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Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea Republic of Italy. Task Force for Central and Eastern Europe Environmental cooperation in the Republic of Serbia. Outline. Environmental cooperation in the Republic of Serbia Areas of cooperation Implemented activities Current activities Contact.
Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea Republic of Italy Task Force for Central and Eastern Europe Environmental cooperation in the Republic of Serbia
Outline • Environmental cooperation in the Republic of Serbia • Areas of cooperation • Implemented activities • Current activities • Contact
Environmental cooperation in the Republic of Serbia • MoU on “Cooperation for environmental protection” • the bilateral collaboration between the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea (IMELS) and the Serbian Ministry for the Environment and Spatial Planning (SMESP) started signing MoU in 2002; • the objective is the exchange of experiences related toUNFCCC
Areas of cooperation • Development of a legislative framework for the ratification of Kyoto Protocol • Implementation of a national inventory system to monitor the emissions of greenhouse gasses • Elaboration of national communication on climate change as required by UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol • Evaluation of potential Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects for carbon credits generation • Development of national framework necessary for the implementation of CDM: support to the Designated National Authority (DNA)
Implemented activities (I) • Development of a legislative framework for the Kyoto Protocol ratification and institution of the DNA for the implementation of the projects in the framework of CDM • Scouting of potential CDM projects in energy sector – first group of projects have been scouted with particular reference to small-hydro power plants, energy efficiency in industrial and civil field, wind database of possible sites for aeolian projects…
Implemented activities (II) • Elimination of chemical substance dangerous for ozone layer The project, realized with the collaboration of United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and finished in 2007, led to the elimination of chlorofluorocarbons in domestic refrigerators and freezers used by OBOD Elektroindustrija (Belgrade).
Implemented activities (III) • International Workshop on TransboundaryWater Management in South Eastern Europe • Organized by IMELS and UNECE in Belgrade, March 2006 • 14 EU and non-EU countries reviewed progress in the management of transboundary waters in SEE and discussed priority issues in the region • recommendations to address these issues were agreed upon and activities to improve cooperation on transboundary waters and implementation of the UNECE Water Convention and the EU WFD were proposed
Implemented activities (IV) • Reduction of chemical substance in agriculture The goal of the project was reduction of fertilizers and pesticides and introduction of innovative technology in agriculture. A training activity has been organized on many farms in order to introduce the innovative technology so that the local staff could learn and develop it on the Serbian farms.
Implemented activities (V) • “Environment for Europe” Conference, Belgrade 10th October 2007 IMELS, trough Italian Trust Fund (ITF) instituted at the Regional Environmental Centre (REC), contributed to the realization of basic documents (regarding investment for infrastructure, formation, climate change and environmental law) preparatory to Ministerial Declaration adopted at the Conference.
Implemented activites (VI) • Legal assistance in the Republic of Serbia • in creation of the legislative framework for the ratification and the implementation of the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol, with particular regard to the establishment of the DNA. • for the legislative harmonization process of Serbian environmental legislation with the acquis communautaire specifically for the development of the Primary and Secondary legislation in the following fields: • Primary legislation on environmental liability; • Energy efficiency; • Ambient Air Quality Protection.
Implemented projects (VII) • Reforestation project in the district of Vojvodina • A study of feasibility for the reforestation of Vojvodina district has been elaborated to evaluate both the opportunity to participate to CDM projects and to promote sustainable production of pellets to be exported using woody twiddle culture (five or seven years). • The project local partner is the public enterprise called “Vode Vojvodine” that manages about 13.000 hectare of woodland, whose 3.000 hectare are without trees.
Implemented projects (VIII) • Pancevo Action Programme • Energetic and environmental requalification programme in the industrial area of Pancevo is one of the most important activities that IMELS developed in the Republic of Serbia; • Fesibility studies in the following field have been achieved: • Effluent water treatment plant in the municipality of Pancevo • Industrial Atmospheric Pollution Management System • Environmental Reclamation of the sediments in Pancevo channel • Optimization of Heating District System in the municipality of Pancevo • Optimization of Energy Efficiency in HIP Azotara • Industrial Security Management System in HIP Azotara • Characterization and reclamation in hydrocarbon polluted areas • Industrial effluent treatment and management • Urban solid waste management
Current activities (I) • Pancevo Action Programme IMELS office in Pancevo was closed at the end of 2007 and now all activities are coordinated from the office in Belgrade. The following projects have reached the most advanced phase: • Technical Support in the Urban Waste Sector • Waste Water Treatment Plant
Current activities (II) • Pancevo Action Programme • Technical Support in the Urban Waste Sector– the project is in advanced phase of the realization financed through the “Protocolo Antonione” fund by Italian Cooperation. At the present, signing the agreement with Italian company that won the tender for purchasing the equpment (closed on June 19th 2009. ) is in progress. • Waste Water Treatment Plant – is a project of “Extension and Upgrading of the Sanitation Facilities and Implementation of the Wastewater Treatment Facility“. Only financial construction have to be closed since projects in Serbian language are finished in 2007: • General design of the Wastewater Treatment Plant, revised by Revision Commission of Autonomous Region of Vojvodina • Preliminary Design / Feasibility Study with Environmental Impact Assessment ready for the Revision Commission together with the Tender documentation
Current activities (III) • Call for Expression of Interest– for Italian companies for co-financing preparation of PDDs for identified CDM projects under the bilateral cooperation between IMELS and SMESP: • afforestation of bare soils in central Serbia • power and heat production from wood biomass • grid connected electricity generation using wind energy • energy efficiency measures in Hipol A.D. Factory • LFG collection and utilization at the landfill “Jovanovac” • AWMS methane recovery project, Pik – Becej • CDM project activity in brown colal mine “Soko”, Sokobanja
Thank you for your atteniton! Ministry for the EnvironmentLand and Sea Task Force for Central and Eastern Europe TaskForceCEE@minamb.org 56 Kneza Miloša St., Belgrade 11000, Serbia Tel.+381 11 36 29 225; +381 11 36 29 227; +381 11 36 29 760; Fax. +381 11 36 29 876