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Overview of MCHB Programs. Michael C. Lu, MD, MPH Associate Administrator Maternal and Child Health Bureau Health Resources and Services Administration Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Infant Mortality Washington, DC November 15, 2012. HRSA. Mission.
Overview of MCHB Programs Michael C. Lu, MD, MPH Associate Administrator Maternal and Child Health Bureau Health Resources and Services Administration Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Infant Mortality Washington, DC November 15, 2012
Mission • Improve the health of all women, children, and families in our nation
Overview Title V MCH Services Block Grant Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program Other Programs Autism Traumatic brain injury Sickle cell Universal newborn hearing screening Heritable disorders Emergency medical services for children Healthy Start
State Formula Grants ($551M) Special Projects of Regional and National Significance ($78M) Set-asides: oral health, sickle cell, epilepsy, fetal alcohol Most of our research and training programs Most of our projects including infant mortality collaborative Community Integrated Services Systems ($10M) Title V MCH Services Block Grant
Access Quality Integration Accountability Equity Title V MCH Services Block Grant
New MCH Pyramid Equity Accountability Integration Access Quality
New MCH Pyramid Equity Accountability Integration Access Quality
New MCH Pyramid Equity Accountability Integration Access Quality
New MCH Pyramid Equity Accountability Integration Access Quality
New MCH Pyramid Equity Accountability Integration Access Quality
New MCH Pyramid Equity Accountability Integration Access Quality Courtesy of Jennifer Pizzillo
State Formula Grants ($551M) Special Projects of Regional and National Significance ($78M) Set-asides: oral health, sickle cell, epilepsy, fetal alcohol Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network to address infant mortality (COIIN) MCH Training and Research Community Integrated Services Systems ($10M) Title V MCH Services Block Grant
Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (MIECHV)
Authorized under Affordable Care Act $1.5B over 5 years; $350M in 2012 In nearly all states and territories Home visits to at-risk families throughout pregnancy and in the first years of life Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program
Autism ($47M) Traumatic brain injury ($9.7M) Sickle cell ($4.7M) Universal newborn hearing screening ($18.6M) Heritable disorders ($9.8M) Emergency medical services for children ($21.1M) Healthy Start ($103M) Other Programs
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