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V P N. V P N. Renjie Weng rweng@stevens.edu. cs615 presentation 4/22/2013. Virtual Private Network. extends a private network across public networks like the Internet. Virtual Private Network. extends a private network across public networks like the Internet OpenVPN & EC2.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. V P N V P N RenjieWengrweng@stevens.edu cs615 presentation 4/22/2013

  2. Virtual Private Network • extends a private network across public networks like the Internet

  3. Virtual Private Network • extends a private network across public networks like the Internet • OpenVPN & EC2

  4. Virtual Private Network • extends a private network across public networks like the Internet • OpenVPN & EC2 • 2 private network behind NAT

  5. Virtual Private Network • extends a private network across public networks like the Internet • OpenVPN & EC2 • 2 private network behind NAT • Routing

  6. Virtual Private Network • extends a private network across public networks like the Internet • OpenVPN & EC2 • 2 private network behind NAT • Routing • Bridging

  7. Routing VS. Bridging Bridged mode -- Layer 2 -- Data Link • Works well with application-layer protocols that depend on LAN broadcast resolution • Can tunnel non-IP protocols

  8. Routing / NAT -- Layer 3 – Network • More efficient and scalable • Greater control over IP and routing configuration • Doesn't work well with application-layer protocols that depend on broadcast resolution

  9. Virtual Private Network How to set up: Download Server Package from OpenVPN.net Or, AWS AMIs

  10. VPN VS. VLAN • VPN is a method of creating a smaller sub network on top of an existing bigger network while VLAN is a subcategory of VPN

  11. VPN VS. VLAN • VPN is a method of creating a smaller sub network on top of an existing bigger network while VLAN is a subcategory of VPN • A VLAN is used to group computers that are not usually within same geography into the same broadcast domain while VPN is most commonly related to remote access to a company’s network

  12. VPN VS. PROXY • sniffing • transparent • uptime < 25%

  13. goagent • AWS charges, GAE doesn't. • 1 GigaBytes / day for ONE application • Build one for your own • Easy to distribute • http://code.google.com/p/goagent/

  14. Reference OpenVPN server: http://openvpn.net/index.php/access-server/download-openvpn-as-sw.html OpenVPN client: http://openvpn.net/?option=com_content&id=357 Install OpenVPNserver on CentOS: (1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aH1wkLZGhPQ (2) http://www.server-world.info/en/note?os=CentOS_6&p=openvpn (Server Directory: /usr/local/openvpn_as ; Admin: https://xxx:943/admin/ ) VPN client configmanager on Ubuntu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgsU86jdXIc *Bridge: http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/documentation/miscellaneous/76-ethernet-bridging.html Amazon Build-in OpenVPN AMIs: OpenVPN Access Server: http://docs.openvpn.net/how-to-tutorialsguides/virtual-platforms/amazon-ec2-appliance-ami-quick-start-guide/ StarCraft tools: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=72621

  15. Thank all. Q & A

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