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Lecture 25

Lecture 25. Goals:. Chapters 18, micro-macro connection. Third test on Thursday at 7:15 pm. Nitrogen molecules near room temperature. Percentage of molecules. 15. 10. 5. (m/s). 0-100. 1000-1100. 900-1000. 700-800. 800-900. 300-400. 500-600. 200-300. 400-500. 500-600. 100-200.

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Lecture 25

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lecture 25 Goals: • Chapters 18, micro-macro connection • Third test on Thursday at 7:15 pm.

  2. Nitrogen molecules near room temperature Percentage of molecules 15 10 5 (m/s) 0-100 1000-1100 900-1000 700-800 800-900 300-400 500-600 200-300 400-500 500-600 100-200 600-700

  3. Atomic scale • What is the typical size of an atom or a small molecule? A) 10-6 m B) 10-10 m C) 10-15 m r r ≈1 angstrom=10-10 m

  4. Mean free path • Average distance particle moves between collisions: N/V: particles per unit volume • The mean free path at atmospheric pressure is: λ=68 nm

  5. Pressure in a gas

  6. Consider a gas with all molecules traveling at a speed vx hitting a wall. • If (N/V) increases by a factor of 2, the pressure would: A) decrease B) increase x2 C) increase x4 • If m increases by a factor of 2, the pressure would: A) decrease B) increase x2 C) increase x4 • If vx increases by a factor of 2, the pressure would: A) decrease B) increase x2 C) increase x4

  7. P=(N/V)mvx2 • Because we have a distribution of speeds: P=(N/V)m(vx2)avg • For a uniform, isotropic system: (vx2)avg= (vy2)avg= (vz2)avg • Root-mean-square speed: (v2)avg=(vx2)avg+(vy2)avg+(vz2)avg=Vrms2

  8. Microscopic calculation of pressure P=(N/V)m(vx2)avg =(1/3) (N/V)mvrms2 PV = (1/3) Nmvrms2

  9. Micro-macro connection PV = (1/3) Nmvrms2 PV = NkBT (ideal gas law) kBT =(1/3) mvrms2 • The average translational kinetic energy is: εavg=(1/2) mvrms2 εavg=(3/2) kBT

  10. The average kinetic energy of the molecules of an ideal gas at 10°C has the value K1. At what temperature T1 (in degrees Celsius) will the average kinetic energy of the same gas be twice this value, 2K1? (A) T1 = 20°C (B) T1 = 293°C (C) T1 = 100°C • Suppose that at some temperature we have oxygen molecules moving around at an average speed of 500 m/s. What would be the average speed of hydrogen molecules at the same temperature? (A) 100 m/s (B) 250 m/s (C) 500 m/s (D) 1000 m/s (E) 2000 m/s

  11. Equipartition theorem • Things are more complicated when energy can be stored in other degrees of freedom of the system. monatomic gas: translation solids: translation+potential energy diatomic molecules: translation+vibrations+rotations

  12. Equipartition theorem • The thermal energy is equally divided among all possible energy modes (degrees of freedom). The average thermal energy is (1/2)kBT for each degree of freedom. εavg=(3/2) kBT (monatomic gas) εavg=(6/2) kBT (solids) εavg=(5/2) kBT (diatomic molecules) • Note that if we have N particles: Eth=(3/2)N kBT =(3/2)nRT (monatomic gas) Eth=(6/2)N kBT =(6/2)nRT (solids) Eth=(5/2)N kBT =(5/2)nRT (diatomic molecules)

  13. Specific heat • Molar specific heats can be directly inferred from the thermal energy. Eth=(6/2)N kBT =(6/2)nRT (solid) ΔEth=(6/2)nRΔT=nCΔT C=3R (solid) • The specific heat for a diatomic gas will be larger than the specific heat of a monatomic gas: Cdiatomic=Cmonatomic+R

  14. Entropy • A perfume bottle breaks in the corner of a room. After some time, what would you expect? B) A)

  15. very unlikely • The probability for each particle to be on the left half is ½. probability=(1/2)N

  16. Second Law of thermodynamics • The entropy of an isolated system never decreases. It can only increase, or in equilibrium, remain constant. • The laws of probability dictate that a system will evolve towards the most probable and most random macroscopic state

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