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Basic Principles of Finnish Education. Finnish education and science policy stresses quality, efficiency, equity and internationalism Equal opportunities Comprehensive education Competent teachers Student counselling and special needs education Encouraging assessment and evaluation
Basic Principles of Finnish Education Finnish education and science policy stresses quality, efficiency, equity and internationalism Equal opportunities Comprehensive education Competent teachers Student counselling and special needs education Encouraging assessment and evaluation Significance of education in society A flexible system based on empowerment Co-operation A student-oriented, active conception of learning Everyone has the right to free basic education
Basic Principles of Finnish Education no tuition fees in general and vocational upper secondary education, in polytechnics or in universities Education is primarily co-financed by the government and local authorities local authorities pay 54.7% of the cost of basic education, general upper secondary education, vocational education and training and polytechnic education. Universities, continuing vocational and professional education and liberal adult education are state-funded
Basic Principles of Finnish Education • Mandatory for all children between 7 and 16 yrsold (since1921) • Equality of access • Free of charge (from pre-school to university) • School-basedcurriculum • National curriculumframework • Municipal & school curricula developed locally • Prepares for lifelonglearning • Teacherautonomy in instruction • Voluntary preschool education offered to all 6 year old children (95% attend)
Administration in education Educational legislation is passed and the general principles governing education are determined by Parliament Government and the Ministry of Education and Culture, formulate and implement education policy. The National Board of Education, which is subordinate to the Ministry, has many tasks relating to the provision of education and its development Local authorities have a duty to provide basic education for children living in the municipality
Schools at Present • About 3300 schools of which 215 have grades 1 to 9 • General comprehensive school has 14 subjects in grades 1 to 6 and a few more in grades7 to 9 • Religion is a mandatory subject • Newest subject is health education (2004-) • First foreign language at the 3rd grade (English and Germanmostpopular) • Handicraft has been a school subject since 1860s
SecondaryEducation • Upper secondary school (high school) • 2-4 year program leading to Matriculation Examination Individual curriculum for all students – nongradedprogram, everyone studies according to his/herownstudyplan • mandatorycourses (47-52) • advancedcourses (min 10) • samesubjectcourses (max 15) • appliedcourses (max 20)
Secondary Education Finnish upper secondary schools are typically small, having 100- 400 students, only 8 schools over 1000 students • 417 upper secondary schools in the country, total is about 100000 students • About 58% of the student go to upper secondary school • Entrance restricted (grade marks based admissioncriteria) • Free for students, except books and materials
VocationalEducation • Government has guaranteed access to further vocational or general education for all comprehensive schoolgraduates • Around 40% of students choose vocational education • Programs are generally 3 yrs long (120 ECTS credit points)
Vocational Education Education free of charge, including lunch and transportation from home; books and materials not free 20 credits general studies, 80 credits vocational and 20 practical at the work place Over 200 different vocational programs offered Around 7000 students combine their vocational and upper secondary school studies and make both vocational degree and ME in a fouryearprogram
Upper Secondary Vocational Education and Training in a Nutshell Admission requirement is the completion of basic education syllabus; Education providers primarily select their students based on earlier academic achievement but may also hold entrance exams or aptitude tests and may take the applicant’s work experience into consideration; Application takes place through a joint application system electronically; The studies primarily aim at obtaining the vocational skills needed in working life; Additionally, three-year studies give general eligibility to apply for studies at universities and polytechnics ; Opportunities for individual progress in studies have been enhanced; A vocational upper secondary qualification can be obtained through attending a vocational school, through apprenticeship training, or through a competence test; 20 credits (around 6 months) of the studies are conducted on-the-job; Skills demonstrations were launched in 2006 as proof of having reached the goals given to vocational studies.
HigherEducation • Finland has a dual higher education system • 16 universities (1.1.2010) • 26 polytechnics (1.1.2009) • It is possible to apply to higher education after a Matriculation exam or vocational degree
Higher Education Total of 307300 students in higher education Ministry of Education policy: 50% of 30-34yr age have higher education degree by 2015 The Universities Act requires that universities promote free research, offer scientific and artistic education based on research and educate students to serve their country and humanity. In carrying out this mission, universities must interact with society and strenghtenthe impact of researchon society.
Polytechnics:Universities of appliedsciences Professional higher education degrees offered in the areas labour market requires highly educated professionals Polytechnicsaremunicipalorprivateinstitutions, authorized and supported by the Ministry of Education Are autonomous in their internal affairs
Polytechnics:Universities of appliedsciences Degreesoffered: • Polytechnic Bachelor’s degree • Polytechnic Master’s degree • Further education and specialization studies • Open polytechniceducation
Universities 11 multidisciplinaryuniversities, 1 school ofeconomics and business administration, 2 universities of technology and 2 art academies New university legislation in 2010 All universities are public, autonomous institutions governed by themselves and funded mostly by support from the state budget Most popular programs are primary school teacher education, psychology, mass media, social sciences Open university system offers university level basic studiesto everyoneinterested
Universities Universities are autonomous and independent of state (alsofinancially) Freedom of research and education Degrees are based on Bologna treaty (180-300 ECTS) (since 2008) Students are accepted to study Master’s degree but have to take Bachelor before making the Master’s (MA, MSc) Entrance to universities very restricted: typically 15-20% of the applicants are accepted at the Univ of Tampere; 30-40% to universities of technology
AdultEducation Both general and vocational adult education aimed to promote the idea of lifelong learning General adult education institutes supported by the state and municipalities (e.g. community colleges) Courses do not lead to degrees Vocational adult education institutes offer same degrees as institutes for young students Curricula fitted for adult purposes Shorter programs – previous skills tested in working contextexams
Adult education Adult education policy is designed to provide a wide range of study opportunities for the adult population General and interest-oriented: - General upper secondary schools for adults; - Folk highschools; - Adult education centres, study centres, and educational organisations; - Physicaleducationcentres; - Institutions providing basic art education, like music institutions; - Summer universities.
Adult education Vocational: Institutions providing vocational education and training; Vocationaladulteducationcentres; Specialisedvocationalinstitutions; Continuing education centres of universities; Polytechnics; Home economicscounsellingorganisations; Organisations for crafts and design.