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Warm ups. Jan 5, 2012 punctuation/commas The dog, said my dad, is scratching at the door and needs to go out for a walk. Warm up-Tuesday, January 17. Find the goofs in these sentences and correct them. 1. At the fair, I ate cotton candy, a carmel apple and, a foot-long hot dog.
Warm ups Jan 5, 2012 punctuation/commas The dog, said my dad, is scratching at the door and needs to go out for a walk.
Warm up-Tuesday, January 17.Find the goofs in these sentences and correct them. • 1. At the fair, I ate cotton candy, a carmel apple and, a foot-long hot dog. • 2. I pigged out on food a the fair, and got a stomachache as a result. • 3. Dad was tired but, he kept driving until we finally arrived a the beach.
answers • 1. At the fair, I ate cotton candy, a carmel apple, and a foot-long hot dog. • 2. I pigged out on food a the fair and got a stomachache as a result. • 3. Dad was tired, but he kept driving until we finally arrived a the beach.
Ethical Dilemma #1 • Jeff and his best friend, Steven go to different high schools. They’ve been friends since third grade, but since Jeff transferred to another school for 10th grade, they’ve started to grow apart. • One Saturday, Steven asked Jeff if he would drive him into the nearest city. He didn’t have his license yet and said he thought it would be fun for them to hang out. Jeff felt uncomfortable saying yes because he’d only had his license for six months and his parents told him he wasn’t allowed to drive into the city yet. But, Steven said that he wouldn’t be able to go without Jeff’s help and they never got to see each other anymore. Jeff agreed and they left that afternoon after telling Jeff’s parents they were driving to another friend’s house. • When they got to the city, Steven asked Jeff to drive across town to a particular address. When they arrived, Steven asked Jeff to wait in the car while he ran inside for a few minutes. After Steven returned to the car Jeff asked what was going on and Steven pulled out a bag of white powder. He admitted it was his drug connection and that the powder was crystal meth. When Jeff asked him why he didn’t tell him that was why they came to the city. Steven said he didn’t tell him because he figured Jeff wouldn’t go. • That night Jeff couldn’t sleep because he felt overwhelmed by what he had found out. He knew meth was no good and that Steven would continue using it with or without his help. He was angry that Steven had put him in the position of driving with an illegal substance, but even more importantly, he was worried about his friend. • Jeff had promised Steven he wouldn’t tell anyone about all this but it was driving him crazy. He had a teacher at school he really liked and trusted. He wanted to go to him and ask his advice. But what if the teacher decided to turn in his best friend? Jeff was torn about how best to protect Steven.
Warm-up Jan 6, 2011 (comma usage) • Change these two fragments into sentences without adding words: • Soon after Kacey fell asleep. • Before I went shopping.
Ethical Dilemma #1 • What do you think about what Steven asks of Jeff? Is it fair? What would you do if your friend asked you to do the same thing?Do you think Jeff should talk to the teacher he respects? If not, should he talk to anyone else? If so, who?
Warm up Jan 9, 2012Coordinating conjunctionsindependent clauses • My sister’s name is Miranda. My brother’s name is Austin. • I rushed home. I finished my homework before soccer practice. • I am very good in Spanish, and in French. • We went to the beach last summer, I learned to surf.
Corrections warm up jan 9, 2012 • My sister’s name is Miranda, and my brother’s name is Austin. • I rushed home, and finished my homework before soccer practice. • I am very good in Spanish and French. • We went to the beach last summer. I learned to surf.OR • We went to the beach last summer, and I learned to surf. OR • We went to the beach last summer; I learned to surf.
Write a letter • Using the vocabulary from “A Rose for Emily” • Write a letter to Stephen, to a teacher, to parents concerning the ethical dilemma we began last week. • Use all of the vocabulary words. • Due at the end of this class period, or when you walk in the door tomorrow.
Warm up January 10, 2012Introductory phrases and clausesadd a comma or keep it the same? • Since my mother forgot to pack me dessert I ate your Twinkie. • Eating too many Twinkies or other sweet things can give you the sugar jitters. • In June I will be going to a health camp. • After eating my cat hiccups.
January 10, 2012 answers • Since my mother forgot to pack me desert, I ate your Twinkie. • Eating too many Twinkies or other sweet things can give you the sugar jitters. • In June, I will be going to a health camp. • After eating, my cat hiccups.
Warm up January 11, 2012Use commas to emphasize an adverbthese sentences are correct, but how would you use commas for more emphasis?? • He fell off his bicycle hard after he skidded on loose gravel. • Tori ran fast and got home before her mother.
answers • He fell off his bicycle, hard,after he skidded on loose gravel. • Toriran, fast, and got home before her mother.
DIDLS Friday, January 13thWarm up: Grab a Literature Book! • What does each letter of DIDLS stand for? • D • I • D • L • S • Use the poem “Water, is taught from thirst” on page 428 in the Literature Book!
Ethical Dilemma #2Tuesday, January 17thDiscuss: What would you do? • THE SITUATION • Jennifer is a transfer student in her sophomore year in high school. By November, she had made some good friends through her soccer team and her classes, but still felt on the outside of the more popular students. She has a great relationship with her parents, and trusts their advice to just give it time. • The first weekend of Thanksgiving break, rumors started that a blow out party was happening at a sophomore girl’s house while the parents were out of town. Jennifer didn’t know the girl well but she was one of the most popular girls in the class and most of the upperclassmen were planning on attending, as well. One of the hottest junior guys had already asked her if she would be there. Everyone was saying this was going to be the best party of the year. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to break out of her small clique and hang out with the students everyone always talked about. • Her dilemma was that there was no way her parents would let her go to this party if they knew the parents were out of town, and she wanted to go very badly. Jennifer had rarely lied to her parents and never about anything big. She knew her parents trusted her and that made it even harder to lie to them. Because they respected her, she hated the times when she felt like she was letting them down. • Her friends told her to just not say anything and only lie if her parents directly asked her about adults being at the party. Easy enough for them to say, but her friends weren’t as tight with their parents as she was with hers. She felt that if she just went to this one party her social standing at school could be a lot different. She would get to know more students, she’d be seen as someone they can party with, and she wouldn’t be so shy about approaching the more popular students anymore. • Would it be worth it to hide the facts of the party from her parents and risk having to lie? And if they found out about the party, could she deal with the fact that they probably wouldn’t trust her anymore? On the other hand, everyone lies to his or her parents eventually. And if they never found out, what would it really matter?
Find the mistakes in these sentences and correct them!Warm up Wednesday, January 18th • At the fair, I ate cotton candy, a caramel apple and, a foot-long hot dog • I pigged out on food at the fair, and got a stomachache as a result • Dad was tired but, he kept driving until we finally arrived at the beach.
answers • At the fair, I ate cotton candy, a caramel apple, and a foot-long hot dog • I pigged out on food at the fair and got a stomachache as a result • Dad was tired , but he kept driving until we finally arrived at the beach.
Find the mistakes in these sentences and correct themWarm up Thursday, January 19th • Mom said, “I’m warning you! I can’t take much more of this honey.” • I live in a charming, old, nineteenth-century, house. • We will meet on Monday December 25, 2006.
answers • Mom said, “I’m warning you! I can’t take much more of this, honey.” • I live in a charming, old, nineteenth-century house. • We will meet on Monday, December 25, 2006.
Warm ups for Monday, January 30thThe Semi-Colon!!Use a semicolon between two sentences that are very closely related. • My family is Jewish. We celebrate Chanukah but not Christmas. • My dad is a coach oat the university. We get free tickets to any sports event we want to see. • I have three dogs; and two of them are golden retrievers.
answers • My family is Jewish; we celebrate Chanukah but not Christmas. • My dad is a coach at the university; we get free tickets to any sports event we want to see. • I have three dogs; two of them are golden retrievers. Or • I have three dogs, and two of them are golden retrievers.
Warm upTuesday, January 31 • I bet you thought you wouldn’t have to learn another semicolon rule, however, you were wrong! • We saw Meg, captain of the basketball team, Marshall, captain of the tennis team, Simon, captain of the crew, and Lisa, captain of the volleyball team.
Answers! • I bet you thought you wouldn’t have to learn another semicolon rule;however, you were wrong! • We saw Meg, captain of the basketball team; Marshall, captain of the tennis team; Simon, captain of the crew; and Lisa, captain of the volleyball team.
Add rhythm to your writing!Warm-up (2-17-12) • Write a four-sentence paragraph on any subject by using three long sentences and one short sentence to establish rhythm in the paragraph. • Example: Rachel had never given much thought about what she was going to do when she grew up, but she has now decided to become a writer. Creativity runs in her family. Her brother is a writer; her sister, a screen-writer. Mr. Stones, her English teacher, told her that she had a talent for writing. She responded by starting a writing journal, and now she is writing in it every day. Rachel is excited about writing a best-seller, but she knows that she must work very hard to accomplish this dream.
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridgeby Ambrose Bierce 2-15-12Warm up NOTES • Plot diagram with direct/indirect characterization • Take notes on film • TERMS: • 1. Objective point-of-view (author does NOT let us know any of the characters’ thoughts) • 2. Third person limited point-of-view (author lets us know one character’s thoughts) • 3. Stream-of-consciousness
Warm upsWednesday, Feb 22 • Power Point for Senior Classes • I. Lit Books p.384-385 Transcendentalism • II. Vocabulary p. 387 • III. Read “from Nature” by Ralph Waldo Emerson on pgs. 388-390 • IV. Answer questions on p. 390 #1-7
Warm-ups for Feb 28-March 2 • Journal Topic #1 Monday • What did you observe IN NATURE last week, over the weekend? • How did it change your day, perspective, or something else?
Journal #2 Tuesday • Warm up: • How has technology impacted your life positively? • How has it impacted your life in a negative way? • If you could go back to an Era in time, what would it be? Why?
Journal #3 Thursday, March 1 Write on one of the following Thoreau quotes: • Our life is frittered away by detail….simplify, simplify. • The swiftest traveller is he that goes afoot. • I have never yet met a man who was quite awake.
Journal #4 Friday, March 2 Write on one of these Thoreau quotes: “But there’s slavery in the north too. Every manshackled to a ten-hour-a-day is a work-slave. Every man who has to worry about next month’s rent is a money-slave.” “We do not ride the railroad; it rides upon us.”
Ethical Dilemma #1March 19, 2012 • THE SITUATION(present this to your students) • Corey was drunk. There might be times you can convince yourself that you’re okay — this wasn’t one of those times. He was drunk and he knew he was drunk. But that wasn’t the problem. He had gone to this party with his friends, including a designated driver, but they had already left. He was supposed to go with them, but he was having such a great time he told them he’d find another ride. • Now he was stuck. The only people left who could give him a ride were pretty wasted, themselves. He thought about calling a friend, but it was at least thirty miles to his house and he didn’t want to impose. He couldn’t stay where he was because he didn’t even know the people who threw the party. If he called his parents…. well, he couldn’t even imagine the lecture. He had already been given the “spring term senior year keep your nose to the grindstone” talk a hundred times. • A girl he had met that night said her friend was dropping her off and could take him too. Unfortunately, she was pretty buzzed. Corey knew it was dumb to get into the car with a driver you know is drunk. Everyone knows that. But everyone doesn’t have to go thirty miles and then face grumpy parents. As far as he was concerned, he was in trouble either way. He needed to make a decision.
Discussion questionsEthical Dilemma #1 • So, what should Corey do? • Is that different than what you actually would do? • If your best friend is ever in this situation what do you hope he or she will do? If your answer is different from the one above, why do you think that is? • WRITE ABOUT one of THE FOLLOWING: • Have you or anyone you know been in a situation like this? What choice was made? Do you think it was the right choice? • Have you ever made a choice that was contrary to what you clearly knew was the right choice or the smart choice? What factors contributed to your decision? Would you do it again?
Ethical Dilemma #3 • THE SITUATION • Phoebe is a senior and president of the student body. Lately she is becoming more and more overwhelmed by her rigorous AP course load and college applications. She has been sick for the past month and has fallen behind in many of her classes. Her application to Brown University and her AP Art History paper are both due on Monday. It’s Sunday now. Phoebe makes a tough decision and plagiarizes the entire section on Impressionism on her paper, finishes her application and goes to bed. On Monday, Phoebe turns in her paper. • By lunchtime, Phoebe’s AP Art History teacher had asked to see her. He quickly realized the fact that a large portion of her paper was plagiarized and confronts her about it. Phoebe bursts into tears and explains to him about all the pressures of being sick, taking five AP’s, playing three varsity sports and being president of the student body. Brown is her number one choice for college and she felt she had to make a choice. • Phoebe’s teacher turns her in to the school honor council. She is very remorseful and volunteers to give a speech to the student body apologizing for what she has done. She also begs the honor council not to write to the colleges that she has applied to, as she has worked so hard throughout her high school career and is applying to the most competitive colleges and universities. • What should the honor council do?
Vocabulary from Go Ask Alice • Delectable • Martyr • Conscientious • Eshelon • Posterity • Penance • Confidant • Mundance • Prodigal • Vacillating • Fortitude