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MODAL VERBS. Teacher Silvino Sieben 2nd grade HS. What are modal verbs?. Modal verbs are special verbs which behave very differently from normal verbs. They cannot act alone as the main verb in a sentence.
MODAL VERBS Teacher Silvino Sieben 2nd grade HS
What are modal verbs? • Modal verbs are special verbs which behave very differently from normal verbs. • They cannot act alone as the main verb in a sentence. • Modal verbs are used to express ideas such as possibility, intention, obligation and necessity.
Can • We use “can” to say that someone has the ability or opportunity to do something: Can you speak English fluently? It’s nice tonight. We can go for a swim.
Could • “Could” is the past tense of can. It is also more polite. It is less sure. Could you do me a favor? I could swim 10 km continuously when I was young.
May • “May indicates possibility or permission in a formal way. Things may chance soon. May I ask you something?
Must • "Must" is most commonly used to express certainty. It can also be used to express necessity or strong recommendation, although native speakers prefer the more flexible form "have to." "Must not" can be used to prohibit actions, but this sounds very severe.
Examples: • This must be the right address! certainty • Students must pass an entrance examination to study at this school. necessity • You must take some medicine for that cough. strong recommendation • Jenny, you must not play in the street! prohibition
Have to • "Have to" is used to express certainty, necessity, and obligation. Examples: • This answer has tobe correct. certainty • The soup has tobe stirred continuously to prevent burning. necessity • They have toleave early. obligation
REMEMBER • : "Do nothaveto" vs. "Mustnot“ • "Do nothaveto" suggeststhatsomeoneisnotrequiredto do something. "Mustnot" suggeststhatyou are prohibitedfromdoingsomething. • Examples: • Youmustnoteatthat. Itisforbidden, itisnotallowed. • Youdon'thavetoeatthat. You can ifyouwantto, butitisnotnecessary.
Should/Oughtto • "Should/Ought to" is most commonly used to make recommendations or give advice. It can also be used to express obligation as well as expectation. Examples: • When you go to Berlin, you should visit the palaces in Potsdam. recommendation • You ought to focus more on your family and less on work. advice