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Improving Mathematics Teaching through Lesson Study in Secondary School of Yogyakarta Province in Indonesia. SUKIRMAN Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Science State University of Yogyakarta Indonesia. Lesson Study. Lesson study is defined as:
Improving Mathematics Teaching through Lesson Study in Secondary School of Yogyakarta Province in Indonesia SUKIRMAN Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Science State University of Yogyakarta Indonesia
Lesson Study Lesson studyis defined as: an activity conducted by schoolteachers and lecturers of the same subject matter to improve the quality of teaching in classroom.
Partnership of Conducting Lesson Study Lesson study was conducted simultaneously by Faculty of Mathematics and Science at three universities in Indonesia, that is:
History • In early year of 2001, three faculties above started to run a project of Improving Mathematics and Science Teaching for Primary and Secondary Education in Indonesia, namely IMSTEP in cooperation with JICA (Japanese International Cooperation Agency) • The activity was started by inviting & gathering some schoolteachers to faculty to get some workshops with lecturers in producing good teaching materials to teach based on curriculum prevailed.
History • The result of such a workshop, then was implemented in classroom & monitored by lecturers and other teachers as observers. • In early years, the above program was called as a piloting activity until in 2004, it was, then called a lesson study activity.
Scope(The scope of lesson study was Secondary schools in Yogyakarta) • In 2001, the number of schools involved were 21 schools both Senior and Junior high Schools (one school for one subject matter only) • In 2002, it was extended into 42 schools (one school for one subject matter only). • In 2003, the number of schools was decreased into 6 schools only (3 Junior High Schools and 3 Senior High Schools) for all subjects of mathematics and science in each school.
Scope(The scope of lesson study was Secondary schools in Yogyakarta) • In 2004, it was changed into new schools with almost 105 schools in one regency, which involved Subject Matter (Math and Science) Teachers Organization (MGMP). • In 2005, lesson study covered schoolteachers in two regencies (Sleman & Bantul) with almost 115 schools, which involved Subject Matter (Math and Science) Teachers Organization (MGMP).
Scope(The scope of lesson study was Secondary schools in Yogyakarta) • In 2006, it is fully implemented in one regency which focused only on public & Islamic Junior High Schools in Bantul regency (where the earthquake occurred).However, in Yogyakarta, beside implemented in those lower secondary schools, lesson study is also separately implemented among lecturers in Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Yogyakarta State University. • This lesson study activity is focused on the effort of improving the teaching quality of four subjects such as mathematics, biology, chemistry, and physics.
Steps of Lesson Study Three main steps of lesson study : 1. Plan (preparation) 2. Do (implementation and observation) 3. See (reflection/review)
1. Plan (preparation) This preparation covers developing and producing: • Lesson Plan • Teaching Guide • Students’ Worksheet • Teaching Media/Kits/Materials • Evaluation sheet (to evaluate the process and result of teaching learning activity) • Observation sheet
Record of PLAN activity (Mathematics schoolteachers and lecturers work collaboratively in faculty to produce teaching guide, & other teaching materials)
2. Do (implementation and Observation) • One teacher will be a model or presenter • Other teachers, lecturers, and sometime perspective teachers place themselves as the observers • Below is the record of Mathematics teaching process taken in Junior High School (one of lesson study groups) • Teacher model was Ms. Retno from SMP (Junior High School) 2 Sewon, Bantul
Record of DO activityFirst grade students of Junior High School(A-perception)
Record of DO activity(Teacher’s explanation & class activity)
3. See (reflection/ teaching review) • Comments of the model teacher/presenter • Comments of observers focused on students’ activity during the lesson • Feedback of the model teacher/presenter • Conclusion for improving the next cycle.
Record of SEE activity(Comment of the model teacher/presenter & feedback from observers’ opinion)
Seminar (Sharing Experience) on Results of Lesson Study • Sharing the results of lesson study for all groups, teachers, lecturers, and stakeholders • Sharing any common problems found during the implementation of lesson study • Sharing any good solution to solve those above problems • Reporting and writing final result of the lesson study implementation as well as its possibility to enhance into wider scope both teachers and schools
Record of Lesson Study Seminar in Faculty(Sharing experience among schoolteachers, lecturers, Experts, & Stakeholders)
Lesson Study is conducted in Faculty • As already conducted in Secondary Schools, lesson study conducted in faculty is also involving 4 departments of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology Educations. • Each department involves 4 groups consisting of 5-6 lecturers as members of each group, with at least one senior lecturer. • The following records of implementation are presented in three main items such as, Plan, Do, and See.
Record of PLAN activity (The members of one group of lesson study in faculty conducted a meeting to make preparation for classroom implementation)
Record of DO activityMathematics class in faculty(A-perception)
Record of DO activity(Student’s activity & Teacher’s explanation)
Record of SEE activity(Comments of the observers toward the presenter & teaching learning process)
Recommendation • Lesson study conducted insecondary schools has been able to improve the professionalism of school teachers. • Lesson study conducted in faculty has been able to improve the professionalism of lecturers. • Lesson study needs to be conducted continuouslyboth in secondary schools to reach out the highest quality of teaching (education) in future .
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