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Vocabulary Week of April 18 th

Vocabulary Week of April 18 th. SECEDE. v. to formally withdraw from an alliance or association States seceded from the Union because they wanted to keep slavery for a variety of reasons, including economics. DEMOTION. n. a reduction to a lower rank or position

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Vocabulary Week of April 18 th

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Presentation Transcript

  1. VocabularyWeek of April 18th

  2. SECEDE • v. to formally withdraw from an alliance or association States seceded from the Union because they wanted to keep slavery for a variety of reasons, including economics.

  3. DEMOTION • n. a reduction to a lower rank or position Paul’s demotion at work from manager to supervisor was an embarrassment he never got over.

  4. DETAIN • v. to delay, keep or hold back Laura was late for work because she was detained in traffic by the train.

  5. DISSIPATE • v. to break up or scatter The radiation from Japan is not considered a threat to the United States, because it is dissipated in the atmosphere before it arrives here.

  6. FORTE • n. a person’s strength or specialty In golf, putting is not my forte, but I can hit my drives and fairway shots well.

  7. CATALYST • n. a substance that causes or hastens a chemical reaction; any agent that causes change Most historians agree that military disasters during World War I were the catalyst that sparked the Russian Revolution of 1917.

  8. ATONE • v. to make up for In some early societies, people who had committed certain crimes could atone for them by paying sums of money to their victims.

  9. INDISTICNT • adj. not sharply outlined We followed a narrow, indistinct path through the woods to the river.

  10. LUCID • adj. easy to understand, clear; rational, sane The author’s writing style is as lucid as the sparkling waters of a mountain lake on a spring morning.

  11. POSTHUMOUS • adj. occurring or published after death In a touching scene on the steps of the Capitol, the President awarded posthumous Medals of Honor to soldiers who had recently fallen in defense of the country.

  12. ERRATIC • adj. not regular or consistent The teacher was upset by his erratic behavior; one day he is an angel and the next he is her worst nightmare.

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