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Crisis Intervention Response. Shannon Jackson, PhD Tindley Accelerated Schools. The Need For A Comprehensive Crisis Response Plan.
Crisis Intervention Response Shannon Jackson, PhD Tindley AcceleratedSchools
The Need For A Comprehensive Crisis Response Plan During the last decade, American schools have experienced a marked escalation in violence and has increased the necessity for trauma response and mental health supports in school. These high profile episodes of traumatic events that are extensively covered by the media worldwide, and the devastation that is left in its wake, has infiltrated into our daily lives and awareness. As such, school-based crisis intervention response procedures are imperative to ensure effective responses to school emergencies and criminal acts.
Defining School Crisis What is a School Crisis? It is a sudden, unexpected, or unanticipated critical incident that disrupts the school day and may interfere with teaching, learning, attendance and behavior. • Implies that the individual’s usual coping mechanisms may not be sufficient to handle a particular situation. • Include: “experiencing, witnessing, and/or learning about an event that involves the actual death or physical injury, and or threatened death or physical injury” (APA, 2000, p.463).
Reporting a Crisis Bullying • Staff members report bullying incidents to AP of culture or Deanimmediately, accompanied by completed referral form. • Discipline dean contacts parents. • Monitoring of the situation is ongoing. Students are closely supervised at all times by staff. • Appropriate disciplinary action is taken against perpetrators. • Dean reports repeat offenders to administration, social worker counselor and/or psychologist. Child Abuse, Neglect, or Molestation • Staff report any suspected child abuse or neglect to the social worker, counselor, or psychologist immediately.
Cont. • The school social worker, counselor, or psychologist will file a Child Protective Service report promptly, and report the incident to the principal as soon as possible. • It is the responsibility of Child Protective Services to contact parents; staff do not contact parents. • Administration will contact Human Resources if a staff member is accused of child molestation, and the same reporting process is made; however, parents are contacted in such cases. • Human Resources will advise as to what action is to be taken with the staff member. • All incidents are kept confidential. • Referring staff member completes crisis intervention form, and forwards to administration before the end of the school day.
Incident of Violence Drug & Narcotic Use • Staff reports any known use of drugs on campus to administration, school police, school nurse, and/or deans immediately. • Administration notify the Chancellor and Director of External Relations. • Student is not left unattended. • Staff does not touch the drugs if possible. • Parents are then notified by administration after determination by police. • Referring staff member completes crisis intervention form, and forwards to administration before the end of the school day. Fighting • Staff reports fighting to the school police, principal, or deans. • Dean, principal or school police retains custody of student until released to parent/guardian. • Parents are contacted. • Student(s) is suspended.
Cont. • Continued monitoring of the situation occurs once student(s) returns from suspension. • Referring staff member completes crisis intervention form, and forwards to administration before the end of the school day. Fire Arms & Weapons • Any staff suspecting or having knowledge that a student has a weapon reports this to administration, school police, and/or office immediately. • Administration notify the Chancellor and Director of External Relations. • School-wide lockdown is announced over the P.A. system by administration or designee. • Incident command is established by administration and police. • Staff awaits further instructions from administration. • Referring staff member completes crisis intervention form, and forwards to administration before the end of the school day.
Cont. Loss or Traumatic Event (During School Day) • Staff notify administration, school police, and/or office of event immediately. • Administration will notify Chancellor and Director of External Relations. • Administration will Email staff advising of incident. • Administration will make an announcement via P.A. advising staff to read email. • Crisis Team is notified by administration or designee. • Identify student/adults in need of support. • Parent letter and ConnectEd will be sent to student body by administration under advisement of external relations. • Referring staff member completes crisis intervention form, and forwards to administration before the end of the school day.
Cont. Loss or Traumatic Event (After School Hours) • Staff notify administration, school police, and/or office of event immediately. • Administration will e-mail staff advising of incident . • Administration will make announcement over the P.A. advising staff to read email. • Crisis Team is notified by administration or designee. • Identify student/adults in need of support. • Parent letter and ConnectEd will be sent to student body by administration under advisement from external relations. • Referring staff member completes crisis intervention form, and forwards to administration before the end of the school day.
Cont. Sexual Harassment (Student/Student, Student/Staff) • Notify social worker, administration, school police, and/or dean immediately. • Administration notifies Chancellor and Director of External Relations. • Incident is investigation by appropriate personnel. • Title IX report, CPS report, police report completed as applicable and forwarded to administration. • Parent notified. • Appropriate disciplinary action taken. • Monitoring of the situation is ongoing. Students are closely supervised at all times by staff. • Referring staff member completes crisis intervention form, and forwards to administration before the end of the school day.
Cont. Sexual Intercourse (During school hours) • Staff should notify administration, social worker, counselor, psychologist, dean, and/or office. • Administration notifies Chancellor and Director of External Relations. • Parent notified. • Appropriate disciplinary action taken by dean. • Referring staff member completes crisis intervention form, and forwards to administration before the end of the school day. Shooting • Any person who hears or witnesses a shooting reports this to school police, administration, and/or office immediately. • Administration notifies Chancellor and Director of External Relations. • A lockdown is ordered over the P.A. system and students/staff should be on the floor away from any threatening person.
Cont. • Injuries are reported to the office. • Administration prepares to call IMPD. • Incident Command is established. • Crisis Team is notified, individuals with first aid training may assist. • Referring staff member completes crisis intervention form, and forwards to administration before the end of the school day. Substance Overdoses • Staff notify administration, police, school nurse, social worker, and/or office immediately. • Call 9-1-1, this can be done by either staff member or administration depending on emergency situation. • Detain students who may provide information. • Do not discuss nor speculate on situation with colleagues or students. • Wait with student until police or EMS arrives. • Try to find out what was taken. • Save any remaining drugs, empty bottles, etc to give to EMS. • Administration notifies parents.
Incident of Violence Cont. • Referring staff member completes crisis intervention form, and forwards to administration before the end of the school day. Suicide or Attempted Suicide (During school hours) • Administrator, school nurse, school police, and/or office notified immediately. • Administration notifies Chancellor and Director of External Relations. • First Aid/CPR is provided if necessary by nurse. • Administrator or designee notify EMS/Mental Health Services • School social worker, counselor, or psychologist notified. Parent/guardian is contacted. • Student is supervised at all times. • Social worker provides follow-up services. • Referring staff member completes crisis intervention form, and forwards to administration before the end of the school day.
Cont. Violent or Disruptive Parent • Staff notifies administration, school police, and/or the office immediately. • Administration notified Chancellor and Director of External Relations. • A lockdown or restricted area may be ordered over the P.A. system. • Administration prepares to call IMPD. • Incident Command is established. • Crisis Team is notified. • Students are kept under adult supervision at all times, and until further notice from administration.