have learned to use and understand them as defining edges, even as children (Saw). Contour LineA contour line is any line that follows a form creating an outline that defines a shape that is recognizable. Within an object, there are more subtle lines or edges such as folds, color changes, value changes and overlapping parts of the object. By defining these edges with lines we begin to add the impression of volume to an otherwise flat image(1).

  19. Line quality- thick / thin

  20. Use Shapes in Logo Design

  21. Combine Lines and Shapes in Logo Design

  22. Some designers think these are bad logos. What do you think?

  23. The "Don'ts" of Logo Design • Simple designs work best for logos. You are attempting to catch the eye and to give the brain something it can instantly memorize. Avoid using: • heavy decorations • smooth gradient color transitions • the image of a living person • photography • complex imagery • culturally sensitive imagery

  24. Hard to read Unfriendly “cold” Old fashion font Flowery script and peoples names Weird ?

  25. The Use of Colour in Logos • Use three colours at most. • "loud," bold colors like red attract attention

  26. subdued tones communicate relaxed stability and dependability • masculine colors include black, gray, dark brown, deep purple, dark green, rust, and dark burgundy • feminine shades might be light blue or pink, flesh, yellow, peach, light gray, lavender, rose, mauve and pale green • metallic tones are considered "elegant" and "expensive," but will be lost when the logo is reproduced in black and white

  27. Keep it simple Stronger image Too busy

  28. Does it Work Well in All Sizes? • The logo that looks great at billboard size must also work on a business card. • A logo design on a large scale may have too much detail when reduced

  29. It Is Distinctive

  30. According to experts • The Fed Ex logo meets all criteria of a good logo

  31. Both designs captured the essence of the company at the time of usage.

  32. Keep it original

  33. Great with effects and even better flat.

  34. Your logo should • tell people a lot about who you are • create branding for your group • is unique and memorable • has relevance to your group’s purpose • set you apart from the competition

  35. Lets get started • What do you stand for? • Define the problem • Do Thumbnail sketches • Choose a design • Refine • Refine • Perfect

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