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18-19 SBD ACCESS Student Biographical Data. Training for data submissions contacts and ELL Coordinators. Purpose of SBD ACCESS .
18-19 SBD ACCESSStudent Biographical Data Training for data submissions contacts and ELL Coordinators
Purpose of SBD ACCESS • To allow CSI schools the opportunity to verify the accuracy of the demographic data AND assessment related fields submitted for each student administered the WIDA ACCESS language proficiency assessment. • State and Federal accountability reporting (including school and district performance framework ratings, Title III AMAOs, and priority and focus school designations) all rely on accurate demographic and test score data. Therefore, the impact of the SBD review of demographic data on accountability reporting is profound. • The review process takes place after the vendor has processed all assessments and before the assessments are scored and final results made available.
WIDA Important Points • Testing window started in January so the SBD review is earlier than other state assessments. • Only students classified as Non-English Proficient (NEP) or Limited English Proficient (LEP) should take the WIDA ACCESS. • Students may take the test in all grades K-12. • There is an Alternate version used for students with severe cognitive disabilities.
Reminder: PII • The SBD ACCESS contains large amounts of student PII (personally identifiable information)--Do not send ANY files via email. • Files may only be exchanged via FileZilla under Assessments/SBD - Student Biographical Data/ACCESS • Contact CSI if you do not have a FileZilla account or if you cannot see the folder location listed above. submissions_csi@csi.state.co.us
SBD ACCESS Timeline CSI School Review Begins: March 18, 2019 Deadline to Submit Corrected File: March 26, 2019 This is a very short window of opportunity to correct the data. Extensions on the submission deadline are not possible because of CDE final deadlines! Contact CSI if you need additional help in completing your review and making updates to your file.
Overview of Entire Process 1. As soon as the SBD ACCESS file is made available, CSI will notify schools that their school-specific file and error list is available in FileZilla 2. Review all of the slides so that you understand how to conduct the review and update data. 3. All resources are available on the Student Biographical Data (SBD) Reviews webpage on the CSI website. 4. Schools will have 7 business days (between 3/18 and 3/26) to clear errors and re-upload file. Because multiple rounds of errors may occur, schools should make an effort to clear errors and re-upload as soon as possible. 5. Be sure to highlight (fill) cells for all changes made in the file. 6. Email submissions_csi@csi.state.co.usonce corrected file has been uploaded to FileZilla. 7. Once all data is error free and submitted to CDE, CSI will notify school contacts.
SBD ACCESS Review Details Please read through the 18-19 SBD ACCESS File Layout before you begin your review. Any changes to the file layout from the previous year will be highlighted in yellow. The document begins with a table of all fields included in the SBD layout. • Position in the file • Field name in the file header • Valid values • Updateable or not CSI additions will be in green text.
SBD ACCESS File Fields Example in File Layout of Non Updatable Fields The screenshot shows just a sample, there are more non updatable fields than what are shown here. 18-19 SBD ACCESS File Layout Fields that are not updateable will have a value of “NO” in the file layout. If you change data in any non updatable field, it will cause an error!
SBD ACCESS Review Details • Be sure to check overall FRL counts, race/ethnicity counts, and language proficiency counts. These impact final accountability reporting. • Fill in any blank cells in updatable columns. • Highlight changes made to file—fill the cell with some color to distinguish it. • Use Sort/Filter feature to look for blank cells or incorrect values. • Do not delete or add rows to file; only make changes to existing records. Notify CSI if you believe records should be added or removed. • If your file contains records of any students who moved during the WIDA test window, then notify CSI so that we can make arrangements to move the student record if is found that the student tested at another district.
SBD ACCESS Review Details • Most common issue: • Students who have a language proficiency code other than NEP or LEP took the test and/or students who are coded as NEP or LEP did not take the test. • Be sure to involve ELL coordinator in this review process to verify language proficiency. • In prior years, some students had their tests invalidated because they were incorrectly coded in a school’s SIS.
SBD ACCES Language Fields WIDA ACCESS for ELLs is intended for English Learners only so there are a few fields that need to input correctly or the records will be invalidated Language Proficiency • Only 1 (NEP) or 2 (LEP) are valid all others will trigger an error Language Instruction Program • Students must be in a program if they are NEP or LEP • If a student has been opted out of a language program by a parent they may be coded as 98 • 00 or Blank will trigger an error Language Background • Cannot be ENG (English) • Use only 3 character alpha codes that are used in the Student Interchange • http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/language_codes
SBD ACCES Cluster Fields A single "Cluster" field was added in 17-18, but it has been split into four fields for 18-19, one for each test domain. 18-19 SBD ACCESS File Layout
SBD ACCES Cluster Fields WIDA ACCESS for ELLs has tests based on grade clusters rather than a specific grade Beginning in 18-19, there are now the 4 cluster fields, one for each test domain (see each one on prior slide). Each cluster field contains the test taken by the student for that domain. If the Cluster field is blank it means that the student did not complete that cluster • This will mean that the student will not receive an overall score • There is NO PARENT OPT OUT allowed for WIDA ACCESS
SBD ACCES Cluster Fields Test Clusters by Grade
SBD ACCES Cluster Fields Missing Clusters on Duplicate Records Sometimes students will have a complete assessment that crosses multiple records • This is usually caused by misbubbled information on paper tests. • If the Grade or SASID on a paper test does not match the student record in WIDA AMS it will create a second record. • Make sure the SASID and grade match across the records and they will be merged by DRC after the SBD review. • DO NOT INVALIDATE EITHER RECORD!
SBD ACCES Do Not Score Fields Do Not Score fields—SPD value has been updated (in yellow highlight) No longer means “Deferred special education/504”
SBD ACCES Do Not Score Fields WIDA ACCESS for ELLs does not have a participation component in Accountability Do Not Score codes are used to prevent DRC from creating a score for the student or for record keeping purposes. There is a separate code for each domain. There are four possible codes (also shown in prior slide) • ABS – Absent • INV – Invalid • DEC – Declined • SPD – Withdrew/District Ed Services/Took other assessment
SBD ACCES Do Not Score Fields Absent (ABS) • Used only for students who were absent for the entire testing window but did not withdraw from the school. Invalidation • Even if the student completed some of the test it was not valid and should not be scored. • Used for ANY misadministrations or situations where a student test is interrupted and not completed. • Also used if the student took the incorrect test for their grade or is not actually an English Learner.
SBD ACCES Do Not Score Fields Declined • Student refused to test. • THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS PARENT EXCUSE! Parental opt outs are not allowed for WIDA. SPD • For BOTH General and Alt • Students who withdrew from the school or district during the testing window and were not able to finish. • Students who are homebound due to illness or injury and receiving instruction through District Education Services. • For Alternate Only • Students who were given the general assessment, but should have received the Alternate assessment. • They should have another record with an Assessment Type of ‘A’.
Thank you for reviewing these trainings slides! Email all questions and correspondence to submissions_csi@csi.state.co.us