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Enhancing Cargo Security: Moving Forward . David Fielder - Corporate Security Manager: Asia Pacific, China and S. Asia - Chairman: FIATA Advisory Body on Security Matters - FAPAA: Security Advisor - Director: TAPA Asia. What do you understand by Cargo Security?.
Enhancing Cargo Security:Moving Forward David Fielder- Corporate Security Manager: Asia Pacific, China and S. Asia- Chairman: FIATA Advisory Body on Security Matters- FAPAA: Security Advisor- Director: TAPA Asia
What do you understand by Cargo Security? • Government: ensuring nothing is added in such as WMD (do they exist?) or drugs • Carrier: nothing inserted into cargo which might damage the carrier and ensure no pilferage • Forwarder: No theft to our cargo
But are we all on the same page or & working together? TSA want clear plastic so that carrier knows what is on the pallet Forwarder wants a secure pallet to prevent theft. The two are diametrically opposed?
To move forward positively we must learn from then past: what worked and what did not work
Without the Road Map for the future, and without a target there can only be one result>>
100% Screened cargo on PAX carrier into USA First announcement to Forwarders only days before deadline Confidential data to carriers said to be much earlier Restriction on data release due to SSI rules (Secure and Sensitive Information) Yet we all have interest to protect cargo!!!! THIS DID NOT WORK WELL
Can we really secure cargo by regulations alone? Regulations must be practical to achieve the results Regulators MUST ensure industry collaboration ICAO Security Secretariat has established a working group on Aviation Supply Chain Security which includes regulators, carriers and forwarders But what is the definition of a “Supply Chain?”
Secure carrier Departure Airport Haulier Freight Forwarder Haulier Shipper Ground Handler Transhipment Airport Destination Airport Consignee IATA CONCEPT OF A SUPPLY CHAIN What is missing? ? A chain is a serious of links from one end to the other, but what defines the ends?
Security initiatives MUST change from Reactionary to Pro-active Lockerbie Bombing – enhanced security checks on luggage 9/11 : Various US Acts to enhance aviation security including amendment 10 to Annex 17 Shoe Bomber: taking shoes off when passing airport security Bomb in underpants: full body scanners to be introduced Person found hiding in cargo: ACSIP Rules (Jack in the Box rules) So what is next?
The right strategy with the correct linked partners will bring results BUT : what if there is a break in the chain? We Fail and are Exposed to risk,
THE FUTURE: CYNICAL COMMENT - WHAT IS THE INCENTIVE TO STOP THE WAR ON TERROR AND DO GOVERNEMNETS REALLY WANT TO? The war on terror: Ensures employment globally for millions of people at borders Ensures jobs for millions of people producing Security Equipment Helps country’s GDP in developing the Security Business which was not badly affected by the recession Helps reduce unemployment
The future is inevitable and Security enhancement / growth is inevitable, so where are we going?>>>>>>>> Further developments in bio chips and even in-bedded chips Change of cargo types being placed on carriers Body scanners at aircraft doors 100% screening of cargo Bigger x-ray equipment Carriers with built in ETD sniffers in cargo holders
My doomsday Theory on Aviation Security • Volcanic issue closed airspace over Europe • Shippers sought alternatives which worked • Cargo trialed by train and ship may not return as costs savings found • Carbon footprint better with rail than air • Cost of produce declines so cost of cargo in transit fall • More buffer storage at destination to compensate for longer transit times • Switch to alternative transport to avoid huge security nightmares in rules and costs • Carrier lose freight income • PAX costs increase • Less Passengers, further reduced revenue • Carrier go bust • Regulators revise and reduce rules
With so much pre-advice data being required and transmitted on individuals before a flight and with ever increasing data storage, are we heading towards a Unique Passenger Code which one day might also replace or augment the passport or be a worldwide standard ID Card for aviation travel issued by the UN?
Acceptance by Regulators that forwarders know best how to secure their cargo against theft (and at same time intrusion). Accepting the question: Does the known shipper process really work? Will IATA Secure freight program really take off or be needed in light of likely 100% screening?
Are we tying ourselves in notes over regulatory compliance that doesn’t work? I would like to see: Less Bureaucracy and rules and regulations. The more the red tape and rules being clearly Black and white, the less common sense and initiatives happen by individuals to thwarting terrorism. The more solid the rules sets the framework for the terrorist to breach without hidden surprises.