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Survey of Existing measures. Survey of Existing Measures - Method. Definition: “An existing measure is something that is applied now at least one of the target countries (EU-27 plus the 3 candidate countries, Norway and Switzerland).” How did we identify these:
Survey of Existing Measures - Method • Definition: “An existing measure is something that is applied now at least one of the target countries (EU-27 plus the 3 candidate countries, Norway and Switzerland).” • How did we identify these: • Development of survey questionnaire. • Distribution of questionnaire to IMs, RUs, NSAs and other stakeholders (including plenty of time on the telephone!) • Translation of questions into local language in some cases. • Internet research and journals to identify specific examples of applied measures. • Network statements. • Accident reports. • Other sources as available.
The Survey • The survey invitees: • Invited every IM to participate. • Invited at least two (where applicable) RUs per country to participate. • Invited several trade associations to participate. • Thanks to those who took the time to respond! • The survey questions (in summary): • What measures do you apply in terms of freight train derailment risk reduction. • Why do you apply these (regulatory requirement, national rule, company initiative etc). • How effective are these controls in your opinion. • What innovations / future controls are you aware of?
Country Freight Op / Infra Manager Country Freight Op / Infra Manager Wagon Owner Wagon Owner Austria Y es Yes Luxembourg Yes Belgium Yes Macedonia Bulgaria Yes Netherlands Yes CER Yes Yes Norway Yes Yes Croatia Yes Poland Yes Czech Republic Portugal Yes Denmark Yes Yes Romania Estonia Slovakia Yes Yes Finland Yes Yes Slovenia Yes France Yes Spain Yes Germany Yes Sweden Yes Greece Switzerland Yes Yes Hungary Yes Turkey Ireland UIP Yes Italy UNIFE Yes Yes Japan Great Britain Yes Yes Latvia Yes Yes United States Yes Yes Lithuania Yes Yes Who Responded?
Survey Coverage • The combined coverage (based only on individual country responses, not trade associations) covers approximately 80% of the total freight traffic volume in EU27/EEA countries. • In some cases the responses from trade associations provide the views of a number of their members, some of whom have chosen not to respond individually. • Other sources of information (network statements etc) provides some additional information for countries that declined our invitation.
Survey Results • Identified 47 existing measures for the reduction of frequency of freight train derailments. • Identified 13 measures associated with reduction of consequences following a freight train derailment. • Some examples are presented in the following slides…
Existing preventive measures to reduce Infrastructure caused derailments (1) • Improved inspection routines: • Timely maintenance follow-up of inspection results. • Upgrade weak infrastructure to match present axle loads: • Freight only lines are today used for loading conditions far exceeding their design standard. • Stricter and more harmonised track geometry requirements to account for international traffic. • Move signals which may show stop aspect away from track sections with geometry not suitable for low speed breaking or acceleration, or adjust track geometry to train operating conditions. Examples: • Avoid signals that can show stop aspect behind small radius curves with high cant. • Alternatively redesign track geometry or install check rails.
Excessivetrack twist • Picture shows a train on a track in UK that caused derailment due to excessive track twist. • Track twist restriction area by draft TSI for Conventional Rail Infrastructure for curves with R< 420 m.
Existing preventive measures to reduce Infrastructure caused derailments (2) • Greasing of track curves. • Interlocking of points to avoid operation while occupied by rolling stock: • Mainly at stations and shunting yards. • Increased separation of freight and passenger traffic along different lines and adjustment of track geometry design to most frequent traffic type. • Apply ”maintenance free” superstructure design e.g. fixed track/slab track.
Existing preventive measures to reduce Rolling stock related derailments • Measures to avoid Hot Axle Box derailments: • Wheel impact load detectors to detect faulty wheels giving excessive vibration to bearing. • Improve bearing design by applying more vibration tolerant components in bearing. • Track installed detector installations to detect faulty bearings or hot axle boxes: • Hot axle box detectors. • Bearing acoustic diagnostic. • Measures to avoid axle shaft fatigue ruptures: • Improved design standards. • Appropriate material selection. • Fault free surface corrosion protection. • Improved in service inspection in order to detect incipient failures. • Appropriate greasing of bogie pivots and side supports. • Apply improved suspension design, e.g.. parabolic blade springs instead of trapezoidal blade springs.
Rolling stock measures towards wheels and axles • Exchange brass roller bearings with polyaminde roller cages • Evaluate use of composite wheels vs monoblock wheels. • European Visual Inspection Catalogue for Wheelsets
Existing preventive measures to reduce Operational related derailments • Training of operational staff of all types. • Proper inspection, testing and check of wagons, train and departure route prior to departure: • Improved tools to ensure quality of these activities, e.g. check lists. • Improved tools to detect overloading, skew loading and/or insufficient fastened load: • Weighing devices at terminal or along track. • Visual balances on wagons. • ATP-system to avoid SPADs and excessive speed across deviated points/turnouts.
Summing Up • Identified existing measures from consultation. • Identified 47 existing measures for the reduction of frequency of freight train derailments. • Identified 13 measures associated with reduction of consequences following a freight train derailment. • All preventive measures will be assessed in Part B, along with mitigation measures based on detecting a derailment. • Additional measures may be identified during Part B.
Barrier Model (example) Braking / other system failures
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