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Living Wisely!. “So be very careful how you live. Do not live like those who are not wise, but live wisely. Use every chance you have for doing good, because these are evil times. So do not be foolish but learn what the Lord wants you to do.” Ephesians 5:15-17.
Living Wisely! “So be very careful how you live. Do not live like those who are not wise, but live wisely. Use every chance you have for doing good, because these are evil times. So do not be foolish but learn what the Lord wants you to do.” Ephesians 5:15-17
Sometimes we can be so heavenly minded that we are no earthly good!
Ephesians 5:15-17 NCV 15 So be very careful how you live. Do not live like those who are not wise, but live wisely. 16 Use every chance you…
…have for doing good because these are evil times. 17 So do not be foolish but learn what the Lord wants you to do.” Ephesians 5:15-17 NCV
We are Urged to Live ‘carefully’ Akribos ‘exactly, accurately, diligently’
The Goal! To understand ‘what the Lord wants you to do’ To Live Wisely!
Step Out of Yourself! Do a ‘Selfie’!
“Look into your own hearts before you eat the bread and drink the cup...” 1 Corinthians 11:28 NCV
“Look closely at yourselves. Test yourselves to see if you are living in the faith. You know that Jesus Christ is in you—unless you fail the test.” 2 Corinthians 13:5 NCV
Step Out of Yourself! What area of your life has the greatest need right now for evaluation?
Redig the Old Wells! One small discovery!
7 “So Isaac left that place and camped in the Valley of Gerar and lived there. 18 Long before this time Abraham had dug many wells, but after he died, the Philistines filled them…
…with dirt. So Isaac dug those wells again and gave them the same names his father had given them. 19 Isaac’s servants dug a well in the valley, from which a spring of water flowed.” Genesis 26:17-19 NCV
Redig the Old Wells! What action or standard do I need to ‘redig’ or rediscover in my life?
“This is what the Lord says: ‘Stand where the roads cross and look. Ask where the old way is, where the good way is, and walk on it. If you do, you will find rest…
“…for yourselves.’ But they have said, ‘We will not walk on the good way.’” Jeremiah 6:16 NCV
Make a Course Correction! The Spiritual Habits of Scripture
The Spiritual Habits of Scripture Sabbath Keeping
The Spiritual Habits of Scripture Retreat
The Spiritual Habits of Scripture Fasting
The Spiritual Habits of Scripture Prayer
The Spiritual Habits of Scripture Meditation
Today, this day, I will wisely take this one step to walk carefully, redeeming this day, uncovering the will of God in my life!
Living Wisely! “So be very careful how you live. Do not live like those who are not wise, but live wisely. Use every chance you have for doing good, because these are evil times. So do not be foolish but learn what the Lord wants you to do.” Ephesians 5:15-17