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Komodo Dragons ( Varanus Komodoen sis )

Komodo Dragons ( Varanus Komodoen sis ). By Tre Tucci. Introduction. Animal: Komodo Dragon Species: Varanus Komodoen S is Status: Endangered humans hunt them Lifespan: 30+ in wild Physical Features: Height: 10 feet Weight: 300 lb

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Komodo Dragons ( Varanus Komodoen sis )

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Komodo Dragons(VaranusKomodoensis) By Tre Tucci

  2. Introduction • Animal: Komodo Dragon • Species: VaranusKomodoenSis • Status: Endangered humans hunt them • Lifespan: 30+ in wild • Physical Features: • Height: 10 feet • Weight: 300 lb • Body: long flat heads, rounded noses, scaly skin, bowed legs and muscular tails

  3. Habitat • Lives on Indonesia's lesser Sunda islands • Climate: 74F⁰ – 84F⁰ • Landforms: more than 100 active volcanoes

  4. Food • Komodo dragons are carnivores . • They eat almost everything they find . • They share food.

  5. Behavior • Komodo dragons have a back and forth walk • They will eat humans occasionally

  6. Reproduction • Around 30 eggs • The female will guard eggs for several months • Babies greenish with yellow and black bands

  7. Adaptation • Physical: claws help the dragon get food, teeth help hunt. dragons have flexible throats to swallow huge chunks of meat • Behavioral: the dragon has a tongue that helps it smell and a strong tail to swim • Physiological: they have bacteria-ridden saliva that will kill in 24 hrs

  8. Fun Facts • When fighting for a mate they will stand on their hind legs • One dragon wounded by another is not hurt by the saliva

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