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NORTHWOOD SHARED RESOURCE CENTER Executive Director Selection Committee Update

NORTHWOOD SHARED RESOURCE CENTER Executive Director Selection Committee Update. Selection Committee Members. Elaine Cooper (HSMV) Jennifer Kennedy (DOS) Ramin Kouzehkanani (DCF) Mike Russo (AEIT) Ann Coffin (DOR) Barbara Palmer (DCF). Progress…….

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NORTHWOOD SHARED RESOURCE CENTER Executive Director Selection Committee Update

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Presentation Transcript

  1. NORTHWOOD SHARED RESOURCE CENTER Executive Director Selection Committee Update

  2. Selection Committee Members • Elaine Cooper (HSMV) • Jennifer Kennedy (DOS) • RaminKouzehkanani (DCF) • Mike Russo (AEIT) • Ann Coffin (DOR) • Barbara Palmer (DCF)

  3. Progress……. Executive Director Position Description Approved Verbiage for Advertisement Approved Northwood Shared Resource Center People First Pre-Qualifying Questions Approved Hiring Process will be solely administered through People First

  4. Executive Director Annual Salary 100 K - 120 K

  5. ADVERTISEMENT POSTING Target Date: October 22, 2010

  6. WEB SITE LOCATIONS WALL STREET JOURNAL website only (WSJ.com) Standard Job Posting for 30 days with unlimited text, unlimited edits Can list under 5 different job categories, can post to Social networking sites Price - $375.00 (using same job posting as People First) • CIO.com • no print ads in their periodial – website only • Price - $295.00 for 60 day posting. • NSRC Web Site • using same job posting as People First

  7. Web Site Locations(con’t) Governing/ Governing Technology website only Price - $200.00 for 30 days Job posting will appear in all Governing job pages (Government Technology, Public CIO, Emergency Management, Digital Communities, Center for Digital Education, Center for Digital Government, Converge, etc) • NASCIO • website only • Price – free for state members • With link to People First and our closing date (30 days)

  8. Next Steps • Develop Interview Questions • Evaluate Candidates as Received • Schedule Public Interviews

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