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SORH Grant Program. Authorized by Public Health Service ActFunded since 1991/ FY 08 is 18th year!Primary goal -to assist States in strengthening rural health care delivery systems by creating a focal point for rural health in each StateProvides institutional framework to link rural communities wi
1. The State Offices of Rural Health Grant Program Application Keith J. Midberry, MHSA
Department of Health & Human Services
Health Resources and Services Administration
Office of Rural Health Policy
New SORH Directors OrientationRockville, MD
November 5, 2008
2. SORH Grant Program Authorized by Public Health Service Act
Funded since 1991/ FY 08 is 18th year!
Primary goal -to assist States in strengthening rural health care delivery systems by creating a focal point for rural health in each State
Provides institutional framework to link rural communities with State / Federal resources.
3. State Offices of Rural Health Single grantee in each of 50 States
Flexibility in deciding where to locate SORH
36 in State Health Departments / Agencies
11 in institutes of higher learning
3 are not-for-profit organizations
Many SORH Directors are also Directors of State Primary Care Organization (PCO)
5. State Offices of Rural Health (cont) Federal-State Partnership
State matching funds required
Awarded $7.2M in FY 08, 47 States received $147,700
Grant program covers activities funded by both State and Federal funds
Leveraged over $230M in past 18 years
6. State - Matching Funds $3 State match for every $1 of Federal funds requested
Covered by Title 45 CFR - Part 74 for nonprofits and university based models- Part 72 for State governments / agencies
Budget and Budget Justification must include use of State matching funds
7. Three Core Functions of SORH Defined in authorizing legislation
1. Establish and maintain clearinghouse for collecting / disseminating information on:
Rural health care issues;
Research findings related to rural health; and
Innovative approaches to the delivery of care in rural areas (best practices).
8. Three Core Functions of SORH 2. Coordinate activities within state to avoid duplication of effort and activities.
3. Identify Federal, State and NGO programs and resources and provide technical assistance regarding application and participation.
9. Two Additional Program Goals 1) Encourage, but not directly fund, the recruitment and retention of health professionals in rural areas. - 49 States participate in 3RNet
2) Participate in strengthening State, local and Federal partnerships in rural health.
10. Grant Limitations May not be used for:
providing health care services;
purchasing medical equipment, vehicles or communications equipment;
to purchase or improve real property; or
conduct activity regarding a certificate of need.
11. Grant Limitations (cont.) No more than 10 percent of funds may be used for research purposes
Indirect charge may not exceed 15 percent of the total direct charges. Used to be 15% of tatal award. - Max possible for $150K award is $19, 565.
Funds cannot be used for lobbying purposes
12. Budget Information SF-424A Section A use only columns e, f & g under New or Revised Budget
Include non-Federal funds in Sections A,B & D and Totals
Indirect charge allowed only if SORH has current indirect rate approved by HHS- Attach form or explain, usually a percent of salaries / fringe or direct costs - Cannot exceed 15 percent of direct charge
13. Budget Justification Narrative provides detail - the why and what behind the number
Include State matching funds and explain linkage to rural health issues and programs
Fully explain Contractual Object Class (often the State matching funds), includeexplanation of deliverables
14. Travel Explain in and out of State purpose, duration, traveler, type of transportation, cost, etc.
Include meetings, training, workshops
Four meetings required as condition of award:
- SORH Regional Meeting
- SORH Annual Grantee Meeting (every other year will be All Programs Meeting)
- National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health (NOSORH) annual meeting- National Rural Health Association (NRHA) Annual Meeting
15. Staffing and Personnel Include Federal and State funded positions
Position descriptions to include:- Role and responsibilities- Qualifications: education and/or experience - Rational for amount of time Narrative (as full-time equivalent)
Provide biographical sketches or resumes and Organization Chart as attachments.
16. Program Narrative Introduction - Describe population served by ORHP and State definitions of rural - List programs administered with Federal and State matching funds
Current Year Progress and Performance Measures - Describe progress since last application - Narrative format or optional table - Discuss activities funded by Federal and State match
17. Program Narrative Describe Significant Changes - Since last application or anticipated - List rationale and impact on program
Upcoming Budget Period Plans and Performance Measures - For three core and two additional functions - Narrative format or optional table - Activities funded by Federal and State $
18. Optional Table May be used instead of narrative format
List Goals
Products / Services / Activities
Progress and Process Measures
Qualitative Impact
19. GPRA Measures Mandatory as of FY 05 cycle
Each applicant required to report on same two questions / measures
Limited to activities funded by SORH program (Federal and State Match)
Process should be established to capture data
Responses not tied to funding level
NOSORH workgroup working on optional measures
20. New GPRA Measures FY 08 starts collection of two new GPRA measures:- Number of technical assistance encounters provided directly by SORH
- Number of clients that received TA
- Submit directly into EHB by Aug. 1, 2009
21. Attachments Staffing Plan
Job description key personnel - 1 page
Biographical sketch or resumes max 2 pages
Program Organizational Chart how SORH relates to larger organization
Organizational authority- Specifically for rural health- by laws or legislative authority- may not apply to some university models - may answer none
22. Office Performance Review (OPR) OPR has reviewed 30 SORHs over last 3 years
Overall feedback has been positive
11 SORHs scheduled for calendar year 2009- AK, AL, CA, FL, LA, NY, ME, MI, MO, PA, WY
NOSORH Cooperative agreement is tentatively scheduled for review
FLEX grant reviews still under discussion
FY 09 Guidance requires discussion of review and action plan activities (if applicable)
23. FY 09 Application Non-competitive continuation
Anticipate release early December
Due Grants.gov February 2, 2009
Due in EHB February 16, 2009
Change from Pure Edge Viewer to Adobe
Staffing Plan as attachment #1
New OPR section
Webinar in late Dec. or early Jan. 2009
24. SORH Challenges Reauthorization / appropriation sunset
Relatively flat appropriation
Decreasing amount of awards
Equity among States
Linkage of State matching funds to rural
Indirect charge limitation
Recurrent large carryovers
Travel requirements
Performance measurement
25. Contact Information Office of Rural Health Policy http://ruralhealth.hrsa.gov (301) 443-0835
Keith J. Midberry, MHSASORH and SHIP Program Coordinator
(301) 443-2669