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Instrumentation for Scientists. 640251 - Geoff Taylor and Paul Main Brief History Bipolar and MOSFET transistors Digital Logic Primer Logic Levels, Gates, Truth Tables Decimal, Hexadecimal, Binary Arithmetic Electronic Schematic Symbols & Logic Lectures 10-12.
Instrumentation for Scientists • 640251 - Geoff Taylor and Paul Main • Brief History • Bipolar and MOSFET transistors • Digital Logic Primer • Logic Levels, Gates, Truth Tables • Decimal, Hexadecimal, Binary Arithmetic • Electronic Schematic Symbols & Logic • Lectures 10-12 (c) Paul Main
A Short History of Computers • The Abacus “Computing Tray” The first mechanical calculating machine. 28? (c) Paul Main
Computing Tray • Used by Babylonian priests to keep track of their vast storehouses of grain. Still in use today. Circa 3000BC. • In Roman times the board was given grooves to facilitate moving the counters in the proper files. • Circa 1300BC Wire & Bead Abacus replaced the Chinese calculating rods. (c) Paul Main
Computing Tray • A modern equivalent is an Accumulator or Register: used to accumulate results of arithmetic sums. • Uses electronic (voltage) representation of binary numbers (c) Paul Main
John Napier • 1612 John Napier uses the printed decimal point, devised logarithms and used numbered sticks - Napiers Bones - for calculating. (c) Paul Main
New Improved Abacus • 1642AD: Blaise Pascal Invented the first mechanical calculator constructed of 10 toothed gears, wheels & teeth called “Pascalene”. • The same principle was in use in automobile’s odometer mechanism • Same principle is the basis for all mechanical calculators. (c) Paul Main
Joseph Marie Jacquard • 1801: A linked sequence of punched cards programmed Jacquard’s loom to produce intricate weaving patterns in cloth. (c) Paul Main
By Royal Commission • 1823: The royal Astronomical Society of Great Britain commissioned Charles Babbage to produce a programmable calculating machine. He was aided by Augusta Ada Byron, the countess of Lovelace. The machine was to produce navigational tables for the Royal Navy. (c) Paul Main
Babage’s Analytical Engine 1834 Babbage shifted his focus to work on The Analytical Engine. The mechanical computer stored 1000 20-digit decimal numbers and a variable program that could modify the function of the machine to perform various tasks. (c) Paul Main
Babbage IO devices • Input to his engine was through punched cards (similar to punched cards of the 1950s-80s). • It is assumed that he obtained the idea from Frenchman, Joseph Jaquard, who used punched cards as input to a weaving machine that he invented in 1801. (c) Paul Main
Dreams Faded • After many years of work, Babage’s dream faded when he realised that the machinists of the day were unable to create the parts needed to complete his work. • The analytical engine required 50 000 precision machined parts to allow his engine to function reliably. (c) Paul Main
Michael Faraday • Son of a Blacksmith, had limited formal education but attended public lectures and became an avid reader • 1813 Started working life at the London Royal Institution as a laboratory assistant • 1821 demonstrated the electric motor effect. • 1831 demonstrated EMF(current) induced by motion of magnet by a nearby conductor. (c) Paul Main
Electric Motors • Electric Motors became available. • Motor driven adding machines based on mechanical calculators developed by Blaise Pascal became popular. • Electrically driven mechanical calculators were common office equipment until 1970s. • 1844 - Samuel Morse sent a telegraph from Washington to Baltimore. (c) Paul Main
George Boole • Publishes “Laws of Thought”, describing a system for symbolic & logical reasoning which becomes the basis for computer design. • 1858 A telegraph cable spans the Atlantic Ocean & provides service for a few days. • 1876 Alexander Graham Bell invents, and patents, the telephone. (c) Paul Main
William Shockley • 1939 William Shockley observed P- and N- type regions in Silicon. Shockley forecast that a semiconductor amplifier was possible. • WWII interrupted further work. • 1945: John von Neumann described the general-purpose, stored program computer. • 1948: The invention of the Germanium bipolar junction transistor at Bell Labs, by William Shockley, John Bardeen & Walter Brittain (c) Paul Main
First Electronic Computer • June 1943: Alan Turing, Tommy Flowers & MHA Newman made operational the first electronic computer, Colossus • Colossus was utilised to break the cipher codes generated by the mechanical Enigma Machine; German military communication was compromised. • British cm wavelength radar assisted to provide military superiority. (c) Paul Main
The first point contact transistor (c) Paul Main
The first IC • TI commercialised the Transistor. • In 1958 Jack Kilby at TI realised that - Resistors formed by cutting small bars of silicon, Capacitors formed by wafers metalised on both sides, and silicon transistors could all be made on the same material. • In september 1958 he created a phase-shift oscillator - the first IC on one wafer. (c) Paul Main
Intel 4004 • Intel went ahead with a general purpose logic chip capable of being programmed for instructions. • First use of ‘Intelligence’ programmed by software. Bought the design back from Busicom. • After 9 months development Intel’s first microprocessor is born, the 4004. (c) Paul Main
4004 November 1971 10 Micron technology 2300 Transistors 108 KHz Clock 60 000 Instructions/second Bus width 4 bits 640 bytes addressable 12 Volt. Weighed < 1 Oz. P-channel MOSFET Applications: busicom calc (c) Paul Main
8008 April 1972 10 Micron technology 3500 Transistors 200 KHz Clock 0.06 Million Instructions Per Second (MIPS) Bus width 8 bits 12 Volt Address: 16 Kbytes Apps: Terminals, Calculators, Bottling Machines (c) Paul Main
8080 April 19746 Micron Technology4 500 transistors 2 MHz Clock 0.64 MIPSBus width: 8 bits 12 VoltAddressable memory: 64 KbytesApps: Traffic light controller, Altair computer (first PC)Performance = 10 x 8008 (c) Paul Main
8085 • March 1976Clock speed: 5 MHz0.37 MIPSNumber of transistors: 6,500 (3 microns)8 bit data bus, 16 bit address bus.Typical use: Toledo scale. From measured weight and price the scale computed cost.Single 5 volt power supply (c) Paul Main
8086 (8088) June 1978/1979 3 Micron Technology 5, 8 &10 MHz clock 0.33, 0.66 & 0.75 MIPS 29 000 Transistors 16/8 bit data bus20 bit address bus (1MB) 5 Volt apps: IBM PCs & Clones performance = 10 x 8080 Segmented architecture, CISC (c) Paul Main
IBMPC • 1981 The open-architecture IBM PC is launched based on the Intel 8086 • 1980 PCDOS sold to IBM • 1980 Ada emerged • 1980 dBaseII popular • 1982 First Clone PC • 1982 AutoCAD • 1983 TCP/IP (c) Paul Main
80186 (80188) • 1982 Original NMOS 80186 • 1987 80C186 converted to CMOS - uses 1/4 power at twice clock rate • Used in Controllers • Still popular • Segmented architecture • Software Backward Compatible with 8086 (c) Paul Main
80286 February 19826 MHz -12 MHz clock0.9 - 2.66 MIPS 1.5 micron technology134 000 Transistors 16 bit data bus16MB Physical, 1GB Virtual Performance =3 to 6 x 8086 Software Backward Compatible with 8086 Also V.20, AMD Cyrix etc (c) Paul Main
80386 October 17, 198516 MHz - 33MHz 5 to 11 MIPS1 Micron technology 275 000 Transistors Data Bus width: 32 bitsAddressable memory: 4 gigabytesVirtual memory: 64 terabytesSoftware Compatible with 8086 32 bit “Flat Mode” available (c) Paul Main
80486DX April 1989 25 MHz, 20 MIPS June 1991 50 MHz, 41 MIPS 1.2 Million Transistors 1-0.8 Micron TechnologyBus width: 32 bitsAddressable memory: 4 GBVirtual memory: 64 TB50X performance of the 8086.Software Compatible with 8086 486DX first CPU to include floating point maths co-processor. (c) Paul Main
80486DX2 & DX4 - Overdrive 2 or 3 times overclocked cpu core, with standard memory transfer rate. Plugged directly into a 486SX or 486DX socket and acted as a double or triple-clocked CPU. Eg a 33MHz cpu replaced with an DX4 processor would use a memory transfer rate of 33MHz, and an internal clock rate of 99MHz. (c) Paul Main
Pentium March 1993 60 MHz 100 MIPS66 MHz 112 MIPS 3.1 million transistors 0.8 Micron technology 64 bit external data bus 32-bit microprocessor 32 bit address bus4 GB physical64 TB virtual Software Compatible with 8086. BiCMOS (c) Paul Main
Pentium Pro November 1995150-200 MHz5.5 million transistors 0.35 micron technology 64 bits front side bus 64 bits to L2 cacheAddressable memory: 64 gigabytesVirtual memory: 64 terabytes256K - 1MB L2 Cache Software Compatible with 8086 (c) Paul Main
NPN transistor cross-section • IN IC form an NPN Bipolar Transistor is fabricated using a series of photolithographic and chemical processes. • The base wafer is p-type silicon substrate around 0.25mm thick. • Boron is diffused to create a p type dopant, Phosphorous for n type. • The Yellow area is insulating SiO2. Orange – Aluminium conductors. • n+ indicates area of high conductivity & high phosphorous concentration.. (c) Paul Main
BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTOR Schematic circuit symbols for NPN transistor B Base E Emitter C Collector (c) Paul Main
Bipolar Junction Transistor • Simple Circuit to illustrate BJT switching for an NPN transistor (c) Paul Main
MOSFET • Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor • N Channel MOSFET schematic symbol: • G Gate • S Source • D Drain (c) Paul Main
N CHANNEL MOSFET IN IC form an NMOS Transistor is fabricated using a simpler series of photolithographic and chemical processes than the BJT. The resulting transistor area is also smaller. For an animation of device fabrication see: http://jas.eng.buffalo.edu/education/fab/NMOS/nmos.html (c) Paul Main
MOSFET • The voltage on the gate-source causes an electric field across the Drain-Source channel • Above a threshold voltage, Electrons are attracted into the channel causing a increase in Drain-Source conductance. • In digital circuits we are only interested in the switching ability of transistors. • A voltage Vgs > threshold voltage will switch the MOSFET ON • low drain-source resistance. • Vgs < threshold will switvh the MOSFET OFF • high drain-source resistance. (c) Paul Main
MOSFET electrical properties • N-MOS • Behavior is • Switch-like • Vds fixed. (c) Paul Main
N-MOS test circuit • N-MOS switching test circuit (c) Paul Main
Voltage vs 5V TTL Logic Levels • True = Logic “1” = High Voltage Level • False = Logic “0” = Low Voltage Level • TTL “High” or “1” is 2.0V to 5V • TTL “Low” or “0” is 0V to 0.8V. • Indeterminate Logic Level Between 0.8 & 2.0V • Actual Valid High & Low voltages vary depending on the logic family & power supply voltage (c) Paul Main
Inverter • Buffer - Logic state is Maintained • Inverter - Logic state is Inverted - NOT (c) Paul Main
Inverter • Complementary MOS (CMOS) Inverter (c) Paul Main
2-Input AND Logic Symbol Truth Table for : 2-Input AND Gate Output will be 1, only if all inputs are 1 (c) Paul Main
3-Input AND Logic Symbols Truth Table for : 3-Input AND Gate (c) Paul Main
AND Gate Equivalents • AND Gates can be constructed using OR Gates & Inverters • DeMorgans Theorum (c) Paul Main
NAND GATE (c) Paul Main
2-Input OR Logic Symbol • OR - True of any input is True - • 2-Input OR Gate Truth Table (c) Paul Main
3-Input 0R Logic Symbol • 3-Input OR Gate (c) Paul Main
Inverter Equivalents • Inverters may be constructed from NAND gates or NOR gates with the inputs tied together (c) Paul Main