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Metal Matrix Composites in Zinc-4Aluminum through SHS Reactions Thomas W. Diebold, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO Dr. Michael J. Kaufman, Jacob Nuechterlein, and William Garrett, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO Dr. Steve Midson, The Midson Group, Denver, CO.
Metal Matrix Composites in Zinc-4Aluminum through SHS ReactionsThomas W. Diebold, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MODr. Michael J. Kaufman, Jacob Nuechterlein, and William Garrett, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CODr. Steve Midson, The Midson Group, Denver, CO • Research Goals • Use SHS to create ceramic reinforcement material • To create a Zinc alloy containing the reinforcement material. • Analyze the alloyed samples to determine the effectiveness of procedure. • Introduction • Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) is the synthesis of compounds in a wave of combustion that propagates over the reactive mixture owing to layer by layer heat transfer. Metal powders are mixed and may be left as powder or pressed into a pellet. The reaction of the pellet or powder is initiated by a heat flux such as an electric spark. The reaction then self propagates through the material using the heat generated from the adjacent reacted material (Merzhanov, and Sytschev). After the compound cools, it can be crushed and put into a melt to reinforce a material. • Procedure • Determine ratio of metal powders and mix. • Press mixed powders into pellet. • React pellet using electric spark to initiate reaction. • Cool and crush pellet into powder. • Melt zinc and aluminum to create Zn-4Al alloy. • Mix ceramic powder into the alloy. • Pour and analyze samples. • Reaction • Want a reaction that: • Forms hard particles • Reacts completely • Forms small particles • Does not react dangerously • Ignites at low temperature • Produces desired phase without unwanted phases • 3TiO + 4C + 4Al + Si 3TiC + SiC + 2AlO • Particle size are in the range of 50-100 nm • Complete conversion to products • Non-violent reaction • Ignites with standard techniques • Melt • For a successful casting, we need: • The right alloy • Furnace with the appropriate volume and capabilities • The correct molds • Correct stirring equipment • A way to introduce particles to the alloy • To form zinc metal matrix composites, • Furnace had to reach 600C (melting temperature: 419C) • Use mechanical mixer • Added particles using aluminum foil packets • Used graphite crucible and molds Analysis Hardness Table 1: Hardness values for Aluminum Matrix Composites XRD SEM/EDS References Merzhanov, A G., and A E. Sytschev. "About self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis." Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science. Russian Academy of Sciences, n.d. Web. 30 July 2012. <www.ism.ac.ru/handbook/shsf.htm> Acknowledgements I would like to thank Dr. Michael Kaufman, Dr. Steve Midson, William Garrett and Jake Nuechterlein for their help with my research. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under Grant No. DMR-1062797. TiC Particle Figure 3: XRD of ceramic particles Matrix Figure 2: Nano sized TiC Particle in Aluminum matrix TiC Particle Zn-4Al Figure 4: Nano sized TiC Particle in Zn-4Al matrix Figure 1: Nano sized TiC Particles