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Engaging First Day School Activity Plan

Set up seating, record summer activities, define terms, and discuss observations. Review class syllabus and complete assignments.

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Engaging First Day School Activity Plan

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 8/26/13First Day of School Learning Goal: I will be able to make observations.

  2. Choose your seat. • On the index card write your: *name *birth date *4 things you did this summer • Read the class syllabus and underline any confusions. • Write down the learning goal and today’s assignment in your agenda or notebook. Do Now

  3. What did you observe today as you entered G.C. Hawley Middle School? • In your notebook write down your observations. • Discuss among your table partners what you observed. • Group discussion about observations. • Define the following terms: observation, qualitative, and quantitative. Use the Basic Science Skill file located on my webpage: http://www.gcs.k12.nc.us/site/default.aspx?PageID=2554 Today’s Assignment

  4. Get forms signed: • Lunch form (if not needed, please return blank) Lunch status is the same as last year for the first 10 days of school. • Health letter • Student information sheet • 7th grade welcome letter • Class syllabus Assignment to Complete At Home

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