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Review for Standard 17 and 18 Test (Friday) 4/12

Review for Standard 17 and 18 Test (Friday) 4/12. Great Depression and New Deal. What president was in office when the Stock Market Crashed? . Herbert Hoover. Who moved to the West Coast to start their lives over again in the 1930's? .

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Review for Standard 17 and 18 Test (Friday) 4/12

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  1. Review for Standard 17 and 18 Test (Friday) 4/12 Great Depression and New Deal

  2. What president was in office when the Stock Market Crashed? • Herbert Hoover

  3. Who moved to the West Coast to start their lives over again in the 1930's? • Farmers of the Great Plains (Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Colorado, and New Mexico)

  4. What significant event happened to the world in 1929? • Stock Market Crashed

  5. Who were those who tried to make quick money on the stock market? • Speculators

  6. What did the Wagner Act provide? (3) • guaranteed workers the right to unionize • allowed for collective bargaining • allowed for binding arbitration • formed the National Labor Relations Board to monitor labor issues

  7. Why did FDR launch a SECOND New Deal? • To try and speed up the recovery process

  8. What caused farmers to leave their homes in the Great Plains of the U.S. during the early 1930's? (3) • Poor soil management • Drought • Winds

  9. What is stock speculation? • Money was not literally being put on stocks • There was an invisible value “lent” to people who often bought stock • Stock venders were giving stock value of money that really wasn’t there.

  10. What was the name given to shanty towns built in the era of the Great Depression? • Hoovervilles

  11. What the nickname given to the agricultural area of the U.S. that many people left because their farms were useless? • The Dust Bowl

  12. What is over production? • Producing too much, a surplus

  13. What happened when farmers had too much of a surplus and they couldn't make payments? • They claimed Bankruptcy (lost the farms)

  14. Why did farmers of the 1920's and 1930's have a surplus? • Advances made in Farming Technology. We were producing more than we ever had in history.

  15. What one event led the world into the Great Depression? • The Stock Market Crash of 1929

  16. What president gets the U.S. out of the Great Depression? • Franklin Delano Roosevelt

  17. How many times was the president from #15 elected? What political party was he affiliated? • 4 times • Democrat

  18. What is the law in 1935 passed by Congress to protect worker’s right to unionization? • Wagner Act

  19. Who was the presidential candidate (that ran against FDR) that believed that wealth should be redistributed to everyone in the U.S.? • Huey Long

  20. What did FDR try to do to the Supreme court during his presidency? • Tried to pass the “Court Packing” Bill, which would make the Supreme Court move from 9 Supreme Court justices to 12.

  21. Who was the man that organized a march on Washington D.C. for the elimination of discrimination in defense industries and government? • A. Phillip Randolph

  22. What laws were passed by the U.S. congress in 1930’s in response to the growing turmoil in Europe and Asia that eventually led to WWII? • Neutrality Act (FDR)

  23. What was created to help provide flood control, electricity generation and economic development for an un-modern section of the U.S. effect by the Great Depression? • Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

  24. What are the three R’s of FDR’s New Deal Policy? • Relief, Recovery, and Reform.

  25. What are temporary jobs given to single men filling sandbags and helping out like in a disaster situation? • Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

  26. What is the permanent agency designed to insure depositors money in savings bank (now up to $100,000.00)? • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

  27. What new deal agency enforced the labor laws under the Wagner act? • National Labor Relations Act and National Labor Relations Board (NLRA/NLRB)

  28. What is it called when someone (speculators) borrow money to buy stocks? • Buying on the margin

  29. What three things did the 1935 Social Security Act provide for Americans? • retirement benefits • unemployment insurance • welfare payments to the needy

  30. Why was FDR’s Court Packing Bill not considered a fair idea? • He was trying to control another branch of government (Judicial being selected by Executive) • He would be over powering the “Checks and Balances”

  31. When people didn’t buy product (for reasons like: they couldn’t afford it) it did what result in? (which effected Factories and Farmers) • Lower Prices

  32. What are two areas of social change that Eleanor Roosevelt helped promote during her husband’s term in office? • Minority Rights • Women’s Rights

  33. How many years did it take for FDR to write a second New Deal? • 2

  34. As the world dealt with the Great Depression, what happened in countries like Germany, Russia, Italy, and Japan? • Dictators rose to take power

  35. What is the name of the solution for the Great Depression? • The New Deal

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