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Ship Recycling Transfer of Knowledge and Technology Transfer Workshop Izmir, 14-16 July 2010. Decent Work for All ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE 2006-2015. By Ingrid Christensen ILO Decent Work Team for South Asia
Ship Recycling Transfer of Knowledge and Technology Transfer Workshop Izmir, 14-16 July 2010 Decent Work for All ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE 2006-2015 By Ingrid Christensen ILO Decent Work Team for South Asia For distribution at workshop
Ship Recycling from an ILO perspective • Ship recycling provides employment to a large number of workers (direct and indirect employment) – many from poor regions of the countries; • … provides business opportunities • … provides steel, goods & tax revenues to the country; • Disposal of ships – recycling, a sound principle • But… • A hazardous industry • Other Decent Work deficits • …. Though scope exists for a decent and greener industry “ ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE 2006-2015 Decent Work for All
ILO and the other UN agencies • ILO is pleased to collaborate with Secretariat of the Basel Convention and the International Maritime Organization in advancing a safe and environmentally sound ship recycling. • Within the Decent Work Agenda, ILO can and will contribute to achieving the principles and standards as enshrined in the Basel Convention and the Hong Kong Convention. • … But what does the concept of Decent Work entailɁ “ ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE 2006-2015 Decent Work for All
ILO and the Decent Work Agenda • The International Labour Organization (ILO) is the tripartite UN agency that brings together governments, employers and workers of its member states in common action to: • …advance opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity, • ... through promoting rights at work, encouraging decent employment opportunities, enhancing social protection and strengthening dialogue in handling work-related issues. • Established in 1919 www.ilo.org “ ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE 2006-2015 Decent Work for All
ILO and the Decent Work Agenda • Promoting Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work • Freedom of Association, right to organize and to collective bargaining • Abolition of forced labour • Non-discrimination (gender, race, ethnicity, religion etc.) • Eradication of Child Labour • The Core Conventions covering above issues – the backdrop for all employment • Pakistan and Turkey – like majority of member States - have ratified all 8 Core Conventions; hence the principles binding on the countries “ ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE 2006-2015 Decent Work for All
ILO and the Decent Work Agenda • Encouraging decent, productive and gainful employment • National Employment Framework – in some countries with focus on job rich growth or labour intensive, in other countries a more technology-based is the better option • Business development from nano-, micro- and upwards for growth, productivity and competitiveness • Skills development for enhanced employability • Employment for the vulnerable • …and jobs should be green to reduce impact on climate “ ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE 2006-2015 Decent Work for All
ILO and the Decent Work Agenda • Enhancing social protection • Decent working and employment conditions (employment contracts, working hours and days, wages and payment) • Safety and health at work – prevent accidents and diseases, and promote healthy workplaces addressing issues of HIV/AIDS, TB etc. • Social security to protect when work is not possible (accidents, sickness, old age) • Protection of vulnerable e.g. migrant workers “ ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE 2006-2015 Decent Work for All
ILO and the Decent Work Agenda • Strengthening social dialogue • Promote tripartite dialogue at international, national, regional or sectoral level (Government and Employers´ & Workers´ organizations) to discuss work related issues • Promote dialogue at workplaces - employer-worker, but also involving (labour) contractors and others • Strengthen labour administration (legislation and standards, labour inspection, the social partners – alone or together) “ ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE 2006-2015 Decent Work for All
ILO and the Decent Work Agenda • Issues (on previous slides) are all elements that contributes to the achieving the goal of Decent Work • They are interlinked – but the exact "mix" varies from country to country over time • A sectoral approach – the approach by the ILO to Ship Recycling “ ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE 2006-2015 Decent Work for All
ILO and the Decent Work Agenda • A set of priority areas in Asia (with majority of ship recycling) have been developed in consultation with ILO partners (See next slide) • How can ship recycling be involved in/benefit from the activities of these areasɁ “ ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE 2006-2015 Decent Work for All
Asia-Pacific Priorities include • Increasing productivity, competitiveness and jobs; • Job creation, skills development, green jobs within framework of decent work – Crisis response • Improved labour market governance; • Social dialogue, strengthening of partners, labour administration and inspection • Expanded social protection; • Different transfer schemes, social protection (security) floor, OSH/CoW, HIV/AIDS • Eliminating child labour, creating opportunities for young people; • Child labour, youth employment • Improved management of labour migration; • Labour migration frameworks • Gender as cross-cutting theme “ ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE 2006-2015 Decent Work for All
Asia-Pacific Priorities • ILO will also continue promoting its Conventions and other standards and the principles enshrined in them - both the Core Conventions, the Governance Conventions, e.g. regarding tripartite collaboration, and the other technical Conventions (e.g. the Occupational Safety and Health Convention, No 155, 1981. • Remain in force and relevant, irrespective of Basel, Hong Kong and other Conventions “ ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE 2006-2015 Decent Work for All
Decent Work Deficits in Ship Recycling • Some issues and challenges • Unsafe and unhealthy working and living conditions • Yes, but there are more… “ ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE 2006-2015 Decent Work for All
Decent Work Deficits in Ship Recycling • Some issues and challenges • A mainly unskilled and (semi)/illiterate workforce • Lack of recognition of the industry • A considerable amount migrant workers, uprooted from their families • No employment contracts • No protection in case of sickness, accidents • Long working hours, sometimes shiftwork • Workers not allowed to form or associate themselves with trade unions • Child labourɁ • Lack of dialogue among partners – and what about coordinationɁ • No/limited inspection …… and where are the women Ɂ “ ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE 2006-2015 Decent Work for All
Towards Decent Work • in Sustainable Ship Recycling • Contribute to achieve the goals of the Basel Convention, the Hong Kong Convention etc. • In addition, we can contribute towards e.g. • a better skilled labour force in ship recycling for higher productivity and quality of e.g. scrap steel, a workforce that could work in other industries with similar work functions and a workforce that can contribute to the development of the society (large skill development initiatives on/going in Pakistan) • an industry that is recognised and sustainable with potential for growth, high productivity, better outcome and/or diversifying its activities • an industry that has a "green or greener footprint" “ ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE 2006-2015 Decent Work for All
Towards Decent Work • in Sustainable Ship Recycling • In addition, we can contribute towards e.g. (cont´d) • development of a preventative safety and health culture and more healthy workplaces, leading to a more healthy workforce and less accidents and diseases (also better business) • development and introduction of proper and transparent employment contracts outlining at least basic conditions for the employment relationship • provision of a (minimum) social security floor • development of harmonious industrial relations, based on dialogue so as to avoid or minimise situations like the recent strikes in Pakistan and earlier this year in Bangladesh “ ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE 2006-2015 Decent Work for All
Towards Decent Work • in Sustainable Ship Recycling • In addition, we can contribute towards e.g. (cont´d) • a sound and constructive tripartite or bipartite dialogue between government, employers and workers, recalling the overarching principle of worker involvement and the need to involve the other partners and stakeholders • strengthened labour administration and social partners • observing the principles of the Core Conventions • Dialogue, coordination and collaboration among all partners - a prerequisite for success “ ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE 2006-2015 Decent Work for All
ILO recent and current activities • on Ship Recycling e.g. • Development of Safety and Health in Shipbreaking. Guidelines for Asia and Turkey (see later slides) • Implementation of the Safe and Environment Friendly Ship-Recyling Project in Bangladesh • Promotional activities in all five countries • A member of Joint Working Group (IMO, SBC and ILO) • Contribution/technical advice to the development of the Hong Kong and Basel Convention and the subsidiary standards (e.g. MEPC) • Contribution to the implementation of above and to programmes, projects and materials by other partners • Study on Labour Conditions within framework of Better Work (IFC/ILO) “ ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE 2006-2015 Decent Work for All
Safety and Health in Shipbreaking – • Content • Background, glossary, • General provisions and industry characteristics • Part I: National Framework (responsibilities, legal framework, OSH management, reporting of accidents and diseases, OHS) • Part II: Safe Shipbreaking Operations (technical prevention, training, contingency and emergency preparedness, PPE, social protection, welfare) • Bibliography and annexes “ ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE 2006-2015 Decent Work for All
“ Thank you and wishing you all a successful workshop ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE 2006-2015 Decent Work for All