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Friendship and Relationships . By: Bianka Pastrano Miguel Monje Nagheili Angulo Tracy Dang. Introduction.
Friendship and Relationships By: BiankaPastrano Miguel Monje NagheiliAngulo Tracy Dang
Introduction • There are billions of people world wide. Many of which who sign up for Facebook to find relationships, meet new friends, or just to keep in contact with old friends. Using Facebook for relationship and/or friendship purposes can cause many problems between the new people you meet and the people you already know. Interaction on Online communities is damaging because it affects our everyday communications with other people.
Superficial vs. Authentic Friendships • Many people have lost the ability to draw a fine line between real friendships and fake friendships online. • Some may truly believe all 600 of the friends they have on Facebook are their true friends and trust all of them. • For example, in the film “Disconnected”, Isaiah tries to reach out to his online “friends” about his thought on ending his life. Instead of getting help he was pushed to the limit which ultimately took his life.
Less face to face contact • Friendships and Relationships on social media can cause less face to face interactions. • In an article on face to face communication, it states, “Online interaction greatly reduced face-to-face social interaction. Results revealed females reported more social anxiety (not comfortable talking with others in person) than did males. In addition, females, more than males, reported feeling more comfortable using SITs (text messaging and online social sites only) rather than talking with others face-to-face.” • This demonstrates that social media indeed causes a decrease in face to face contact with another person. It also shows that people with social anxiety are more likely to communicate on social media than in person.
Competition between Friends • The relationships and friendships on social media can become very competitive and dangerous. • In an article on Facebook, there are two types of competitions. One of which is to see who can have the most friends. Another is competing to make our lives look better or more fun than everybody else. • That demonstrates that social media causes people to compete with their own friends. Many people will become friends with random people on Facebook just to show others how many friends they could have.
Distraction from everyday life • Instead of studying or preparing for class, majority of students get distracted by social networking. • Even while out with friends or family, social networking finds its way into our lives. We see people taking pictures of their meals before eating, taking selfies for Snap Chat, or simply being on Facebook • Also while studying for a test or doing homework, many students have admitted to also be on some sort of online networking site • In an online article, it states, “a study by Junco and Cotten (2010) found that students who spent more time chatting online reported more academic impairment. The negative relationship between engaging in Facebook chat and time spent preparing for class suggests that there is something about the process of online chatting that detracts from schoolwork.”
Decrease in Confidence • The amount of feedback you get on a post from Facebook effects one’s self esteem and causes their confidence to decrease. • Studies have shown “that one in three respondents felt more dissatisfied with their own lives after spending time on the site. When people go on to Facebook they’re often crafting a persona they’re portraying themselves at their happiest.” • This demonstrates that children don’t have enough self-esteem because they are becoming dependent on who they are online and don’t except their REAL self. This can cause them to struggle with others in person because they start to believe they aren’t good enough.
Effects on Relationships • Couples are effected because they are so focused on online communities even while on dates or on days spent together. • Relationships have been broken due to online affairs. Couples have lost the ability to draw a fine line between what is an appropriate conversation and what is flirting when talking to someone online • “Online, people are more likely to be open, honest, and forthright, revealing personal truths; and the intimacy that might take months or years in an offline relationship may take only days or weeks online”
Counter argument • Although many people believe that social networking helps people stay connected to their old friends it does more harm than good. While people are worrying trying to keep up with their old friends they are withdrawing themselves from having face to face communication with their official friends. • Victims of social networking sites such as Facebook, and Instagram are suffering from losing many of their authentic friendships or even ruining relationships with important people. • They ruin their own relationships by letting themselves become distracted from the everyday life that occurs around them. People shouldn't be relying non social networking to keep friendships or find relationships because it completely contradicts the purpose if your going to end up ruining your current friendships or relationships.
Conclusion • Everyday communications with other people is a skill that is being lost whenever someone is interacting on online communities. Peoples lives are being effected in negative ways due to communicating over there internet. Their are more superficial friendships online, and people are having less face to face contact those people who actually are authentic friends. Social networking is becoming a distraction from people’s everyday life and then sucks them into a life that decreases their confidence, by what people say about them or who they are compared to. Social networking shouldn't be a place people turn to when they want to make or keep, friendship or relationships.
Questions? • Why is social networking breaking up so many relationships? • How has technology changed the way we interact with each other? • What is one way social media can distract a person from their everyday life? • How has social networking affected your relationship or someone's you know? • Social media distracts most students from doing what?
Work Cited • “Celebuzz Goes Inside MTV’s ‘Disconnected’ Premiere.” Celebuzz. 2012. • “Facebook: The Underlying Negative Aspects for Teens.” Ambassadors 4 Kids. Web. • Greig, Alex. All the Lonely Facebook Friends: Study Shows Social Media Makes us • More Lonley and Unhappy and Less Sociable. Daily Mail. 12 Sep. 2013. Web. • http://www.youtubeexposed.com/buy-instagram-followers-cheap.php • Junco, Reynol. “The Relationship Between Frequency of Facebook Use, Participation in Facebook Activities, and Student Engagement.” Computers & Education. Volume • 58. Issue 1. 2012. 163-171. Web.
Work Cited • Pierce, Tamyra. “Social Anxiety and Technology: Face-to-Face Communication Versus • Technological Communication Among Teens.” Computers in Human Behavior. Volume 25. Issue 6. 2009. 1367-1372. Web. • Richards, Adelina. “We Turn Skeletons Into Goddesses and Look to Them as if They • Might Teach Us How Not to Need.” Adelina’s Blog. Penn State. Web. • “Sarah Hyland V. MorenaBaccarin: Who’s Prettier in Pastels?” HL Intern. 25 Mar. 2013. • Web. • Savastio, Rebecca. “Facebook Causes Depress New Study Says.” Liberty Voice. 15 • Aug. 2013. Web. • Walsh, Peter. “Jail Warning to Norfolk and Suffolk’s ‘digital rubber-neckers’.” Eastern • Daily Press. 15 Sep. 1012. Web. • Young, Kimberly. “Internet Addiction: A New clinical Phenomenon and Its • Consequences.” Sage. 1 Dec. 2004. Web. • “5 Online Affairs in 2 1/2 Years.” Malaysia Edition. 8 Nov. 2013. Web