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12 Diseases in Learning

12 Diseases in Learning. 1. Negative attitudusitis. Doesn't realize how much negative or limiting attitudes affect mood, motivation, and learning. 2. Chronic quitosis. Success or if Quits just before something requires some effort. 3. Dietitis.

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12 Diseases in Learning

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 12 Diseases in Learning

  2. 1. Negative attitudusitis Doesn't realize how much negative or limiting attitudes affect mood, motivation, and learning.

  3. 2. Chronic quitosis Success or if Quits just before something requires some effort.

  4. 3. Dietitis • Sees no connection between a poor diet and problems in learning.

  5. 5. Duhitis Believes showing up is success in college.

  6. 6. SocialisPrioritum Other activities are more important than academic ones.

  7. 7. Taint myfaultosis of you mademedoititis Blames someone or something else for behaviorand performance.

  8. 8. Ignoramus Innocentio Doesn't know. Doesn't want to know. Doesn't suspect what it takes to succeed in college.

  9. 9. Chronic Ignoramus Fatalis I can cram and get by in college.

  10. 10. Macho/Tarsanitis - I don't need help. I can fail by myself.

  11. 11. Entertain me Orelsia If it isn't entertaining, I won’t pay attention.

  12. 12. Revengitis • I will punish my boring instructors by getting an F in their classes.(Oftenassociated with chronic ignoramus innocentio and duhitis).

  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6hz_s2XIAU

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