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Tri-Tech Medical

Tri-Tech Medical. Medical Gas Alarm Panel Conversion Kits. Why convert?. Present alarm is not NFPA compliant Present alarm is not functioning properly and replacement / repair parts are not available

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Tri-Tech Medical

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  1. Tri-Tech Medical Medical Gas Alarm Panel Conversion Kits

  2. Why convert? • Present alarm is not NFPA compliant • Present alarm is not functioning properly and replacement / repair parts are not available • Received notice years ago from Hill-Rom about an alarm that can overheat and smoke or flame, and finally have money allocated to do something about it

  3. Why convert? • Need to add gases to a zone of the hospital, and present alarm cannot be expanded • Need to link source alarm signals to Building Management System, and present alarm cannot provide that • Need to set up PC based interfacing of hospital alarm systems, and present alarms cannot provide that • Need to utilize existing alarm back box and allocated space to make any upgrades

  4. Tri-Tech DU/DC Series Alarm Conversions • Area Alarms • Master Alarms • Combination Alarms • Convert from most major brands, including Ohio Medical, Chemetron, Amico, and both Tri-Tech older versions • Get a fully functioning, NFPA compliant, state-of-the-art Tri-Tech DU/DC series alarm

  5. Conversion process…Determine sizing/configuration of alarm to be converted • Determine make, model, number of area modules and master signals of old alarm • Measure alarm panel - dimensions of back box and front panel • Know how the converted alarm should be configured • More or different area alarm gas modules? • More master alarm signals? • Combination alarm? • Building management interface? • TNET?

  6. Conversion process…Choose the Tri-Tech conversion that best fits the need • Three different standard sizes of Tri-Tech alarm panels, with corresponding number of area alarm and master alarm modules • 2 slot • 3 slot • 5 slot • Three different standard sizes of sub-mounting plates that correspond with those three sizes • Choose Tri-Tech conversion alarm panel • Unusual sizing? Standard conversion might still work! • Customized conversions and trim pieces are possible. • Call Tri-Tech for assistance.

  7. Conversion process…Choose the Tri-Tech conversion that best fits the need • 2 slot sub-mounting plate • 3 slot sub-mounting plate • 5 slot sub-mounting plate

  8. Conversion process…Disconnect/Remove existing components • Shut off and disconnect electrical power to the alarm • For Area Alarm, locate zone valves that provide gas to the alarm transducers, and shut off gas service • If Tri-Tech AU/AC series alarm, no need to shut off power or gas • We have made some “live” Area Alarm conversion kits that would not require shutting down the gas services, but this should be considered only when absolutely necessary • Label each Area Alarm transducer location with gas service! • Locate and remove existing Area Alarm transducers. Remove all non-DISS gas specific demand valve couplings.

  9. Conversion process…Disconnect/Remove existing components. • Disconnect and remove existing power supply • If Tri-Tech AU/AC series, do not remove the power supply • Remove existing front panel • If existing front panel houses signal wiring for Master Alarm, label/record all source wire positions

  10. Conversion process…Install Tri-Tech Transducers with connectors • Included in all Area Alarm conversions are parts needed to properly install Tri-Tech transducers • Couplers for DISS demand checks • 90° transducer connections • If using a coupler, make sure gas service matches DISS demand check valve - gas ID is stamped on DISS demand check valve • If transducers are mounted remotely, follow Appendix A of DU/DC Medical Gas Alarm installation manual

  11. Conversion process…Install Mounting Flange with power supply • Power supply comes pre-installed on the flange of the sub-mounting plate, but can be moved to different sides of sub-mounting plate • As long as power supply fits in back box with transducers, sub-mounting plate/conversion alarm can be positioned as needed • With conversion from Tri-Tech AU/AC series alarms, use existing power supply and no sub-mounting plate needed • Position and install sub-mounting plate with power supply over back box • Mark 4 drill holes • Make sure no utility services behind • Make sure it is level • Drill holes • With provided mollie bolts, install sub-mounting plate • Connect the three wires from the power supply to the 110 VAC supply wires using wire nuts

  12. Conversion process…Install Tri-Tech Medical alarm front panel • Insert new front panel over the two hinges and attached lanyards to the flange screw mounts • Carefully connect CPU wiring harness, making sure it is properly aligned • Attach the grounding wires

  13. Conversion process…Connect transducer and/or remote signal wires • Install the two wires from each transducer to the labeled BLK and WHT sensor slots • Install existing master signal wires into the NC labeled positions and the common wires into the C labeled positions. Follow same order as old panel had • If old master boards had been in back box, move wires from old points to new alarm connector points, and then remove old master boards

  14. Complete the installation • Label the front panel as needed • Restore electrical power and medical gases to the alarm panel • Make sure fuse is installed on the power supply and turn alarm on • Program if necessary • Area Alarm modules come pre-programmed • Master alarm points are programmed normally closed and all signals active • Test functioning and cross-connections

  15. Completed conversion

  16. Troubleshooting tips • The alarm you need to convert is not shown in our catalog page - Chances are Tri-Tech has a conversion that will work - Compare the back box dimensions with the sub-mounting plates - Know your riser connections - Send us pictures • The conversion needs to fit in a very tight / limited space - Tri-Tech conversion provides different mounting options - Power supply can be positioned in different positions on the sub-mounting plate - Sub-mounting plate can be positioned anywhere over the back box • The existing alarm has a large or a very small back box - Additional backing plate can be installed behind the sub-mounting plate to cover over the existing alarm back box cavity - It might be possible to cut out some wall to house the power supply, and transducers could still fit or could be mounted remotely. Unique accommodations are possible. • Transducers mounted remotely, or cannot be accessed - Tri-Tech transducers can be mounted remotely and wired to the conversion panel - New construction transducers can be supplied with risers to mount in the pipeline • When in doubt, call us or send us pictures - Pictures tell a thousand words - We are a knowledgeable bunch here at Tri-Tech

  17. NFPA 5.1.9 Level 1 Warning Systems • All master, area & local alarm systems used for medical gas & vacuum systems shall include the following: • Separate visual indicators for each condition monitored (except as permitted in • Visual indicators that remain in alarm until the situation that had caused the alarm is resolved • A cancelable audible indication of each alarm condition that produces a sound with a minimum of 80 dBA @ 3 ft • A means to visually indicate a lamp or LED failure • Visual & audible indication that the wiring to an alarm initiating device is disconnected • Labeling of each indicator, indicating the condition monitored • Labeling of each alarm panel for its area of surveillance • Re-initiation of the audible signal if another alarm condition occurs while the audible alarm is silenced • Powered by the Life Safety branch of the emergency electrical system • Power for local alarms, dew point sensors, & CO sensors permitted to be from the same essential electrical branch as is used to power the air compressor • Wiring from switches or sensors that is supervised or protected as required by Sect 517.30 (C) (3) of NFPA 70 • Assurance by the responsible authority of the facility that the labeling of the alarms, where room #’s or designations are used, is accurate & up-to-date • Provisions for automatic restart after a power loss of 10 seconds without giving false signals or requiring manual reset

  18. NFPA Area Alarms • Area alarm panels shall be provided to monitor all medical gas, medical-surgical vacuum, and piped WAGD systems supplying anesthetizing locations, and other vital life support and critical areas • Area alarms shall be located at a nurse’s station or other similar location that will provide for surveillance • Area alarm panels for medical gas systems shall indicate if the pressure in the lines in the area being monitored increases or decreases by 20% from the normal line pressure • Area alarm panels for medical-surgical vacuum systems shall indicate if the vacuum in the area drops to or below 300 mm (12 in Hg) • Sensors for area alarms shall be located as follows: • Vital life support & critical areas shall have the alarm sensors installed on the patient or use side of any of the individual zone valve box assemblies • Areas for anesthetizing gas delivery shall have the sensors installed either on the source side of any of the individual room zone valve box assemblies or on the patient or use side of each of the individual zone valve assemblies • The placement of the sensors shall not be affected by valves located in areas accessible to authorized personnel only, such as service valves

  19. NFPA Master Alarms • A master alarm system shall be provided to monitor the operation and condition of the source supply, the reserve source, and the pressure in the main lines of each medical gas & vacuum piping system • The master alarm system shall consist of two or more alarm panels located in at least two separate locations as follows: • One master alarm panel shall be located in the office or work space of the on-site individual responsible for the maintenance of the medical gas & vacuum systems • The second master alarm panel shall be located in an area of continuous observation • A centralized computer system shall be permitted to be substituted for one of the master alarms, if it complies with • The master alarm panels shall connect directly to the alarm devices they monitor • Master alarm signals shall not be relayed from one master alarm panel to another • Where multi-pole alarm relays are used to isolate the alarm initiating signals to master alarm panels, the control power source for the relays shall be independent of any of the master alarm panels • Multiple master alarms shall be permitted to monitor a single initiating device

  20. NFPA Master Alarms • Master alarm panels for medical gas & vacuum systems shall each include the following signals: • An alarm condition when or just before changeover occurs in a medical gas system that is supplied by a manifold or other alternating-type bulk system that has as a part of its normal operation a changeover from one portion of the operating supply to another • An alarm indication for a bulk cryogenic liquid system when the main supply reaches an average day’s supply, indicating low contents • An alarm indication when or just before the changeover to the reserve supply occurs in a medical gas system that consists of one or more units that continuously supply the piping system while another unit remains as the reserve supply & operates only in the case of an emergency • An alarm indication for cylinder reserve pressure low when the content of a cylinder reserve header is reduced below one day’s supply • For bulk cryogenic liquid systems, an alarm when or at a predetermined set point before the reserve supply contents fall to one day’s average supply, indicating reserve low • Where a cryogenic liquid storage is used as a reserve for a bulk supply system, an alarm indication when the gas pressure available in the reserve unit is below that required for the medical gas system to function • An alarm indication when the pressure in the main line of each separate medical gas system increases 20 % or decreases 20% from the normal operating pressure

  21. NFPA Master Alarms • Master alarm panels for medical gas & vacuum systems shall each include the following signals: • An alarm indication when the medical-surgical vacuum pressure in the main line of each vacuum system drops to or below 300 mm (12 inHg) • An alarm indication(s) from the local alarm panel(s) as described in to indicate when one or more of the conditions being monitored at a site is in alarm • A medical air dew point high alarm from each compressor site to indicate when the line pressure dew point is greater than ± 2° C (+35° F) • A WAGD low alarm when the WAGD vacuum level or flow is below effective operating limits • An instrument air dew point high alarm from each compressor site to indicate when the line pressure dew point is greater than -30°C (-22°F) • The alarm indications required in and shall originate from sensors installed in the main lines immediately downstream of the source valves. Where it is necessary to install a main line valve in addition to a source valve, the sensors shall be located downstream of the main valve.

  22. Thank-you!

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