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Jupiter. By: Jasmeet Nagi, Amaka Nwoko , Brooke M, Kevin Carbone. Basics of Jupiter. Jupiter is known as the Jovian Giant. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun and by the largest. Age : 4.5 billion years old Moons : 67 moons have been discovered so far.
Jupiter By: Jasmeet Nagi, AmakaNwoko, Brooke M, Kevin Carbone
Basics of Jupiter • Jupiter is known as the Jovian Giant. • Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun and by the largest. • Age: 4.5 billion years old • Moons: 67 moons have been discovered so far. • Magnetic Field: 20,000x as powerful as earth’s. • Tilt: 3.13 degrees. • Rotation: 9.9 mph. • 1 Day = 58.65 Earth Days • 1 Year= 11.86 Earth Years (4,332.6 E.D.) • Distance = 5 AU • Night: -121 C • Day: - 163 C • Mass: 317.83 Earth Masses. • Density: 1.326g/cm^3, less than 25% of Earth’s. • Structure: About 90% H; 10% He.
Discovery of Jupiter • Jupiter was discovered by Galileo Galilea. • He used his telescope, he saw 4 small “stars” near Jupiter. • Turned out to be Jupiter's largest moons known as Galilean Satellites.
Jupiter in General • Jupiter is a gas giant. • It’s known as “The Failed Star” because if it had 80x more mass, it could have started nuclear fusion, and it’s hot, dense center would have emit visible light like our sun. • The composition • About 90% Hydrogen and 10% Helium. • Metallic, liquid hydrogen layer of Jupiter a third of the way through (below the atmospheric layer). • Possibly has a rocky core the size of earth.
The Unstable Atmosphere • Jupiter cannot support seasons due to it’s 3.13 degree tilt. • Winds often exceed 340mph. • Equator bulges out due to rapid spin of the planet. • Differential Rotation: Certain portions of the planet rotates more slowly. • Storms develop in the gas atmosphere in as little as 24hr. • The Great Red Spot is a storm that’s been raging on for over 500 years.
The Great Red Spot • Cassini was believed to have discovered it in the late 1600’s. • 100 years ago it used to cover over 40,000km of Jupiter’s “surface”. • It’s currently shrinking, but that could be circular. • Rotates every 6 earth days. • Believed to be composed of Red Phosphorus and Sulfur. (Causes the reddish color). • Unable to move north or south due to powerful jets pushing on it from either direction.
Jupiter’s Rings • Jupiter has three rings: 1. Main Ring2. The Halo3. AmaltheaGlossamer • Rings made up of dust from moons getting pelted with meteors. • Main ring:1. 7000Km in width.2. Encompases two moons: Adrastea and Metis3. Discovered by Voyager 1. • Halo: 1. Very faint and wide ring.2. 20,000km thick. • Glossamer: 1. Extends out to moon Amalthea. 2. Composed of tiny particles the size of cigarette smoke.
Jupiter’s Moons There are four Galilean moons. • Io: • Inner of the four Galilean moons, this is the only moon with 400 active • volcanoes. • 2. Activity is the result of the heating from friction generated with Lo’s interior • as it is pulled between the other moons. • 3. This moon was named after the mythical character of “Io” a priestess who • Became one of Zeus’s lovers • Europa: • The 6th closest moon to Jupiter and the smallest of the 4 Galilean • Slightly smaller than Earth’s moon • Has a iron core, and outer layer is made out of silicate rock. • The rock is made up of oxygen, and the surface is composed of water.
Jupiter’s Moon • Calisto: • does not experience tidal heating • Tidal heating is locked, meaning the same hemisphere always faces inwards • composed of rocks and ice • Surface: solid water, carbon dioxide, silicates, and organic compounds. • Ganymede: • 7th away from Jupiter • Iron, rich liquid core • Saltwater ocean • Craters over 1/3 of the surface • Magnetosphere controlled by the charged particles.
Satellites • Galileo: • Launched on October 18, 1989 and arrived on Jupiter on • December 7th 1995. • Sent to Jupiter to study the moons • Known as the first spacecraft to orbit Jupiter • Measuring Jupiter’s atmosphere • Discovered the first asteroid moon named Dactyl • Collect evidence such as liquid ocean under the icy surface of Europa • Juno • Launched on August 5th 2011 • Placed a polar orbit to study the planets composition, gravity field and • magnetic field. • Juno will also search for the core, the amount of water present, and how the • mass of the planet is distributed.
Works Cited ^http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:PIA01627_Ringe.jpg ^^http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/image/planetary/jupiter/redspot_false2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/photo_gallery/photogallery ^^http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/image/planetary/jupiter/redspot_false2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/photo_gallery/photogallery-jupiter.html&h=744&w=974&sz=97&tbnid=XvG ^^https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=other+possible+storms+on+Jupiter&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&biw=1280&bih=681&wrapid=tlif136681679910610&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=Lvh3UY-_K5Se8gTJ5oGwCA#imgrc=_ZQR1rp www.universetoday.com National Geographic