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Questions for practitionaires. Clementina Ivan-Ungureanu Training: Essential SNA: Building the basics Addis Ababa, 13-16 February 2012. 1. National Strategies for the Development of Statistics. Is a NSDS elaborated for your country? If yes, what is the structure? If not, have you in plan?
Questions for practitionaires Clementina Ivan-Ungureanu Training: Essential SNA: Building the basics Addis Ababa, 13-16 February 2012
1. National Strategies for the Development of Statistics • Is a NSDS elaborated for your country? • If yes, what is the structure? • If not, have you in plan? • Which are the main obstacles to realize it?
2. The 2008 SNA implementation strategy • Which is the situation of NA implementation in your country? • What are the major problem: data sources, access to data, lack of staff etc • Are actions taken to improve the actual situation? • Is a strategy for NA implementation and development elaborated? If no, is foreseen to be done?
3. Business Register • Does an SBR exist in the statistical office or does it need to be constructed? • What other administrative records and registers exist in the country? • If an SBR exists, how good is the quality of its information? • Is it based on the most suitable administrative sources? • Is it updated regularly?
3. Business Register (2) • To what extent does the quality of an SBR affect the quality of statistical surveys used for compiling national accounts? • Is the classification of industries used in an SBR in line with SNA requirements? • Is the SBR used as a sampling framework for statistical surveys?
4. Classifications • Are international classifications implemented in the statistical system and are they used for the collection, compilation and dissemination of statistical data sources? • What are the classifications used in the administrative system? Are they in line with the statistical classifications and can they be used for national accounts purposes? • Are there correspondence tables between the different classifications to ensure system consistency?
5. Statistical data sources • What statistical surveys are conducted by the statistical office? • Are the need for NA compilation covered in a sufficient way by the existing statistical surveys? • If not, is there a strategy for development?
5. Statistical data sources (2) • Are the concepts, content and classifications used in these surveys in line with the requirements of the 2008 SNA? • What statistical surveys needs to be implemented to in order to guarantee national accounts compilation requirements?
5. Statistical data sources (3) • The surveys questionnaires are well designed ( useful questions, clear instructions, avoid respondent burden, etc) • The collection of data is well organized? • The data processing is carried out in good conditions? • What are the uses of surveys? Do they meet the users requirements?
6. Administrative data sources • What is the actual situation concerning the use of administrative sources for statistical purposes in your country? • What are the main problems with using administrative sources? • Is it possible to gain access to these sources? Do agreements for collaboration and memorandum need to be set up?
6. Administrative data sources (2) • Are the proper ways of collecting administrative records and using them for statistical purposes in place? • Do you use administrative data for NA compilation? • Have all administrative data sources been examined to determine to what extent the data they contain can be used to support the statistical programme?
6. Administrative data sources (3) • Do “bridge tables” exist for translation from accounting indicators to NA concept? • Have the procedures for transforming from business to national accounting concepts been defined and fully understood by survey and national accounts staff? • Does there exist a strategy for improvement the use of administrative sources?
7. Non-Observed Economy • Is NOE an important part of the economy? • Which are the NOE elements in your country? • How concerned are the main users about any of the NOE problem areas? The bigger their concerns, the more effort NOE measurements merits • Is a strategy developed to start the NOE estimation or to improve it?
7. Non-Observed Economy (2) • Does the statistical office have a multi-year plan? if not, is this a priority? • Does the statistical office recognize and attach appropriate importance to its structure in order to implement NOE measurement strategy? • Is open expression of possible problems of NOE?
7. Non-Observed Economy (3) • Are there partnerships with administrative agencies with a view of a better use of administrative sources to satisfy statistical office data needs, in particular to address NOE coverage problems? • Are methods to estimate NOE applied? Which are the results? • Are the estimates disseminated?
8. Informal Sector • How big and important is the informal sector in the country? • What are the available data sources that could be used for estimations? • What new surveys are needed to improve the estimations?
8. Informal Sector(2) • What are the methods applied for the estimation of informal sector? • What is the quality of the results? • Are the data disseminated?
9. Handbook • What is your general impression of the Handbook (layout, size, clarity)? • What topics are missing? • What topics should be treated in more length? • Are there topics which can be treated more succinctly? Or perhaps be left out completely?
9. Handbook (2) • Is the treatment in the Handbook sufficiently practice oriented? Are the examples clear and relevant? Should there be more examples? • Will the Handbook be of practical use for your country in the implementation of SNA 2008? If no, why not? • Any other comments that will allow us to improve the quality of the Handbook