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The top technologies transforming Telecommunications today

Read this article to get an idea to know about the technologies that can help the Telecommunication Industry Transformation.

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The top technologies transforming Telecommunications today

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  1. The Top Technologies Transforming Telecommunications Today

  2. When it comes to digital transformation and its necessity, everyone talks about how it is facilitating real-time communication, accelerating delivery capabilities, and what not.   But what has the digital transformation really led to?  The emergence of digital technology and innovation has connected every industry to each other. As digital has become the way of life, every business is leaping in the transformational race. An unsaid interdependency has been created among all the industry verticals in one way or another. However, there is one industry without which the transformational evolutionary process will come to a standstill – Telecommunications.  Holding the threads to global communications and connectivity, the telecom sector is at the center of all the ongoing disruptive activities.   In fact, the telecommunications industry has always been on an unstoppable train of disruption. It was disrupted when telephones came into being, when wires were cut, when internet was introduced, and Wi-Fi revolutionized things. Now, it is simply rolling on a high-growth trajectory. From smoke signals and postcards, to telegraphs and telephones, to smart phones and Wi-Fi, we have come back to the ‘wireless’ era – one that has several times advanced technologies and speed. 

  3. 2020 is a strategically-critical year. It marks the beginning of a decade and end of the other. As the dependency on telcos grows, it is necessary that significant resources are deployed to ensure negligible downtime. The market size for telecom assurance services is expected to reach USD 8.9 billion by 2024, growing at a CAGR of 9.4%. As the sector continues to invest in technological advancements and innovative solutions, quality assurance of communications services is becoming inevitable. Let us dive into the technologies that will grow, evolve, and sustain in 2020 and beyond in the telecom sector.  1. Internet of Things  Not only telecom is an enabler of IoT devices across the globe, but also a benefiter itself. As per a report, companies in the telecom industry have the largest budget for IoT infrastructure.  The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) defines IoT as “a network of physical objects, devices and systems connected to the internet that contain embedded technology and sensors to communicate and share data.”  The growth of IoT may be attributed to the advancing sensor technology as well as faster internet connectivity. This colossal augmentation in sophistication is drastically reducing operational costs and facilitating greater cost effectiveness.  

  4. 2. Big data and intelligent analytics  Both big data and AI are being talked about since a few years now. But, as we enter the next decade, it is necessary to give them a relook.  The improving connectivity and IoT devices are generating tons of data in volume. Although the telecom companies have the data repositories, they are not really putting them to real use. Without mining and analysis, the data is entirely useless and expensive to store.  In this decade, we can expect telcos to increase their investments in AI technologies for deriving meaningful insights from the data pools. Analytics and data-driven decision-making will see a surge and be well on its way of becoming the norm.  3. 5G  With the promise of near-zero latency period, 5G invited much buzz around it in 2019. As it is still to be rolled out for public use, it becomes a key trend to talk about for the coming years.  If 5G succeeds in delivering on what it has promised, it will not be long before we see the mere ideas and blueprints of full-fledged smart cities become a reality. Read Full Blog at: https://www.cigniti.com/blog/telecommunications-technology-trends/

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