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Effective Strategies for English Language Learners in Science. Melinda Moya Spring 2012. Table of Contents. Statement of the Problem Pros and Cons Literature Review Hypothesis Participants & Instruments Research Design Threats To Validity
Effective Strategies for English Language Learners in Science Melinda Moya Spring 2012
Table of Contents • Statement of the Problem • Pros and Cons • Literature Review • Hypothesis • Participants & Instruments • Research Design • Threats To Validity • Pre-Test and Post-Test for Experimental Group • Pre-Test and Post-Test for Control Group • Data Analysis • Discussion and Implementation • References
Statement of the Problem Today’s curriculum seeks to differentiate instruction for all learners. Differentiation for English Language Learners or ELL’s has proven to be a challenge for many teachers. The teacher is constantly faced with the question on how to develop language skills for ELL’s. The issue that has arisen through years of testing ELL’s is that on the surface it may seem that ELL’s are communicating with teachers and peers in the new language, but the struggles seem to be within the content or academic language that is needed to excel in today’s educational system. One major struggle for ELL’s is in the content area of Science. Within the fourth and Eighth grades students are expected to gain a passing score in the state exam. In the recent past this has been a major concern for individuals educating ELL’s since success in these exams are abysmal.
Review of Related Literature Inquiry-based instruction Inquiry-based instruction supports language acquisition as well as knowledge in the scientific concept being taught. (Lee 2005) Scientific inquiry instruction should allow students to investigate, observe, analyze, and question current studies, which will develop a deeper understanding of the concept. (Smith, Desimone, Zeidner, Dunn, Bhatt, & Rumyanteseva, 2007).
Review of Related Literature Cont… Language connection • Current practices in Science fail to incorporate the ELL’shomelanguage as a form for achievement. (Goldenberg, 2008) • Teachers must become familiar with the three- tier model of vocabulary development. (Sibold, 2011). Technology connection • Technology will not only develop basic literary skills but develop skills needed to function in today’s modern world. Such technology includes blogging, wiki spaces, podcasts and language enrichment programs. (Chantel (2002), Colombo (2007), Hoffman et (2002), Shapley, Sheehan, Maloney, & Carnikas-Walker (2011), and Zha, Kelly, Park & Fitgerald (2006)
Research Hypothesis Integrating inquiry based learning through technology to ten eighth graders at JHS XX for 45 minute three times a week, for a period of six weeks students will increase vocabulary and comprehension skills as measured by state reference and teacher created test.
Method • Participants • Participants will be fourteen eighth grade students from JHS xx in Staten Island N.Y. All students are from low socio-economic group from varying cultural backgrounds. Instruments Computer based program (Teenbiz 3000) that build language skills. Two assessments will be given to the students. • Pre and post student surveys. In addition pre and post practice state exams
Research Design • Quasi-Experimental Design: Nonequivalent Control Group Design • Two groups of ELL students. The first group is the experimental group X1 • The second group is the control group X2. Here the treatment will be classroom instruction. Both groups will receive a Pre-test and a Post-test O. • Symbolic Design: • O X1 O • O X2 O
Threats to Internal Validity • History: Schedule Changes • Maturation: Students individual attitude and experience towards Science, language skills, and computer usage may lead to loss of interest or participation. • Testing sensitization: Students may not take Pre-testing or post-testing seriously.
Threats To External Validity • Pretest-treatment: Pre-test scores may affect feelings and memorization in post-test. • Hawthorne effect: Students may have the feeling of “being watched” and they perform according to the way they think researcher wants to find. • Experimental effects: Researchers bias on experimental group.
Correlation of Post Test to Confidence level Rxy= 0.732163
Data Dispersion Post Test scores
Discussion and Implementation • The action research shows a slight increase in students post test scores when exposed to Teenbiz 3000 online program. • After intervention students expressed an increase in confidence level when it came to science. There is a strong correlation on confidence level and test scores. Further research needs to be done on the longer affects of confidence level affects and test scores. In addition would skills increase at a quicker pace if home language is included in the instruction.
References • Carlone, H. B., Haun-Frank, J., Webb, A. (2010). Assessing Equity Beyond Knowledge- and Skills-Based Outcomes: A Comparative Ethnography of Two Fourth-Grade Reform-Based Science Classrooms. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. Volume 48(5), 459-485. • Colombo, M.W., Colombo, P.D., (2007). Blogging to Improve Instruction in Differentiated Science Classrooms. Phi Delta Kappan. Retrieved from the JSTOR database. • Gibbons, B.A., (2003). Supporting Elementary Science Education for English Learners: A Constructivist Evaluation Instrument. The Journal of Educational Research. Volume 96(6), 371-380. • Janzen, J., (2004). Teaching English Language Learners in the Content Areas. Retrieved from ERIC database.
Lee, O., Buxton, C., Lewis, S., LeRoy, K., (2005). Science Inquiry and Student Diversity: Enhanced Abilities and Continuing Difficulties After an Instructional Intervention. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. Volume 43(7), 607-636. • Lee, O., Fradd, S.H., (1998). Science for All, Including Students From Non-English-Language Backgrounds.Review of Educational Research. Volume 27(4), 12-21. • Lee, O., (2005). Science Education with English Language Learners: Synthesis and Research Agenda. Review of Educational Research. Volume 75(4), 491-530.
Murphy, A.F., (2009). Tracking the Progress of English Language Learners. Phi Delta Kappan. Retrieved from JSTOR database. • Niss, M. L. (2005). Preparing Teachers to Teach Science and Mathematics with Technology: Developing a Technology Pedagogical Content Knowledge.Teaching and Teacher Education. Volume 21, 509-523. • Pluta, W.J., Chinn, C. A., Duncan, R.G. (2010). Learners’ Epistemic Criteria for Good Scientific Models. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. Volume 48(5), 486-511.