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Concept Note development and modular tools

Concept Note development and modular tools. TBTEAM Annual Meeting, 18-19 June, 2014. Outline. Concept note development Elements of the concept note Programmatic gap analysis Modular tool Lessons leaned. New funding model cycle. Ongoing Country Dialogue. Concept Note. Grant Making.

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Concept Note development and modular tools

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  1. Concept Note development and modular tools TBTEAM Annual Meeting, 18-19 June, 2014

  2. Outline • Concept note development • Elements of the concept note • Programmatic gap analysis • Modular tool • Lessons leaned

  3. New funding model cycle Ongoing Country Dialogue Concept Note Grant Making Grant Implementation National Strategic Plan/ Investment Case 2nd GAC TRP Board GAC

  4. The concept note • Principal document for TRP and GAC reviews and grant-making purposes • Output from country dialogue, reflective of an inclusive multi-stakeholder process • Encourages robust and ambitious funding request • Funding request based on the national strategic plan • Captures “full expression of demand’’

  5. What is the importance of a concept note? • Concept note outlines the reasons for Global Fund investment: • Describes a strategy, supported by technical data that shows why this approach will be effective • Presents a country’s prioritized needs within a broader context, guided by a national health strategy and a NSP • Represents voices of key populations and other stakeholders in the country • Describes how implementation can maximize the impact of the investment

  6. Overview of the structure of the standard concept note Section Country Context 1 Funding landscape, Additionality and Sustainability 2 • Core tables • CCM Eligibility & endorsement • Supporting documents + Funding request to the Global Fund 3 Implementation arrangement and risk assessment 4 .

  7. Section 1 Country context 1.1 • Current and evolving epidemiology of the disease, and any significant geographic variations • Defineconstraints and barriers to an appropriate response • Community system constraints • Health system constraints • Human rights barriers • Key populations with disproportionately low access to services Country Disease, Health and Community Systems context 1.2 National Disease Strategic Plans • Provide information based on current NSP(s) • Key goals, objectives and priority program areas • Implementation to date, main outcomes and impact achieved • Linkage to national health strategy • Processes for reviewing and revising the response based on outcomes achieved and lessons learned 1.3 Joint programming for TB and HIV Plan for Joint planning and alignment of TB and HIV Strategies, Policies and Interventions Barriers that need to be addressed in the alignment process

  8. Section 2 Funding landscape, additionality and sustainability 2.1 Overall Funding Landscape for upcoming implementation period • Describe: • availability of funds for and source of such funding (government and/or donor) for the program. • How the proposed Global Fund investment has leveraged other donor resources • For program areas that have significant gaps, planned actions to address these gaps. Table 1 Financial gap analysis and counterpart financing 2.2 • Complete the Financial Gap Analysis and Counterpart Financing Table • Compliance with counterpart financing requirements and planned actions to reach compliance • Government’s willingness-to-pay commitments and how they will be tracked and reported • assessment of the completeness and reliability of financial data reported including assumptions used and caveats with the figures Counterpart Financing Requirement

  9. Section 3 Funding request to the Global Fund 3.1 Complete a programmatic gap table detailing the quantifiable priority modules within applicant’s funding. Detail the request for funding and how the investment is strategically targeted to achieve impact and strengthen health systems. Table 2 Table 3 Provide strategic overview of funding request including both the proposed investment of the allocation and above allocation amount. 3.2 Programm- atic Gap Modular Template • Complete the modular template: link the selected module intervention to goals and objectives, and associated indicators, targets and cost. • Explain the rational for prioritization of modules and interventions • Describe the expected impact and outcomes. 3.3 3.4 Focus on key populations and/or highest-impact interventions – LMI and UMIC

  10. Concept note will capture the full expression of demand • In the concept note: • Full expression of demand captured at a higher level based on a coasted national strategy • Applicant will determine which program elements of their full expression of demand should be in their request above the allocation Applicants encouraged to apply for their full expression of demand

  11. Section 4 Implementation arrangement and risk assessment • Overview of implementation arrangements • Include dual-track financing • Describe coordination among implementers • Identify any anticipated challenges 1 Information on the implementation capacity of PRs and risk mitigation measures to program delivery • Include an implementation arrangement diagram (not required at concept note submission) 2 • For each PR, complete the ‘minimum standards for implementers’ assessment 3 • Describe current or anticipated risks to program delivery and/or PR performance, including the proposed mitigation measures 4

  12. Core tables & templates in a standard concept note Tables Templates Financial Gap Analysis & Counterpart Financing Table* Programmatic Gap Table(s) CCM Eligibility Requirements** 1 2 Modular Template List of Abbreviations and Annexes CCM Endorsement of Concept Note** 3 4 * Not applicable to stand-alone HSS or applications from Regional Organizations, Regional Coordinating Mechanisms and Non-CCMs ** Not applicable to applications from Regional Organizations and Non-CCMs

  13. Financial Gap Analysis & Counterpart Financing Table

  14. Programmatic gap analysis • Programmatic gap table provides a comprehensive picture of the key gaps which form the basis of prioritization of the funding request • Include programmatic gap analysis for three to six prioritymodules within the applicant’s funding request • Coverage levels for the priority modules selected should be consistent with the coverage targets in section D of the modular template

  15. Programmatic gap table - example

  16. The modular approach • The modular approach is a framework used to structure the information that defines a grant • It runs throughout a grant's lifecycle, providing consistency at each stage • During the concept notestage, a funding request is defined by selecting a set of interventions per module to align with national strategy • During the grant makingstage, each approved intervention is further defined by identifying and describing the required sets of activities • During grant implementation, progress of each intervention is monitored as laid out in the prior stages Program level Module Intervention Activity and cost

  17. Example: TB modules and interventions Impact/outcome indicators Coverage/output indicators Work-plan tracking measures Activities (not standardized) Cost Inputs Disease/HSS Modules Interventions Case detection and diagnosis Smear microcopy Product cost TB TB Care and Prevention Treatment Training of health workers Transportation MDR-TB HIV Prevention Storage Baseline clinical assessment TB/HIV TB/HIV Engaging all care providers Procurement agent fee .... Malaria Program Management Procurement of FLD, microscopes Quality assurance Community TB care delivery M&E HSS Key Populations 17

  18. Measurement framework

  19. Modular tool – should be submitted online http://www.theglobalfund.org/en/fundingmodel/single/applicationmaterial/

  20. Lessons and suggestions • Start the NFM process as early as possible • Several of the process that inform CN could be done concurrently and with CN development • Most of the tools are new – but instructions are available and worth reading before completing them • Ensure that figures are consistent – NSP, programmatic gap table, modular tool, narratives • “tell the story” – process and contents, quality • Make a strong and evidence-based case for funding – allocation and above allocation • Experience so far in developing single CN and joint programming for TB and HIV is promising

  21. http://www.theglobalfund.org/en/fundingmodel/support/infonoteshttp://www.theglobalfund.org/en/fundingmodel/support/infonotes

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