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the Expanding of desert and drought

the Expanding of desert and drought. By Ian & Jeanelle. what is drought.

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the Expanding of desert and drought

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Presentation Transcript

  1. the Expanding of desert and drought By Ian & Jeanelle

  2. what is drought Drought is a period of abnormally dry weather sufficiently prolonged for the lack of water. Drought is isn’t good for the farmers and is not good for plants or animals either. Drought is a problem in Canada's western provinces. Mostly Saskatchewan and Alberta. This is a map of western Canada showing growth of the grass.

  3. why is drought a problem Drought is a problem in Canada because it starts forest fires. When it is dry for long periods of time even a little spark can start a big forest fire. This is a pie chart of the main causes of forest fires.

  4. Where does drought occur? Droughts usually occur in hot dry areas of land. In most cases the area is dry because there is very minimal rainfall. The rain that does fall will be quickly absorbed into the ground or blown away by the dry air flow that moves along the ground.

  5. How does drought affect the animals? There is no water so the animals can’t have a drink of water and there is not enough food. Therefore the animals will die.here is a pictures of two kangaroos that died because of drought.

  6. What causes drought? Droughts are caused by lack of rain over a long period of time. If rain does occur it usually isn't enough for the ground to absorb before it is evaporated again. Plants and animals need water to survive, so if there is not enough water they will eventually die from thirst.

  7. What causes deserts Some desert in the mountains are caused by the rain shadow affect. As air moves over the mountains it gets cold and loses its ability to hold moisture—it rains or snows. When the air moves down the other side of the mountain,it becomes warmer. Warm air cane hold lots of moisture, so it doesn’t rain as much, and a desert is formed. Other deserts are formed by hot weather and lack of rain. Desert also depends on the climate of the area.

  8. What can be done to solve the water problem during periods of drought? When droughts occur, there is not enough water to supply all needs. Decreasing water levels in rivers, lakes, and reservoirs may cause problems for fish and wildlife that depend on wetlands or water bodies to survive.

  9. How does desert and drought effect the environment The environment is effected because in the hot weather and dry conditions there isn’t much that can grow. And the animals have to be able to stand high temperatures. Surprisingly There are many plants that live in the desert they live by storing water. Cactuses are one of these plants.

  10. TRIVIA 15,068 people How many people in Guangdong that don’t have water? 600,000 people 800,000 people 800 000 people

  11. References library.thinkquest.org/10136/drought/droutq.htm oxfam.org.uk/coolplanet/water/causes/images/drought.jpg

  12. references www.the-human-race.com/.../ drought.jpg www.mpci.org/rep-pub/ 2003/RussiaE/fig13.jpg www.awitness.org/.../ canada_west_drought.jpg policyresearch.gc.ca/ images/art_05_02e.gif

  13. Jeanelle ‘s Credits Thanks to the following people that helped me with the PowerPoint! Ian Mr. Macintyre Brittney

  14. Ian’s credits Thank you to Mr.. Macintyre for showing us how to make our power points. Thank you to Jeanelle for helping me with stuff I didn’t know

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