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New Technologies: Transforming Learning

New Technologies: Transforming Learning. 19 th October 2007 Ian Noble. Using ICT-The Good Old Days. Starting to Use ICT-Raising Efficiency. My students use Excel to draw graphs. I use PowerPoint to illustrate my talks. My students type up reports in Word. I get stuff off the net.

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New Technologies: Transforming Learning

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Presentation Transcript

  1. New Technologies:Transforming Learning 19th October 2007 Ian Noble

  2. Using ICT-The Good Old Days

  3. Starting to Use ICT-Raising Efficiency My students use Excel to draw graphs I use PowerPoint to illustrate my talks My students type up reports in Word I get stuff off the net

  4. Where are you? Word Processing I use word processing: • To type up work sheets • To get students to improve presentation Stage 2 • Revise and rework reports • Provide writing frames for weak students Stage 3 • Synthesise ideas • Analyse information

  5. Where are you? The Web I use the web: • For private research to prepare lessons • Students print out whole web sites- no discrimination • Use web graphics to improve presentation Stage 2 • Structured interrogation of specific information • Evaluate sources and origin of information • Compare and contrast sources Stage 3 • E-learning and e-assessment • Collaboration and discussion. Blogs, Social networks • Synthesis- Wikis,

  6. Where are you? Digital Presentation I use PowerPoint to: • Present text and show pictures • Motivate students Stage 2 • Present students’ progress • Present exemplar work to students • Integrate sound and vision with visualisers and Clickview Stage 3 • Use with interactive whiteboards interactively • Students fully involved present and feedback to class

  7. Where are you? Multimedia and VAK • I use text and images Stage 2 • I use all media types in presentations • I prefer active learning to passive learning Stage 3 • I vary my lesson style to cover the full VAK range of learning styles • My students use Audacity or Moviemaker • My students make films and podcasts • My students use mind maps and e-portfolios

  8. What makes a grade 1 lesson? Transforming Learning Through Critical Thinking • Synthesis • Analysis • Evaluation

  9. What makes a grade 1 lesson? Transforming Learning Using Active Learning Methods • Communication • Collaboration • Creativity through media

  10. What makes a grade 1 lesson? Transforming Learning Through Personalisation • Match learning to learning style • Provide Anywhere Anytime Learning • Use Afl • On-line learning • Learning to Learn

  11. Can you spot the old teacher?

  12. Transforming Learning through “New Technologies” Using Media • DV Film making • Performance Analysis • Podcasting • Screen recorder Using pictures and mindmaps Web 2.0 Technologies Virtual Learning Environments Gaming environments E-assessment E-portfolios

  13. Podcasting 1.Direct capture from microphone 1.Transfer from I-Pod TTC Sharepoint or Radio Anywhere BBC Bitesize And external providers 3. Upload Audio files to web site or VLE 4.Download to computer or mp3 player 2.Produce and edit audio files

  14. Video Podcasting 1.Direct capture from DV Camera or download Sharepoint Download from Youtube 3. Upload Video files to web site 4.Download to computer or Video I-Pod 2. Produce and edit DV files

  15. Performance Analysis with Kandle 1.Direct capture from DV Camera or download from website Game or individual skill analysed

  16. Web 2.0 The phrase "Web 2.0" hints at an improved form of the World Wide Web. Technologies such as • Weblogs, • social bookmarking, • wikis, • podcasts, • RSS feeds, • social software, • eBay, • Flickr, • Youtube.

  17. Wikispaces • Link to Wikipedia • Link to Wikispaces • Introduction to Wiki

  18. Social networks • NING

  19. Flickr • Link to Flickr

  20. youtube • Ledzep To capture files see worksheet CPD and ICT

  21. Learning Platforms- VLE A VLE is a software tool which brings together, in an integrated environment, a range of resources that enable learners and staff to interact online, and includes content delivery and tracking. • Kaleidos • Moodle • Sharepoint and ClassServer

  22. Managed Learning Environment-MLE • An MLE brings together two distinct strands – a VLE and a management information system (MIS) and has the potential to fully integrate learning materials, pupil data and assessment (MLE = VLE + MIS). • We will shortly be bringing together Sims.net (MIS) and Sharepoint (VLE) to produce SimsLearning Gateway (MLE)

  23. Admin Staff Teachers Pupils Parents SIMS Learning Gateway SIMS LearningGateway Other Applications SIMS Data VirtualLearningEnvironment

  24. TTC Sharepoint The TTC Sharepoint VLE is a hierarchical system of websites that will be used to organise and deliver a wide variety of services to students so they can work on-line efficiently from home and at school.

  25. SHAREPOINT Tools • Shared Documents This is equivalent to the current shared area. You can set up as many folders as you like in the departmental site to store your files and documents • Tasks. You can set tasks for the users of your page to complete. • Announcements Specific announcements can be made as reminders the members of your class. • CLASSSERVER assignments can be set through the SLK (Sharepoint Learning Kit). • Calendar You can set up a calendar for your department or teaching group • Team Discussion You can set up a blog for your department or teaching group • Web links You can set up your own web links for your department or teaching group • Wiki You can set up a wikipedia calendar for your department or teaching group • Image Library You can provide a library of images for your group

  26. Mindmaps with Openmind • link

  27. E-assessmentE-portfolio for Year 9 DIDA • Link to example

  28. And now for something completely different • Voting systems - Nicole • Use of media- James • Using a Virtual Learning Environment -Simon • ICT in Maths- Richard • E-portfolios and tracking coursework-Gavin • Using Visualisers in Art- Paul

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