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IEEE TMC Update Building the Relations between the Council and our Chapters

IEEE TMC Update Building the Relations between the Council and our Chapters Sept. 29 , 9am US EST, 2009 Webinar TMC Webinar Planning Committee Celia Desmond Liang Downey Osvaldo Perez John Reinert Luke Maki Mark Ciechanowski. TMC Briefing Agenda.

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IEEE TMC Update Building the Relations between the Council and our Chapters

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  1. IEEE TMC Update • Building the Relations between the Council and our Chapters • Sept. 29 , 9am US EST, 2009 Webinar • TMC Webinar Planning Committee • Celia Desmond • Liang Downey • Osvaldo Perez • John Reinert • Luke Maki • Mark Ciechanowski

  2. TMC Briefing Agenda • Opening Remark C. Desmond/L. Downey 9:00am (5min) • A message from the TMC President G. Gaynor 9:05am (5min) • A message from the TMC V.P. of Operations I. Engelson 9:10am (10min) • A message from the TMC Chapters Director C. Desmond9:20am (10min) • A message from the TMC V.P. of Conferences C. Rubenstein 9:30am (5min) • A message from the TMC V.P. of Publications L. Martinich 9:35am (10min) • A message from the IEEE MGA J. Reinert 9:45am (5min) • Northern Virginia & Washington chapter Douglas Holly 9:50am (10min) • Bangalore chapter Tathagat Vamar 10:00am (10min) • Binghamton Chapter Vince Socci 10:10am (10min) • Chapter Chair’s Kit O. Perez10:20am (15min) • Q & A 10:35am (15min) • Feedback and Expectations 10:50am (10min) • Adjourn11:00am • Note: time is based on US EST

  3. Building Relations: TMC and the Chapters29 September 2000 Gerard H. (Gus) Gaynor President IEEE Technology Management Council

  4. Thanks to the TMC Webinar Committee 4 20-Sep-14 Opening comments Differences: Societies and Councils Council Purposes Council Objectives TMC Products TMC Member Societies

  5. Thanks to the TMC Webinar Committee 5 20-Sep-14 Celia Desmond Liang Downey Osvaldo Perez John Reinert Luke Maki Mark Ciechanowski

  6. Society – Council Comparison • Society-Nature • Has journals • Has Conferences • Has AdCom • President on TAB • Has Chapters • Can nominate Fellows • Individual Members • No fiscal backing • Council-Nature • Has journals • Has Conferences • Has AdCom • President on TAB • Has Chapters • Can nominate Fellows • Society Members • Finances backed by member societies

  7. Council Purpose “… organized to advance the profession of engineering, technology, and innovation management and the careers of IEEE members and individuals in the profession and includes managers, those aspiring to management, and technical professionals.”

  8. Council Objectives • Provide managers and technology professionals with the fundamental tools related to managing • Advance the practice and application of fundamental management principles for managing organizations with high technical content

  9. Council Objectives • Identify future directions related to managing, engineering, technology, and innovation • Advance the practice of engineering, technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship • Promote cooperation and exchange of information on the practice and theory of managing

  10. Transitioning Products & Services Transactions on Engineering Management Engineering Management Review TMC Website International Engineering Management Conferences

  11. Management Council Members • Broadcast Technology Society • Circuits & Systems Society • Communications Society • Computer Society • Electromagnetic Compatibility • Electron Devices Society • Industrial Electronics Society • Photonics Society • Professional Communication Society • Reliability Society • Signal Processing Society • Solid State Circuits Society • Systems Man and Cybernetics • Vehicular Technology

  12. Some Parting Thoughts What can we do to help you promote your Chapter activities? What can your Chapters do to promote our publications and conferences? Can you identify Chapter people who are willing to work on TMC committees? What do you as Chapters want to hear from us? Should TMC introduce an electronic newsletter and if so can you suggest a format? 12 20-Sep-14

  13. Thanks for listening and have a great meeting 13 20-Sep-14

  14. IEEE TMC Operations Dr. Irving Engelson, LF VP Operations TMC Chapters Webinar 29 September 2009

  15. Duties of the Vice President Operations The Vice President Operations shall serve as Council Parliamentarian, and shall be responsible for the Council Constitution and Bylaws, and for the development, coordination, and supervision of Council activities related to Council Chapters, fellows and awards. The Vice President Operations shall maintain Council relations with the IEEE societies, the IEEE Regions, and outside organizations.

  16. “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” Charles Darwin The EMS to TMC transition was in response to needed change, and a new beginning TMC is to be an IEEE change agent for Engineering and Technology Management The TMC Governance Documents have been designed to facilitate this objective.

  17. Governance Documents Format All items are identified by their numeric designations: 100 series – Constitution 200 series – Bylaws 300 series – Policies 400 series – Procedures 500 series – Miscellaneous

  18. 103 Membership i. Sustaining Members are societies …that participate in the … governance of the Council by appointing a voting member to the Council Board of Governors (BoG), accept their proportional share of council financial obligations, and share equally in any council distribution of excess council reserves…  

  19. ii. Supporting Members are societies that… participate in the …governance of the Council by appointing a non-voting corresponding member to the Council Board of Governors (BoG)… A Supporting Society, after paying a specified additional fee, may become a Sustaining Society Member by vote of the Council BoG…

  20. Appointments and Elections of TMC Voting Members There are two types of TMC voting Governors: 14 Society representatives Six TMC voting Officers.

  21. Even Societies serve two years 2008-9Odd Societies serve three years 2009-10 BTS – 02 CAS - 04 Computer - 16 LEOS - 36 PCS – 26 SMCS – 28 VTS - 06 EMC - 27 ComSoc – 19 EDS – 15 IES – 13 RS – 07 SPS – 01 SSC – 37

  22. Chapter Membership Council Members are the members of the 14 Council Member Societies. Because of the large diversity of technical interests, only a fraction of eligible Council members are interested in TMC activities. The Council should identify its active membership.

  23. 202.3 Individual Council Board of Governors Members Council Officers serve as voting members on the Board of Governors, but cannot be Society representatives. [If a rep becomes an officers, the society appoints a replacement]

  24. 205.2 Officer Terms of Office The term of elected officers shall be for a two-year period commencing at the start of the calendar year following their election. Vice Presidents may be reelected. Past-Presidents may be elected to any Office including President-elect. 205.3 Successors All officers shall continue to serve until their successors take office.

  25. Thank you!

  26. TMC Chapters 73 Chapters Celia Desmond TMC Chapter Coordinator

  27. Region 1

  28. Region 2

  29. Region 3

  30. Region 4

  31. Region 5

  32. Region 6

  33. Region 7

  34. Region 8

  35. Region 9

  36. Region 10

  37. Chapter Kit • Webinar • How can we best work together to further the interests of both the Council and the Chapters

  38. IEEE Technology Management Council Conference Update Charles Rubenstein, VP Conferences c.rubenstein@ieee.org 29 September 2009 TMC Chapter Chair Webinar

  39. TMC Conference Committee (ConfCom) The TMC Conference Committee Charles Rubenstein, Chair Dave Hendrickson, Secretary Michael Condry Celia Desmond Tariq Durrani Irving Engelson George Farris Rakesh Kumar Joel Snyder Wade Shaw Tuna Tarim Wil Thissen Jeffrey Welser Ex Officio: Gus Gaynor, Luke Maki • TMC ConfCom Sub-committees • TMC-Bay Area Steering Group • Co-Chairs: Michael Condry, Jeffrey Welser • TMC ConfCom Liaison: Michael Condry • TMC-China Steering Group • Co-Chairs: Dan Wang, Xudong Gao • TMC ConfCom Liaison: Irving Engelson • TMC-Europe Steering Group • Co-Chairs: Antonio Fernandes, Robert Bierwolf • TMC ConfCom Liaison: Wil Thissen • TMC Tutorials Sub-committee • Chair: TBD TMC Conferences goal is one ITMC and one or more TMC-venue conferences per year in addition to supporting Council Member Society conferences with tutorials, etc.

  40. TMC Sponsored Conferences 2009-2010 2009: ICDIM2009http://www.icdim.org1-4 November 2009 Ann Arbor, MI (T: 0%/25 %; IP) ICIII2009http://www.iciii-conf.org 26-27 December 2009 Xi’an, China (T: 0%/25 %; IP) 2010: ICMIT2010http://www.icmit2010.org2-5 June 2010: Singapore (S: 25%; IP) ICAMS2010 http://www.ieee-icams.org  23-25 July 2010: Sanya, China (T: 0%/23%; IP) CCCM2010 http://www.iita-conference.org/cccm2009 20-22 August 2010: Yangzhou University, China (T: 0%/23%; IP) ICMSE2010 http://icmse.hit.edu.cn/english/index.htmlTBD 2010: TBD (T: 0%/0%; IP) ICDIM2010 http://www.icdim.orgTBD 2010: TBD (T: 0%/25%; IP)

  41. TMC Flagship Conference Planning ITMC2011 (in preliminary approval stage) 2011 IEEE International Technology Management Conference (Michael Condry – Contact)  14-17 August 2011 Bay Area, California, USA ITMC2012 (in preliminary planning stage) 2012 IEEE International Technology Management Conference (Dr. Tariq Durrani – Contact)TBD June-August 2012 Glasgow, Scotland (Typical model: TMC: 70%; $10K Seed)

  42. For additional information, or to suggest a venue for future TMC Conferences Please contact Charles Rubenstein, VP Conferences c.rubenstein@ieee.org

  43. A Message From….Leslie Martinich, TMC VP Publications Publications includes: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management Editor: George Farris Includes: peer-reviewed original contributions of academic research regarding the theory and practice of engineering management

  44. Transactions Web Site:http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~ieeetem/

  45. Publications includes…. IEEE Engineering Management Review Editor: Wade Shaw Includes reprints of articles from other publications related to the professional practice of engineering.

  46. TMC Website

  47. TMC Website We invite your contributions to the website! News Events in your region Your region’s blog

  48. Questions? Email: Leslie Martinich lmartinich@ieee.org That’s the letter “L”

  49. IEEE MGACenter for Leadership Excellence(CLE)Training Materials Development John Reinert Committee Chair September 29, 2009

  50. What is the Center for Leadership Excellence MGA Ad Hoc Committee Implementing Recommendation #3 from 2008 Sections Congress: Provide "Leadership Training Handbook (Text and Multimedia) for Section Officers” Three levels of materials Quick Start: The first 30 days Standard: Build for the rest of the year Leadership: Specific skills development

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