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Stephanie Puleo. CSC 104 December 13,2012. Societal Topics Weeks 7 and 8. Internet Regulation : States that it is about restricting or controlling certain pieces of information. This consisting of censorship of data, domain registration, IP access control, and many more.
Stephanie Puleo CSC 104 December 13,2012
Societal Topics Weeks 7 and 8 • Internet Regulation: States that it is about restricting or controlling certain pieces of information. This consisting of censorship of data, domain registration, IP access control, and many more. • Internet Governance: Operates critical infrastructure, development, regulation, and more. It is not restricted to the activities of the government • EdX: is a technology that uses structured data formats and software translators that communicate info between computer systems. They use standard data formats and program computers for use of documents, transmitting, and receiving documents. • Internet (IP) Addressing: are numeric identifiers that every device needs to connect to the internet. They ensure growth and stability of the internet. Most internet sources are addresses by IPv4. Two address protocols can be used together.
Societal Topics Weeks 9 and 10 • Ipc6: Websites need this to know where to send the information each time you search or access a website. This allows more people to go online with providing more addresses for everyone. IPv6 helps speeds up web programmers, helps to communicate to others, and keep privacy protected. • Net Neutrality: the user is in complete control of what you do online. It is a principle of the internet to be large and diverse in history. This has become a policy objective that includes free expression, user choice, and discrimination. Also business issues that include network traffic management, pricing, and business models. • Windows 8: Its’ start screen is the first thing you view when open your computer. The tiles on the screen are connected to a person, app, website, playlist, and many more. This windows operating system produced by Microsoft can be used on personal computers, desktops, laptops, and home theatre. Windows 8 focuses on improving user experience on mobile devices with new technologies. • Routing Autonomous Systems: is a collection of connected Internet Protocol (IP) routing prefixes under the control of one or more network operators that presents a common, clearly defined routing policy to the Internet.
Societal Topics Weeks 11, 12 and 13 • Privacy: is about retaining the ability to disclose data and expectations about context and sharing. Main points are identifiability, link ability of data, and the mining of quantities of information that erode the person’s ability to manage disclosure, context, and scope. The internet society focuses on trust and identity. • Border Gateway Protocol: makes core routing decisions on the internet. It maintains a table of IP networks the determine network reach ability among autonomous systems. BGP does not use traditional Interior Gateway Protocol but makes decisions n routing based on path, network policies, and rule sets. • Spam: major concern that congests networks, disseminations viruses, and fraudulent messages. It undermines trust on the internet. The fight against spam contains actions including and effective application of anti-spam law, awareness, technical solutions, and international cooperation. • MOOC: type of online course aimed at large-scale participation and open access via the web. MOOCs are a recent development in the area of distance education, and a progression of the kind of open education ideals suggested by open educational resources. • Security: believes that internet is for everybody and promotes the Internet’s development, stability, and security. They believe that malicious activities including service attacks, spam, viruses, scans, and other fraudulent activities abuse the freedom of the internet. This can cause damage to others that deserve safety with the online environment. • Standardization: is the process of developing and implementing technical standards.
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