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IMS Connect and IMS ODBM: an early look

IMS Connect and IMS ODBM: an early look. Jim Martin Fundi Software 5-Aug-2010 Session 7858. Agenda. Overview of open database Systems-perspective of Open Database Tools that can be used with Open Database Futures. ODBM. S C I. S C I. S C I. O D B A. O D B A. O D B A.

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IMS Connect and IMS ODBM: an early look

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  1. IMS Connect and IMS ODBM: an early look Jim Martin Fundi Software 5-Aug-2010 Session 7858

  2. Agenda • Overview of open database • Systems-perspective of Open Database • Tools that can be used with Open Database • Futures

  3. ODBM S C I S C I S C I O D B A O D B A O D B A PC IMS IMS CTL CTL IMS DB IMS DB JDBC TCP/IP IMS Connect DLI TCP/IP PC T C P I P S C I Roll Your Own Open Database Environment LPAR A z/OS IMS CTL IMS DB Distributed PC WebSphere S O A P J C A 1.5 T C P I P LPAR B XCF TCP/IP LPAR C

  4. Protocol difference • IMS Connect has always used the IRM protocol • Now supports DRDA – an open standards based protocol for distributed database access • Defines request flows • Defines Object:Data structure (DDM) • Extensible • Controlled by the Open Group

  5. Standards-based tools can analyze the communcation exchange

  6. Key points • Differentiator • Standards-based • Open access from distributed platforms • Two-phase commit • With or without WAS • Impact • Open DB requires CSL + IMS Connect • New class of workload through IMS and IMS Connect

  7. Challenges • Managing and configuring new address spaces • Understanding, debugging, and tuning DRDA requests • New class of IMS application programmers (hopefully!)

  8. IMS Connect Extensions • Improves the manageability of IMS Connect • IMS Connect Extensions enhancements for Open Database include: • Event collection • Routing • Monitoring of ODBM throughput in GUI or ISPF

  9. Use routing to improve parallelism and redundancy 1000msg/s 4x250msg/s ODBM A ALIAS ALIAS ALIAS ALIAS Messages IMS Connect ALIAS+ PSBNAME ODBM B CEX converts a single ALIAS+PSBNAME to multiple candidate ODBM address spaces and databases 14

  10. Open database access Overall request characteristics IMS Connect ODBM IMS Extensions IMS Log Journals Framing for ODBM performance Input and output for ODBM

  11. Response times over 2 seconds! "WebSphere Application Server waits 2 seconds "IMS responds for a response from IMS. Contact IMS support." in a millisecond." The problem is somewhere in here: a reporting "black hole" between the two product support teams WAS IMS support staff support staff WebSphere IMS Application ODBM IMS Connect Server (WAS) IMS Connect Extensions IMS log Event journal Reports separate response times IMS IMS for IMS Connect Problem Performance Tracks DRDA and IMS flow Investigator Analyzer

  12. IMS Problem Investigator • The first interactive log analysis tool for IMS • Used in dozens of Global 2000 enterprises in over 15 countries • Actively developed product: significant enhancements being released continuously • Full detailed support for CEX ODBM event records • Includes Code Points and DDM Objects

  13. IMS PI and Open Database • Open database requests are captured in the CEX journal • IMS PI can format the requests • Interprets standard DDM objects • Interprets IMS-specific extensions • Allows you to connect DRDA requests to data IMS log and monitor data, OMEGAMON ATF…

  14. Initiation File  Menu  Edit  Mode  Navigate  Filter  Time  Labels  Options  Help  ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————   IMSPI CEX000.QADATA.REDBOOK.DRDAT111.ICON.D1003  Record 00000001 More: < >   Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR  Forwards / Backwards . . of Day . .    Code Description                 Date 2010-03-31 Wednesday  Time (LOCAL)      /  ---- ------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- A000 IMS Connect Extensions Control Information  A05B DRDA 1041 EXCSAT-Exchange Server Attributes  A05B DRDA 106D ACCSEC-Access Security  A05C DRDA 1443 EXCSATRD-Server Attributes Reply Data  A04A WRITE Socket  A05B DRDA 106E SECCHK-Security Check  A063 ODBM Security Exit called  A064 ODBM Security Exit returned  A05C DRDA 1219 SECCHKRM-Security Check Reply Message  A04A WRITE Socket  A05B DRDA 2001 ACCRDB-Access RDB  A05D ODBM begin Allocate PSB (APSB) Program=AUTPSB11  A061 ODBM Routing Exit called  A062 ODBM Routing Exit returned  A069 Message sent to ODBM  A06A Message received from ODBM  A05E ODBM end Allocate PSB (DPSB) Program=AUTPSB11 

  15. Open database query File  Menu  Edit  Mode  Navigate  Filter  Time  Labels  Options  Help  ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————   IMSPI CEX000.QADATA.REDBOOK.DRDAT111.ICON.D1003  Record 00000057 More: < >   Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR  Forwards / Backwards . . of Day . .    Code Description                 Date 2010-03-31 Wednesday  Time (LOCAL)      /  ---- ------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- A048 Trigger Event for ODBMMSG  A05B DRDA 200C OPNQRY-Open Query  A05B DRDA CC05 DLIFUNC-DL/I function  A05B DRDA CC01 INAIB-AIB data  A05B DRDA CC04 RTRVFLD-Field client wants to retrieve data  A05B DRDA CC04 RTRVFLD-Field client wants to retrieve data  A05B DRDA CC06 SSALIST-List of segment search argument  A069 Message sent to ODBM  A06A Message received from ODBM  A05C DRDA 2205 OPNQRYRM-Open Query Complete  A04A WRITE Socket  A048 Trigger Event for ODBMMSG  A05B DRDA 200C OPNQRY-Open Query  A05B DRDA CC05 DLIFUNC-DL/I function  A05B DRDA CC01 INAIB-AIB data  A05B DRDA CC04 RTRVFLD-Field client wants to retrieve data  A05B DRDA CC04 RTRVFLD-Field client wants to retrieve data 

  16. Elapsed times File  Menu  Edit  Mode  Navigate  Filter  Time  Labels  Options  Help  ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————   IMSPI CEX000.QADATA.REDBOOK.DRDAT111.ICON.D1003  Record 00000001 More: < >   Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR  Forwards / Backwards . . of Day . .    Code Description                 Date 2010-03-31 Wednesday  Time (Elapsed)    /  ---- ------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- A000 IMS Connect Extensions Control Information  A05B DRDA 1041 EXCSAT-Exchange Server Attributes    20.29.409732  A05B DRDA 106D ACCSEC-Access Security        0.000052  A05C DRDA 1443 EXCSATRD-Server Attributes Reply Data        0.000024  A04A WRITE Socket        0.000060  A05B DRDA 106E SECCHK-Security Check        0.615160  A063 ODBM Security Exit called        0.000142  A064 ODBM Security Exit returned        0.000113  A05C DRDA 1219 SECCHKRM-Security Check Reply Message        0.000023  A04A WRITE Socket        0.000109  A05B DRDA 2001 ACCRDB-Access RDB        0.627793  A05D ODBM begin Allocate PSB (APSB) Program=AUTPSB11               0.000022  A061 ODBM Routing Exit called        0.000010  A062 ODBM Routing Exit returned        0.000168  A069 Message sent to ODBM        0.000452  A06A Message received from ODBM        0.273286  A05E ODBM end Allocate PSB (DPSB) Program=AUTPSB11                 0.000133 

  17. “Standard” DDM File  Menu  Format  Help   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————  IMSPI CEX000.QADATA.REDBOOK.DRDAT111.ICON.D Record 00000021 Line 00000019   Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR  Form    ===> +  Use Form in Filter   Format ===> FORM +001D Type....... 01          RQSCRR..... 0001                                 +0020 Object..... 2001 ACCRDB-Access RDB                                        +0020 Length..... +60         CP......... 2001                                 +0024 Object..... 2110 RDBNAM-Relational Database Name                          +0024 Length..... +17         CP......... 2110                                 +0028 Data....... 'AUTPSB11.ODB1'                                              +0035 Object..... 210F RDBACCCL-RDB Access Manager Class                        +0035 Length..... +6          CP......... 210F        Data....... 2407         +003B Object..... 112E PRDID-Product-specific Identifier                        +003B Length..... +20         CP......... 112E                                 +003F Data....... 'IMS OPEN DB V1.0'                                           +004F Object..... 002F TYPDEFNAM-Data Type Definition Name                      +004F Length..... +13         CP......... 002F                                 +0053 Data....... 'QTDSQL370'                                                 

  18. Sequence in detail File  Menu  Format  Help   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————  IMSPI CEX000.QADATA.REDBOOK.DRDAT111.ICON.D Record 00000035 Line 00000019   Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR  Form    ===> +  Use Form in Filter   Format ===> FORM +001D Type....... 01          RQSCRR..... 0001                                 +0020 Object..... 200C OPNQRY-Open Query                                        +0020 Length..... +37         CP......... 200C                                 +0024 Object..... 2141 MAXBLKEXT-Maximum Number of Extra Blocks                 +0024 Length..... +6          CP......... 2141        Data....... 0000         +002A Object..... C907 PCBNAME-PCB name                                         +002A Length..... +11         CP......... C907        Data....... 'EMPLPCB'    +0035 Object..... 2114 QRYBLKSZ-Query Block Size                                +0035 Length..... +8          CP......... 2114        Data....... 00008000     +003D Object..... 2156 QRYROWSET-Query Rowset Size                              +003D Length..... +8          CP......... 2156        Data....... 00000001     ********************************* End of data *********************************

  19. Details of input and output File  Menu  Format  Help   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————  IMSPI CEX000.QADATA.REDBOOK.DRDAT111.ICON.D Record 00000050 Line 00000019   Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR  Form    ===> +  Use Form in Filter   Format ===> FORM +001D Type....... 03          RQSCRR..... 0001                                 +0020 Object..... CC06 SSALIST-List of segment search argument                  +0020 Length..... +55         CP......... CC06                                 +0024 Object..... C905 SSACOUNT-Number of segment search arguments              +0024 Length..... +6          CP......... C905        Data....... 0002         +002A Object..... C906 SSA-Segment search argument                              +002A Length..... +32         CP......... C906                                 +002E Data....... 'EMPL    *D(EMPNO   GE      )'                               +004A Object..... C906 SSA-Segment search argument                              +004A Length..... +13         CP......... C906                                 +004E Data....... 'EMPLINFO '                                                  ********************************* End of data *********************************

  20. Solving problems • Session errors: these are conditions that generate distinct error. For example, specifying the wrong alias name, trying to access a stopped PSB. • Performance problems: IMS provides an output but processing time is slow. • Unexpected responses: the client receives information from IMS but it is not the feedback that the client was expecting.

  21. Filtering File  Menu  View  Help  ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————   IMSPI                          Filter                   Row 1 of 1 More: < >   Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR   Filter  . . . . .  +                                                    Description . . . New Log Record Filter               Activate Tracking    / Log Code + Exc Description                                                    CONA047   Session Error                                                                    Level  1   Conditions  No  Form  + REXX   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ******************************* Bottom of data ******************************** File  Menu  Edit  Mode  Navigate  Filter  Time  Labels  Options  Help  ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————   IMSPI CEX000.QADATA.REDBOOK.ERR01.ICON.D100331   Record 00000027 More: < >   Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR  Forwards / Backwards . . of Day . .    Code Description                 Date 2010-03-31 Wednesday  Time (LOCAL)      /  ---- ------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- A047 Session Error  A047 Session Error  A047 Session Error  ******************************** Bottom of Data *******************************

  22. Details of error File  Menu  Format  Help   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————  IMSPI CEX000.QADATA.REDBOOK.ERR01.ICON.D100 Record 00000027 Line 00000016   Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR  Form    ===> +  Use Form in Filter   Format ===> FORM +001A CERE_47_VAR_MSG.... 134 byte message area  +0000  C8E6E2D2 F2F8F7F5 E640D5D6 40D6C4C2   *HWSK2875W NO ODB*          +0010  D440C9E2 40C1E5C1 C9D3C1C2 D3C540C6   *M IS AVAILABLE F*          +0020  D6D940D4 C5E2E2C1 C7C540D9 D6E4E3C9   *OR MESSAGE ROUTI*          +0030  D5C75E40 C37ED6C4 C2F3C3F0 F4F16B40   *NG; C=ODB3C041, *          +0040  C9D4E2C1 7ED3C1D3 C16B40D7 7EF4F8F8   *IMSA=LALA, P=488*          +0050  F5F54040 406B40C9 D4E2C1F1 7E404040   *55   , IMSA1=   *          +0060  406B40D6 C4C2D47E 40404040 40404040   * , ODBM=        *          +0070  6B40D97E C9D4E2C1 D5C6D5C4 6B40D47E   *, R=IMSANFND, M=*          +0080  D4D9C3E5 0000                         *MRCV..          *          +00A0 CERE_47_VAR_SESRSN......... 'WRITE   '                                   +00A8 CERE_47_VAR_TOKEN.......... 0000000000000000                             ********************************* End of data *********************************

  23. OMEGAMON ATF • Application-level accounting • Identify DLI call times and CPU utilization • Use with IMS PI filtering and tracking to proactively identify problems • Resolve problems by ‘tracking’ from ATF records to all other available records (in the IMS log, DB2, etc…)

  24. Combining ATF with Open DB FileMenuEditModeNavigateFilterTimeLabelsOptionsHelp ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── BROWSECEX000.QADATA.REDBOOK.DRDAT111.ICON.D1003Record00000308More:<> Command===>Scroll===>CSR Forwards/Backwards.. CodeDescriptionDate2010-03-31WednesdayTime(LOCAL) /-------------------------------------------------------------------------- A049READSocket13.46.47.095038 A05BDRDACC06SSALIST-Listofsegmentsearchargument13.46.47.095045 A0AAODBMTrace:MessagesenttoODBM13.46.47.095985 A069MessagesenttoODBM13.46.47.096016 06OSAMIWAITstartTranCode=ODBA02CDRegion=000313.46.47.142891 20DatabaseOpen Database=EMPDB2Region=000313.46.47.143647 06OSAMIWAITstartTranCode=ODBA02CDRegion=000313.46.47.181506 20DatabaseOpen Database=AUTODBRegion=000313.46.47.182252 06OSAMIWAITstartTranCode=ODBA02CDRegion=000313.46.47.191442 01DLIGHUDatabase=EMPLDB2SC=''Elapse=0.09587513.46.47.096570 B021DLIDatabaseTraceDatabase=EMPLDB2Func=GHU13.46.47.192378 A0AAODBMTrace:MessagereceivedfromODBM13.46.47.192881 A06AMessagereceivedfromODBM13.46.47.192909 A05CDRDA2205OPNQRYRM-OpenQueryComplete13.46.47.193186 A04AWRITESocket13.46.47.193515 A048TriggerEventforODBMMSG13.46.47.193554 A03CPrepareREADSocket13.46.48.120636

  25. IMS Performance Analyzer • IMS PA providesperformance reports • Proactive and reactive tool • Help identify problems • Meet SLAs • Plan and optimize capacity

  26. IMS Configuration Manager • IMS Configuration Manager is a rebranding of IMS Parameter Manager • Represents the introduction of significant new features and a refocus of the product • Focus changes from managing IMS parameters to managing IMS resources • Retains most parameter management functionality • Adds ability to edit, browse, and install IMS resources • Leverages DRD

  27. Open database • Now: helps you set up ODBM and IMS Connect address space • Future requirement: provides a control web interface where you can manage your IMS environment

  28. Future suggestions • Improved reporting in IMS PA • ODBM End to End reporting • More flexible forms of tracking in IMS PI • Better address-space management and GUI-based administration (ICM)

  29. Conclusions • Open database is a significant enhancement to IMS • Simplifies application development for IMS • Creates challenges for system administration • IMS Tools are evolving to help address these challenges • Your thoughts?

  30. Literature • Upcoming IMS Open Database Redbook • IMS Application Programming API • Technical Standard: DRDA, Version 4, Volume 1 and V3

  31. More information • IBM DB2 and IMS Tools website:http://www.ibm.com/software/data/db2imstools/ • Jim Martin, US Representative, Fundi Software: jim_martin@fundi.com.au

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