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Welcome to Third Grade. Mrs. Phillips 2013-2014. Buckle your seat belt…. Third Grade – A Handbook for Parents. http://www.desotocountyschools.org/Download.asp?L=2&LMID=457851&PN=DocumentUploads&DivisionID=10922&DepartmentID=11058&SubDepartmentID=&SubP=&Act=Download&T=1&I=285780.
Welcome to Third Grade Mrs. Phillips 2013-2014
Third Grade – A Handbook for Parents http://www.desotocountyschools.org/Download.asp?L=2&LMID=457851&PN=DocumentUploads&DivisionID=10922&DepartmentID=11058&SubDepartmentID=&SubP=&Act=Download&T=1&I=285780
Homework Folders • A homework packet is sent every Friday with practice in skills which will be tested in the near future. • Some of the skills are upcoming so may have not been reviewed in class yet. • If I feel your child needs extra practice or remediation in a skill, I will send individualized homework that meets the need of your student. • Homework will be checked every Thursday for completion.
Homework Folders • Reading Log • Read at least 60 minutes per week. This will increase to 80 after December. • Reading Logs must be returned on Thursday with homework packet. • Logs must be signed by parent. If log is NOT signed, it will be considered incomplete. • If homework or reading log is not complete, recess will be missed to get it done! One recess for every 20 minutes not completed.
Homework Folders A weekly newsletter will be sent home every Friday sometimes Monday. A list of reminders, dates to remember, objectives, test schedule, homework assignments, etc. will be found here.
Graded Paper Folders • Sent home every Tuesday • Return SIGNED Weekly Progress Report the next day • Return papers scoring 69 or below (I try to staple these to the WPR.) • Keep all others (A’s, B’s, C’s) • Go over any missed test questions. • If you receive someone else’s paper, please return it.
Behavior • Located on Weekly Progress Report. • If it is anything serious, you will be notified! • Students earn 5 points a day for every green day! They are able to purchase items or special passes with these points every 4 to 5 weeks. • Students will write a letter to you when a RED or PINK day has occurred.
Binders Don’t remove any papers! (We will clean them out at school at the end of each nine weeks.) Many things that must be referenced will be found in your child’s binder.
Binder Organization • Pencil Bag (to store flashcards) • Reading tab • Page protector • English/Writing tab • Page protector • Word Skills tab • Page protector • Math tab-papers • Page protector • Social Science tab • One pack of loose-leaf wide-ruled paper goes in back of binder not in between tabs.
Daily Schedule Activity/Conference Time 10:20 Lunch Time 12:05 Recess 1:00-1:20 (Wednesday- 9:40-10:00)
Spotlight Any handouts will be left on their desks Copy of notes given Must make up tests ASAP!! Our Spotlight day is Wednesday.
AR • Must meet certification by doing the following: • First a STAR test will be given to set your child’s reading goals. • Students are required to read at least 3 chapter books per nine week period. (The reading level and point value of each chapter book will vary per child.) • Each child must reach his/her point goal. This is set by minutes read per day. • 85% average must be maintained. • A page will be sent every nine week period explaining these set goals. • There will be NO school-wide rewards for AR this year. This will be done within the classroom.
Cursive Writing Your child will be taught cursive handwriting. We will spend 10 minutes a day practicing starting September.
Tests Tests are a true reflection of your child’s capabilities, so I do NOT believe in giving back tests to correct for credit. Practice passages at home and online Take time, read ALL the questions, and use UNRAAVEL DCS Procedure… No reading tests can be read aloud unless there is an exception in place.
Test Schedule • There is NOT a set test schedule in every subject. • Please see Weekly Newsletter for tentative test schedule. I will not give a test if I feel students are not ready. • We give grades on various activities throughout the week that are NOT considered tests.
PARCC Assessment State assessment- replacing MCT2 (This year both will be taken.) We will give 2 District-Wide (PARCC/CASE 21) assessments throughout the year in Math and ELA to record student growth.
ELA Grade Breakdown • Reading Comprehension • (skills tests and cold reads) = 50% • Language • (skills tests) = 40% • Performance-based Activities • (writing assignments, fluency assessments, speaking & listening activities) = 10% • Science, Social Studies, and Health will be integrated into ELA and will receive a grade of S, N, or U.
ELA Units • Unit 1: Stories Worth Telling Again and Again • Unit 2: Inspired by the Sea • Unit 3: Creative, Inventive, and Notable People • Unit 4: The People, the Preamble, and the Presidents • Unit 5: A Feast of Words on a Planet Called Earth and Beyond • Unit 6: Fantastic Adventures with Dragons, Gods, and Giants
Shurley English • Written Practice • Verbal Recitation • Parent Help Booklet link on my website • https://www.shurley.com/pdf/parent_help/Parent_Help_Booklet_Level_3.pdf
Math • 3rd Grade Common Core Math Standards Brochure • http://images.pcmac.org/SiSFiles/Schools/MS/DeSotoCounty/HernandoHillsElem/Uploads/DocumentsCategories/Documents/3rd%20grade%20brochure_6.pdf • Grades will consist of Performance Tasks, Standards Assessments and 1 Fact Fluency average per nine week period. Everything is weighted the same. • Weekly Fact Fluency Tests- important for problem solving • Websites: • www.multiplication.com • www.gamequarium.com • www.aplusmath.com • www.resourceroom.net • www.math.about.com
Absences/Check-Outs • Per state law, if your child misses more than 137 instructional minutes, he/she is counted absent for the entire day. All minutes of the day are considered instructional except lunch. Please limit check-outs to doctor appointments and emergencies only. • Absolutely NO check-outs after 2:00 p.m. • Please send a note explaining an absence when your child returns to school. There is a form you can print from HHES website.
Money • Please be sure to put a contact number on any checks that are sent to school. • Any money sent to school should be in a Ziploc bag or envelope with your child’s name and explanation of what it should be applied to.
Wish List • Magic Erasers • Red Pens • Individually wrapped candy • Composition notebooks (15) • NONFICTION BOOKS! • Room Mom:
Scholastic Book Orders • Sent home in Graded Papers Folder • Due by second to last Friday of each month. • Our classroom receives one free book with every online order. • Classroom code: H9L34
Contact Me Email is best! ashley.phillips@dcsms.org Text me at 901-619-6635. Especially if it’s something needing immediate attention. Sign-up for REMIND 101! View website: http://hhe.desotocountyschools.org/
Closing • Please remember, I am human just like you! I will make mistakes, I PROMISE! • All I ask is that we are on the same page. I need your support just like you need mine. • Your student will leave the 3rd grade ready to conquer 4th grade! • I have your students best interest at heart. • Please complete the form before you leave.
We are going to have a fantastic year! NO EXCUSES! JUST EXCELLENCE!