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Offshore Wind, Power Curves and Wakes. J.Tambke, M.Doerenkaemper, G.Steinfeld, L.v.Bremen & Prof. J.-O.Wolff – ForWind & ICBM University of Oldenburg, Germany Prof. T. Osahwa – University of Kobe, Japan Prof. J.A.T. Bye – The University of Melbourne, Australia. Overview.
Offshore Wind,Power Curves and Wakes J.Tambke, M.Doerenkaemper, G.Steinfeld, L.v.Bremen & Prof. J.-O.Wolff – ForWind & ICBM University of Oldenburg, Germany Prof. T. Osahwa – University of Kobe, Japan Prof. J.A.T. Bye – The University of Melbourne, Australia
Overview • Offshore Performance of Meso-Scale Models • Wind Profiles and Thermal Stratification - FiNO1 • Influence on Power Curves • Influence on Wakes • Large Scale Wakes Slide 2
Capacity Factors Slide 4
FiNO1: Influence of Thermal Stratification • Binned Wind-Speed Ratios unstable stable Slide 6
FiNO1: Influence of Thermal Stratification • Binned Wind-Speed Ratios unstable stable Slide 7
Speed Ratio u90./u30 vs. 10m/L Monin-Obukhov Obs. WRF Slide 8
LES: Large Eddy Simulation of Wakes @ alpha ventus 6 month values +1,7% -3% -0,2% u +2,6% -1,5% -0,2% Temporally averaged u at hub height
Conclusions • Thermal Stratificationhas a crucial Impact • on Offshore Wind Profilesand on Wakes • Power differs by up to 10% • Wake effects differ by up to 20% This work was funded by the German BMU within the Project OWEA (RAVE - Research at alpha ventus) Slide 14
MO-Profiles and Boundary Layer Height zi • Mixing Length Approach from Peña & Gryning [BLM 2008]: • Unstable: • Neutral: • Stable: • Boundary Layer Height: Rossby, Montgomery [1935] Slide 15
Speed Ratio (u90./u33) vs. Stability (z/L) stable unstable u(90m) u(33m) <1.05 Stability: 40m./L (Sonic.40m) Slide 16
Speed Ratio (u90./u33) vs. Stability (z/L) Peña/Gryning 2008 Stability: 40m./L (Sonic.40m) Slide 17
Meso-scale Models at FiNO1 FiNO1, alpha ventus Mean Wind Speeds at 100m: ~10m/s Mean Potential Power Production: 50% of the installed Capacity Slide 18
Mean Wind Profiles at FiNO1: DWD, WRF DWD-LME WRF (MYJ-Scheme) Observation for wind directions between 190° and 250° Slide 19
Mean Wind Profiles at FiNO1: 0-200m WRF DWD-LME Observation for wind directions between 190° and 250° Slide 20
Mean WRF-Profiles and Stability unstable -0.6 < 10m/L < +0.6 stable 10m/L -0.6 -0.3 0 +0.3 +0.6 Slide 21
Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Uncertainty in the Wind Shear due to Temperature Errors Bulk and Gradient Methods to calculate Stability are not accurate enough. U30m= 10 m/s Saint-Drenan et al. EWEC 2009 • Two non calibrated Pt100: (δ(T2-T1) = ± 0.12 – 0.16°C) • Two calibrated Pt100: (δ(T2-T1) = ± 0.08 – 0.12°C) • Temperature difference sensor: (δ(T2-T1) = ± 0.04 – 0.08°C) Slide 22
Comparison of Mean Profiles at FiNO1 Model Input: time series of wind speed at 33m height Observation WAsP bias = - 0.4 m/s MO-ICWP bias < +0.1 m/s RMSE(103m) = 11% RMSE(103m) = 5.5% WAsP MO-ICWP for wind directions between 190° and 250° Slide 23
FiNO1: Comparison of Mean Profiles wind directions between 190° and 250° MM5 (ETA-Scheme o1.5) DWD (prog. TKE o2.5) Observation Slide 24
DWD-LME Speed Ratios vs. Stability (z/L) wind directions between 190° and 250° MM5 (NCEP) DWD Analysis Observation Slide 25
Inertially Coupled Wind Profiles • Motivation for Ekman-Approach: Turbulence Intensities at FiNO1 are very low σu/u vs. Wind Speed (u) at 103m, Jan-Dec 2004 Slide 26
FiNO1: u* -Velocity and Wind Speed at 40m u* (Sonic.40m) Wind Speed (Cup.40m) [m/s] Slide 27