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Sponsorship Catalogue. Dr. Glenda F. Hodges, CEO/Founder Still I Rise, Inc. 9015 Woodyard Road Clinton, Maryland 20735 301 868-4903, office 301868-4906, fax. 1 st Annual Community Empowerment Series Navigating The Waters of Domestic Violence: Engaging the Faith Community.
Sponsorship Catalogue Dr. Glenda F. Hodges, CEO/Founder Still I Rise, Inc. 9015 Woodyard Road Clinton, Maryland 20735 301 868-4903, office 301868-4906, fax 1st AnnualCommunity Empowerment SeriesNavigating The Waters of Domestic Violence: Engaging the Faith Community
Community Empowerment Series It is my pleasure to personally thank you for your past, present and future support of Still I Rise, Inc., a non-profit organization created to provide support for survivors of domestic violence. We are pleased to announce our upcoming flagship activity for this year, our first annual Community Empowerment Series (CES). This event is scheduled for December 19-21, 2013, at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, National Harbor, Maryland. Our theme is, “Navigating the Waters of Domestic Violence: Engaging the Faith Community.” The entire event promises to be one that will be most memorable. On December 19th, we have amassed published scholars whose presentations will help us understand the vast body of knowledge regarding domestic violence and the significance of getting involved. The workshops presented by these scholars are all FREE! During the evening of the 19th, we have planned an Ecumenical Worship Service that will minister to our varied spiritual needs. Our preacher will be Bishop Noel Jones, Pastor, City of Refuge, Los Angeles, California. At noon on December 20, we will conclude the workshop portion of our program as we prepare for our First Annual Gala. At this year’s Gala, we are celebrating survivors of domestic violence. To that end, it is our intention to transform the Gaylord ballroom into an atmosphere of holiday regalia. Our esteemed speaker for this occasion will be Rev. Dr. Freddie Haynes, Pastor, Friendship-West Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas. On Saturday morning, we will conclude our weekend with a Prayer Brunch where we will have a time to make new friends and embrace old ones. Our preacher for the Prayer Brunch will be Bishop Shelton Bady, Pastor, Harvest Time Evangelistic Center, Houston, Texas. I am very excited about our upcoming CES, as I am sure you are. This is the first time we have presented an event of this nature and we are doing all that we can to ensure that it will be a success. As such, we are hoping that you will assist us by providing a generous financial donation to help us defray the associated costs. I know that we can count on you as Still I Rise continues to make a difference in the lives of families confronted with the unfortunate experience of domestic violence. Please make your tax deductible donation payable to Still I Rise and send it as soon as practicable to the address provided on the front cover of our Sponsorship Catalogue. On behalf of all the women whose voices have been silenced by domestic violence, we extend to you a heartfelt thank you and God bless you! Sincerely, Dr. Glenda F. Hodges CEO and Founder We thank you in advance for your time and consideration and look forward to working with you in the future. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at the number listed below. Name Title (Phone) Website
Community Empowerment SeriesThe History of Still I Rise Inc. Established in 2001, Still I Rise grew out of a cry for help that came from its founder’s sister. After having experienced a single episode of physical abuse, the victim explained the situation to her sister and vowed that she would not remain in the abusive relationship. Motivated by a desire to be part of a solution to the problem of domestic violence, Dr. Hodges, Still I Rise’s founder, created a series of educational sessions on recognizing the signs of domestic violence and began to carry her message to community businesses that opened their doors to her. In 2006, Still I Rise received its 501( c) (3) status and Dr. Hodges began to engage licensed counselors in order to provide domestic violence education and crises intervention counseling services to survivors. In 2010, Still I Rise received its first federal funding from the Department of Justice, Office of Violence Against Women. Today, Still I Rise is a service provider for survivors of domestic violence, offering culturally appropriate assistance to 500+ women annually.
Senator Cardin & Dr. Hodges at Sheriff High’s DV Roundtable March 2012 Domestic Violence Forum held at Still I Rise Training Center Still I Rise 2010 Prayer Breakfast Councilman Mel Franklin’s 2011Domestic Violence Forum .
MISSION of STILL I RISE, INC. Still I Rise, Inc., headquartered in Clinton, Maryland, is a community based empowerment organization for survivors of domestic violence. We are committed to rebuilding the lives of women whose very existences have been touched by domestic violence. Through crisis intervention counseling, job readiness classes, self-esteem training, food bank services, support groups, housing and legal referrals, we are reclaiming the lives of domestic violence survivors, one woman at a time. Although we are physically located in southern Prince George’s County, our survivors come to us from all over the metropolitan area which includes the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia. “Therefore I urge you (sisters), in view of God’s mercy to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – This is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:1-2 (NIV) Our counselors are licensed professionals, committed to the cause of giving voice to women whose dreams have been shattered and whose cries for help have been unheard or ignored. No person is ever turned away; we are always able to refer to our partner providers for additional services. Our on-site childcare services, provided through the Department of Family Services’ Foster Grandparents Program, allow us to schedule counseling sessions at the convenience of our survivors. Our caring and supportive environment promotes a healing presence and underscores our willingness to help in any way. COMMENTS FROM CLIENTS…. “Still I Rise was a Godsend. I do not know what I would have done if I had not been able to talk to someone about my problem:” “I wish more people knew how much Still I Rise has helped me.” “I am pleased to say how Still I Rise has helped me move forward with my life as a survivor of domestic violence. Please know that I am very grateful to Dr. Hodges and the wonderful staff at Still I Rise for providing a safe place where women like me can come and not be judged. I applaud Dr. Hodges for her excellent leadership and for the outstanding programs which are being provided to the community for free.” “How do I spell relief? Still I Rise!” Community Empowerment Series
Community Empowerment Series • There is a place for you in our “ Still I Rise Garden of Hope”. Choose your flower and help our garden grow. Garden Flower: Golden Rose Packages Available: 2* Price: $25,000* * All sponsor benefits are contingent upon receipt of signed sponsor commitment agreement and necessary materials in advance of individual production deadlines for sponsorship benefits. Package: • Full page color ad in SIR souvenir book (inside front or back cover) • Banner display at all public events (i.e., Gala) • Logo and link to company website on SIR website • Logo on all SIR advertisement flyers • Special recognition at SIR Gala • 10 tickets to SIR Gala • 10 tickets to SIR Prayer Brunch
Community Empowerment Series SOLD Garden Flower: Orchids Packages Available: 1* Price: $10,000* * All sponsor benefits are contingent upon receipt of signed sponsor commitment agreement and necessary materials in advance of individual production deadlines for sponsorship benefits. Package: • Full page color ad in SIR souvenir book (inside back page) • Banner display at all public events (i.e., Gala) • Logo and link to company website on SIR website • Logo on all SIR advertisement flyers. • Special recognition SIR Gala • 8 tickets to SIR Gala • 8 tickets to SIR Prayer Brunch
Community Empowerment Series Garden Flower: Peace Lillies Packages Available: Unlimited* Price: $5,000* * All sponsor benefits are contingent upon receipt of signed sponsor commitment agreement and necessary materials in advance of individual production deadlines for sponsorship benefits. Package: • Half page color ad in SIR souvenir book • Banner display at all public events (i.e., Gala) • Logo and link to company website on SIR website • Logo on all SIR advertisement flyers. • Special recognition at SIR Gala • 6 tickets to SIR Gala • 6 tickets to SIR Prayer Brunch
Community Empowerment Series Garden Flower: Azaleas Packages Available: Unlimited* Price: $2,500* * All sponsor benefits are contingent upon receipt of signed sponsor commitment agreement and necessary materials in advance of individual production deadlines for sponsorship benefits. Package: • Quarter Page color ad in SIR souvenir book • Logo and link to company website on SIR website • Logo on all SIR advertisement flyers • Special recognition at the Gala • 5 tickets to SIR Gala • 5 tickets to SIR Prayer Brunch
Community Empowerment Series Garden Flower: Magnolias Packages Available: Unlimited* Price: $1,500* * All sponsor benefits are contingent upon receipt of signed sponsor commitment agreement and necessary materials in advance of individual production deadlines for sponsorship benefits. Package: • Business card color ad in SIR souvenir book • Logo and link to company website on SIR website • Logo on all SIR advertisement flyers • Special recognition at the Gala • 4 tickets to SIR Gala • 4 tickets to SIR Prayer Brunch